It is Tuesday, June 5, on Monday, June 4, a US Senator, Jeff Merkley from Oregon was denied entrance to visit the Brownsville Detention Center in Texas, not only was he denied entrance the local sheriff was called to either arrest him or help him vacate the property. The estimate is there are about 1000 children, immigrant children, taken from their families and left alone. Not one, elected Federal politicians have entered the facility, nor has anyone from the press, which at this moment supposedly is the free press, has been able to let the public learn of the conditions of the children and the living conditions for the children. In Nazi Germany, Hitler made certain that the only people who filmed his concentration camps were the Reich's propaganda machine, and a few glossy shots of Treblinka, to make it look as if all was just a bed of roses.
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake to celebrate the marriage of a same-sex couple because of a religious objection. Insisting that the segregation is still a no-no, toward the Gays, the Justices decided that the court held that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission showed hostility toward the baker based on his religious beliefs. Hostility toward a homophobe is more important than hospitality to a demographic of a population. The courts in Nazi Germany decided the same thing when it came to discrimination against the Jews.
The kids in Brownsville are still inside a Wal-Mart Warehouse, the windows are blackened, no one has been permitted to enter the facility except for the hired staff of the contracted firm who run the facility. But the Evangelicals are still concerned that abortion is illegal because life is such a God-given gift. A life, but I suppose, not how it is lived. The Baker in Colorado celebrated his victory as one for God, God so far has not been elected a president, of this nation, and I am not certain which God it is that celebrates the denial of human and civil rights in a nation so far with a division between God and State.
And now Trump, pretending that the Flag and the Troops are of his concern, has decided to take his unintelligent yet powerful base of Confederate holding flags, white hooded Klan and Swaztika branded goons, and tell them that taking a knee is the true unpatriotic thing to do. Free speech in Trumps America cost you almost your life!