Thursday, June 28, 2018


Over 20,000 Immigrant children, of which we may know a handful of their names, are lost and separated in this country. Their parents are not millionaires, nor actors or athletes, and for the most part the first or last name of this group of people is lost in the wind, and for many will never be retrieved, similar to the all of the innocents dispersed in every genocide, holocaust, or purification ritual one nation has taken toward another. Victims is a kind word, an enemy the strong word, but we never seem to consider that all of these people are human.

Donald Trump Junior has five children, we know their names, Kai, Chloe, Donald Tristan, Spencer. Ivanka Trump Kushner has three children, again, we know their names, Arabella, Joseph, Theodore. Eric Trump has one son, his name is Eric “Luke”. And most recently aside from his four adult children, Donald Trump has a son and we certainly know his name, Barron. All of these children live in luxury, and great wealth most of which as we are discovering had not come from an honest days work, but money laundering, threats, lack of paying taxes, and inheritance form great-grandparents whose own background is both seedy and fraught with criminal activities.  We, of course, are told, NEVER mention the children of the Trump Crime family, as this youngest generation are just innocents, they are just the children of their parents and can not be judged for any illicit or illegal actions committed by their Mom and Dad.

Well, I call bull shit on all of that. I wonder if Kai, Chloe, Donald, Tristan, Spencer, Arabella, Joseph Theodore, “Luke” and Barron have any knowledge of the horrific and unAmerican activities their parents and grandparents have agreed to be nothing to worry about. I wonder if these Trump and Kushner kids are taught lessons of love or just satisfied with loathing and being told some live matter, while others are nothing but useless souls whose purpose in life is to be nothing but a well-placed enemy.

And for all of the Christians who support the Trump Crime family, you know the ones who want to remove a woman right to her own reproductive lady parts, the ones who believe that a fetus has more rights than immigrant children. I wonder what the names of their children are, and do those children understand, that once you are out of the womb, your parents could give one SHIT, about the quality of your life, especially if you are of a color other than white. 

All 20,000 immigrant children have names, have souls and deserve love just as do, Kai, Chloe, Donald, Tristan, Spencer, Arabella, Joseph, Theodore, “Luke”, and Barron!