Thursday, June 21, 2018


Lined up, sitting on the rows of benches in a stadium, while as fresh falling snow, wrapped in quilts made from Confederate flags, the red swaths of swaztika’s  sewn from Nazi bunting and any kind of good ole Third Reich paraphernalia hiding their white robes and white hoods, the folks in Duluth Minnesota cheered their Great leader as he strode on stage carrying his now unique baggage of hate filled rhetoric, and fear filled fiction! Proud that HIS people stood straight in their seats, each and everyone smiling, sneering, embracing Il Duce, the man who never displays the word no, the man who will rid the world of the evil which only affects you if your heritage is almost 100% Caucasian. The Righteous Man, the son of Christ all dressed in his own brand of grift and graft, grinning as his lemmings believed every lie and con his empty heat could muster. And almost immediately, to the joy and jubilation, he promised to compromise toward his Zero tolerance policy, and reciting fables and fairy tales of monsters from Central and Southern America who are the real culprits for the rape of your daughters, the theft of your jobs, the shambles and sin on your own cul-de-sac. THEY loved it in Duluth, never own up to your own racism or bigotry, never accept your own short comings and never admit YOU can control your own destiny, as long as there are scapegoats upon which to place the blame. They are animals, he would add, enemies of the state and each and everyone must be punished, severely. It’s a fucking shame he would gleefully that we must NOW give the kids back to their parents. You gotta teach wild animals a lesson. The cheers, the applause was loud and raucous…and this was America and this was the man hacked into office by the Russians, and this was Trump in the year 2018!

Pick a kid, pick an instance right wing, white nationalist, klansmen and women, sons and daughters of the Confederacy, Evangelical nationalists, is the one dying of led in Flint Michigan, the ones whose bloated bodies are washed up upon the shores of the Mediterranean, the ones living in Appalachia or the urban government housing projects, or the infants unable to speak English placed in steel chained wall or summer camps as the FOX and Friends or Laura Ingraham seems so proud to announce, pick which one deserves the love of God the love of America, or is it just the fetus in thew womb of a woman who really does want to the baby that really matters. Of course it is the fetus, that is until it is born, and then ONLY of it is born to WHITE Parents.

There are over 2000 innocent kids who may never be united with their parents. Over 2000 innocent youth who, just because Trump is so afraid of seeming weak, so afraid of being found the fraud, and so embraced by the Republican Party who are too scared and unable to win a free and fair election, that America 2018 has become Germany during the Second World War. So Trump singed an Executive Order…Bull Shit, it is as useless as he is calling himself the Commander In Chief…How gullible are you America or how gullible will you continue to be!