Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Pretending to be a reformer a man of change, Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona has had enough and is calling out his Republican CongressPeople for having their heads in the sand when it comes to Trump. Good try Senator Flake, but some corrections…your colleagues heads are up Donald Trumps ass, and the majority of your Party's leadership, are in cohorts, with the either Putin/ his band of oligarchs or the Russian mafia. You want to make a difference Senator, a real difference not just a PR kind of statement, ask why no one in the leadership role in the House or Senate has given strong support to a real Russian collusion inquiry. Ask your House Putin puppets why all of the sudden they have more energy to lead test another witch hunt against Hillary, while in earnest avoiding any real investigation into Trump. It might be Senator Flake that you are not one of the popular kids in DC and not privy to Comrade McConnell and his side kick Little Pauly Ryan’s Russian donors…OR you, like the rest of the GOP are just playing America for the fools we have become.

So, now we hear that Ivanka and Melania were quite disturbed with the “Mooch’s comments on Steve Bannon's talent with genitalia. Both women rightfully urged the the “Mooch” be fired. BUT where was the outrage, when Trump bragged about grabbing the genitalia of women not his wife? Where was the disgust when Trump said he would date his daughter. Where was Ivanka’s outside voice when her dad cheated on her mom, had a kid out of wedlock then cheated on the second wife and married Melania? 

Now the Trump Talking Heads are lecturing us about how great a dad Trump really is to write a memo encouraging his son tom lie about an illegal meeting with Russians. Instead of begging his namesake to come clean do the right thing, Trump, ONLY trying to cover his own ass, places his son’s rump on the chopping block. And now we are to believe Trump was just being Father of the Year.  And when does ENOUGH become ENOUGH for the ladies named Trump, the GOP's love affair with Trump, and the Media’s refusal to call Trump a liar and stop right in his or her tracks ANYONE providing such alternate facts to make Rod Serling even fearful!