And everyone walks away with their heads held high. The Supreme Court Justice, Kennedy who knew his son was working recklessly and one have to wonder how professionally with a Con Man, Trump, who was easily out-conned by a corrupt and lethal dictator, Putin, who understood just how needy and narcissistic of a nimrod the Orange man Trump really was. The Majority Leader of the Senate, McConnell, establishes a dark money path to a bunch of Russian oligarchs (more billionaires in a supposedly Communist country than the USA, a supposedly non-Communist country), gets his wife to become a Cabinet member, again, Elaine Chao, who was fined and fired the first time around in the Bush administration, and the McConnell, pledges that the finest moment in his career was to insist to his membership (the GOP), that they say no to anything from Obama and be rewarded by the people with whom Paul Manafort and Roger Stone have cozy connections.
Be Justice Kennedy, all righteous and pompous sitting upon your throne, dictating laws for the USA, WHILE, all the while understanding your son is colluding with a guy who is dismantling the foundations of democracy, and pretend your guidance and leadership is above reproach. Finally, be blackmailed by Trump, who is being blackmailed by Putin, and decide that your ugly secret which had never really been a secret except to the American people, and the stooges who believe the Earth is Flat, if your sister is hot marry her, and that FOX News is news, can no longer be safe. So, as if you haven’t already fucked the Constitution, and the laws of this land, retire, at just the right time to help Trump get away with too numerous to mention treasonous, and criminal acts.
Serve no consequence, perhaps write a book, one all high and mighty regarding your dedication to this nation, except when it comes to your dedication to your banker son who has assisted in making Trump more of a criminal and pretends, for some reason, insanity got the better of your conscience. Take that picture of you and Gorsuch another Trump puppet and Trump all standing together as if your retirement, Justice Kennedy is all part of a natural plan to JUST retire. Trump, is like the Grimm Reaper, as he collects souls he takes their pictures, keeping them in a portfolio tilted I GOT THE BITCH!
You Justice Kennedy area failure, a fool and an enemy of the state, may your legacy rest in Hell!