Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Still Jewish

Hey Princess Ivanka and Prince Jared, just a few questions from this Jewish American…First, are you both still Jewish, i am wondering because your silence regarding the nazi support for your father and father-in-law is kind of, of, well missing…Second question, Princess and Prince, how do you explain to your JEWISH kids, that their grandpa, considers some American Nazi’s the Good Guys? How do you explain to your Jewish kids that when the American Nazi’s talk about killing Jews and ridding the world of their Jewish Blood, do the two of you just say, but don’t worry kids we are a different kind of Jew…you know the wealthy elite Jews of Berlin believed it was currency that flowed through their veins…Should make for some great Rosh Ha’Shana discussion this year, huh?

And a question to the Rabbi’s of the KUSHNER shul’s in  either DC or NYC, have you explained to your Congregants that some American Nazi’s are good guys. Or have you remained quiet because, well, because they ARE the KUSHNER’S, and why make waves. Or maybe you invited mega millionaire donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson to give a speech how Jewish life in Israel trumps Jewish life in America. Amazing, KUSHNER’S, Sheldon, and the KUSHNER family Rabbi’s how you believe silence does not lead to death.