Wednesday, August 16, 2017


If the Democrat leadership, had a backbone, they might place an editorial in almost every single newspaper in this nation that would read: Dear Republican politicians, no matter how you might try to gerrymander more districts turning them red, no matter how many voter lists you try to purge, no matter how many illegal votes you try to muster up, to maintain your majority in Congress…no matter what anti-democratic processes your party bosses and their donor base wish to destroy the democratic foundations of this nation…it is HISTORY which will showcase that by supporting the man who thinks there are nice Nazi’s, nice White Nationalists, nice members of the KKK, you will have been on the wrong side of morals, values and decency. Republicans, show your love for Country, not Party, and step forward and renounce Trump and his bigoted racist philosophy , which includes embracing enemies of this nation, like the Confederacy, Fascism, and Communism. The Republican Party wields a lot of power to make change for this nation, which establishes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all, and if you refuse to be that kind of true Patriot, history will condemn you, and your generations that follow.

Stop your support of Trump, help with the investigation of Trump, prove him innocent or guilty, but use the tools of our democracy to do so.