CIVILITY….are you serious…NOW, when the Dems actually are finding their backbone, their conscience,,, their ability to play by the same rules as the Republicans…we are being lectured about CIVILITY! Holy Fucking Shit, Comrade McConnell changes the rules of the game each and every time… he is paid a bribe and launders his money to some offshore account to appease his bosses which are NOT his constituents… Trey Gowdy, all Southern Confederate like, who spent more time and money on the Benghazi witch hunt, and could not come up with even a rotting corpse from Salem…infuriatingly lectures Rod Rosenstein to start doing his job…The Trump Crime Family of Jared and Ivanka make over 80 million dollars from rip[ping off the government and the taxpayers… Donnie Junior takes meetings with anyone Russian promising dirt on Hillary…Oligarchs get VIP tickets to the Inauguration of King Trump…Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders lies her ass off and quotes the Gospels to provide fodder for her foolish shit…. Families are ripped apart, babies kidnapped and left as orphans, and SUDDENLY the Klansman/Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy/American Nazi’s/FOX Nazi Channel, and some half-assed sitting in their Ivory Towers Talking Heads or supposedly hired TV personalities are lecturing the Dems on CIVILITY, AS IF, broken laws, ignoring the Constitution, outright lying, collusion with the Russians, money laundering and the destruction of democratic principles IS NOT the real problem within this nation!
Fuck all of you, you who have sided with the Tyrant, the Dictator, the Republican Party celebrating the end of Checks and Balances… Fuck all of you who have looked the other way as Women’s Reproductive rights are about to end, and abortion will not only become illegal, but may produce jail time for both the female her doctor…Fuck all of you who think that once on baker does to have to sell a cake to the GAYS, other won’t follow…Fuck you if believe pre-existing conditions is a pipe dream, one dreamt up by the black guy Obama, you know the Kenyan…Fuck you if, after all of the warrants, the arrests, you believe the Con Artist Trump that he IS the victim…and Fuck each and every one of you who believes in racism, bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, misogyny are COOL and CORRECT. HOPEFULLY, with the horrible chance that yet one more Far Right Justice may be hired to the Supreme Court, the DEMS will find the courage to fight back! And if the Dems seem to find that courage to fight back, I pray it is with the same sick sad use of anything but CIVILITY! When the Jews of Warsaw finally stopped being the victim and realized it takes might, and grit and the same kind of torment their captors uses, they fought back, and no, nope, not at all, there was NO CIVILITY, they just fought as dirty as the Nazi’s. I love you Michelle Obama, but this time when they low (The Trump Crime Family and their Republican puppets), I want the Dems to go even lower. CIVILITY, my ass!