“Fire and Fury," “Shock and Awe," two men with the power of nuclear weaponry capable of ending the existence of any form of life on this planet, both uneducated in the realities of their position, one still living as if everything around him IS a reality show. We didn’t win the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, we showcased our pomp and circumstance, but like all events the day ends and the hoopla, having been made from arts and crafts is taken down and there is no longer that PR extravaganza just the next day, and the same problems and concerns. Sitting at his table in his New Jersey Golf Club, surrounded by mostly men dressed in the Trump made in China suits, is the clown of the circus trying so hard to be the Master of Ceremonies, thinking that the North Koreans are just another stupid group of Trump supporters. Trump shouts, “fire and fury”, similar to his remarks of “lock her up," “throw him out," meaningless, vulgar, and flippant. An amateur who was supposed to set Washington straight, a business man, never once showing us his businesses bottom lines, fast talking reality star selling the crappiest of snake oil, a slick, snide, sinister shyster, this guy who will be taken to the safest place to hide if there is a war, this GUY whom the Christians believe is so God like, just might be able to decide who lives and who dies! I know, Hillary’s emails were scarier!
“If they don’t start, they won’t have a problem. If they do start, it’s awfully tough to get off. So if we can keep them from going on and maybe by talking to youth and telling them: No good, really bad for you in every way. But if they don’t start, it will never be a problem.” Trump’s response to the opioid crisis. “Just say no”, Nancy Reagan’s retort to fighting the War on Drugs. Two privileged individuals aloof, unaware, uncaring, stupid, tepid, and yet responsible for helping set in motion a government response to a life changing and life threatening REAL LIFE situation. Pretending that their holier than thou propositions, living the good life, as if either one was pure of conscience, they pontificate a simple solution. You are bad if you do drugs, you deserve all the bad things that happen if you drugs, so be good and don’t do drugs. Wham, bam thank you Sir and Ma’am, how simple a response, coming from two very SIMPLY STUPID PEOPLE. When does the madness end, when?