The German Concentration Camps depended on the cooperation of trustee inmates who supervised the prisoners. Known as KAPO’S, these trustees carried out the will of the Nazi camp commandants and guards, and were often as brutal as their SS counterparts. Some of these KAPO’S were Jewish and even they inflicted harsh treatment on their fellow prisoners. For many, failure to perform their duties would have resulted in sever punishment and even death, but many historians view their actions AS A FORM OF COMPLICITY. After the war the prosecution as KAPO’S as war criminals, particularly those who were Jewish created an ethical dilemma which continues to this day. (Jewish Virtual Library)
As an American who happens to be Jewish, the historical facts of Fascism, the rise of Nazism and the administration of Adolph Hitler remain important information that I refuse to forget. So, I worry when I see Fascism disguised as National Economics or anti-Globalization become a philosophy adopted by not only the fool sitting in the Oval Office but embraced by his staff and family who not only are Americans but like me, happen to be Jewish. I am not only frightened when I watch the cavalier attitude the Trump cadre of Jews, seem to adhere to as if, like the wealthy Jews of both Rome and Berlin, being wealthier than most other Jews makes them immune to ethics, morals values and the lessons of history. The German's were wise madmen, they understood that creating monsters from within a demographic was both insidious and useful. The cohorts of a Trump administration, and administration which defines some Nazi’s as good people, are, for me, like the KAPO’S situated in the Concentration Camps just as guilty, just as culpable and just as sinister as TRUMP.
The current crop of Jewish KAPO’S, living well and enjoying their freedoms in this year of 2017 are: Steven Mnuchin, Treasury Secretary, Michael Cohen, Trumps’s personal lawyer, Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor for Policy, Sheldon Adelson, multi million dollar contributor to the Trump Campaign, and of course Ivanka and Jared Kushner, daughter and son-in-law. Either by stating that Trump’s comments regarding good Nazi’s is not anti-semitic nor racist, or by the sheer volume of silence regarding Trumps love affair with White Nationalists, these KAPO’S of the Trump Administration demonstrate cowardice and collusion. And like the Jewish KAPO’s of the Concentration are nothing more than denial of their own sad souls for purposes of rewarding their personal gain. They all are enemies not only of the Jewish People, but enemies of the State, itself.