Hey, Ivanka, when you decided to convert to Judaism, did your Rabbi explain to you the history of anti-Semitism your newly embraced religion had faced in the past? Did your Rabbi ask you how you as a just a human, might want to assist in fighting against anti-Semitism…or did you husband Jared, give you advice telling you some Jews are better than others, we’re rich so we have no obligation! Hey Sheldon Adelson, when you provided the Trump campaign with millions upon millions of dollars trying to broker a Pro Israel Deal, did you find it important at all to also broke a deal keeping the flames from anti-Semitism from being fanned by Trump and his ignorant fans…or did you just look away, and mutter Meh, as long as I have money my Judaism is safe…Hey Stephen Miller, do you really think once your use is finished in finessing White Supremacy and bigotry, is finished, do you really think the Neo Nazi’s will really have any use for the Jewish guy? Do you think you are just that savvy enough that no one will notice your Jewish blood, you know the tainted reservoir that keeps your Jewish body alive, and not demand that you too as a Semite are the enemy.
Hey Jewish Community leaders in the United States, where are you voices of outrage, as we watch Fascism, anti-Semitism, bigotry and hate muster a crowd chanting for the death of Jews in Charlottesville? Remember how passive the wealthy Jews of Berlin had been until their usefulness ran out then they became ordinary Jewish enemies of the State. Remember how passive the jews of the ghettos had been until finally the courage of many in Warsaw provided some hope, but way too late to make a difference. Hey Rabbinic Councils of America, where the hell is the fire and fury you preach about during the high Holy Days. Where is the motivation to be more than just the next victim?
Trump is the illegitimate Commander in chief, but somehow, his degrading, derogatory denigrating attitudes toward the minorities in this country have found legitimacy. Shame on each and ever Jewish person who is not protesting the lax response to the Neo Nazi’s parading in Charlottesville Virginia. Do you really think foe some insane reason you are safe in the ERA of TRUMP. What another sad day for America.