Sunday, August 13, 2017

If You

If you voted for Trump, because, without any facts just fiction and innuendo he promised to Make America Great Again, and you are a descendent of a Veteran who enlisted to fight the fascist regimes of Germany and Italy during the Second World War, if you have honored your loved ones who risked life and limb to keep democracy, DEMOCRACY, for ALL Americans safe and sound, and YOU, after Saturday’s riots in Charlottesville’s, still believe that Trump has an iota of respect for ALL Americans, how do you keep from cracking the mirror when you look at yourself. Saturday, in Charlottesville, mostly men, carrying flags with a swaztika, and other Nazi significant icons of Fascist anti American propaganda paraded claiming that an all white America, and all Christian America is what makes America Great. Trump’s forced response as Commander in Chief was to never mention the anarchists of White Supremacy, the KKK and the Neo Nazi’s as enemies of the state, but preferred (in order to keep his bigoted self victimizing and self loathing lemmings in line), to state everyone, not just the anarchists were the problem. If after that statement as he was still on vacation, where he refused to say loud and proud the Neo Nazi’s, you are the enemy, AND you still support Trump, you lead a miserable and perhaps a very bigoted and stupid life…plus your hypocrisy is amazing.

If you bought into the MAGA concept because you think your America is not doing its best for you the white guy or gal, and that Trump is only seeking what is best for the white’s who somehow in Twilight Zone Land have been persecuted, and you gleefully cheered on the guys and gals carrying Confederate Flags (you know the Confederacy which declared war agains t America), thinking they are the true Americans, you have either never read a history book, or have a very disturbing view of what exactly IS America. The southern states seceded from the Union, they fought against Americans, they were enemies of our Constitution and our democracy…and somehow these clowns are the ones who can Make America Great Again…is it the Confederate States of America, AMERICA you are referring to. If you had no problem with en enemy state bragging they were true Americans, you are also part of the problem.

If you still support Trump who refused to call out Neo Nazi’s, White Supremacist, the KKK, men and women who want nothing but a purity test a white purity test for all Americans…then something basically badly, is flowing though your veins, and you have NO right to call yourself an American, just admit I am a Nazi, an Anarchist, a Bigot, a Fascist…