Hey, all you Born Again Evangelical Christian Baptist haters having hard on’s anticipating the Rapture, you know that time when your God, the guy who loves bankers, adulterers, men who dream of dating their own daughters and of course carries a gun, will return to the Earth and reclaim this planet which IS dying due to man made climate change, thinking somehow he will save you because you practice the Christian religion with such superb hypocrisy! Well, guess what North Korea just might make your day of Rapture real. And who do we have headlong our response, well the star of a reality show, the guy ripping off our economy transferring government money to his palatial palaces…the liar in chief and the man who hears voices, just like the wicked witch in Cinderella as she spoke to her mirror asking who is the fairest in the world…Donald Trump. Now I hope, those uncle tipped ballistic missiles don’t enter our air space until Trump finishes the 18th hole, cause nothing pisses of this man when he is interrupted playing golf. Hallelujah and Amen to you Christian Crusaders, End Times are near and you voted for a helpless, hapless, harmful hopeless loser to lead the way into the Apocalypse.
OR maybe, because the past 200 days of Trump have been nothing but a poorly written reality show (yep ain’t nothing real about reality shows, (just like WWE wrestling), Trump and his Co-President Steve (Seig Heil) Bannon and his pathetic spawn of an assistant Stephen Miller will just sit back tell the Generals don’t worry, let them nuke California, and then when that mayhem begins, the White Supremacists/Putin’s blackmailed puppets will announce Martial Law, the pretense being we are under attack by a foreign power, the reality being that a new Dictator of America will arise. But then again Trump ain’t Hillary and although we know nothing about any real aspect of Trumps life, he is the guy we can trust.
One has to wonder what is next for America, and right now if trump is the guy in the Oval Office, what’s next is nothing but a dead end road…and hey you Born Again, Evangelical Christian Baptists we have no one else to thank but you…oh yeah and maybe the weak kneed democrat leadership and those Bernie or Bust even it kills men Progressives.