“The truth is out there”, Fox Mulder X-Files. “The truth is out there, but so are lies”, Dana Scully, X-Files. In America, 2018, it seems further and further, away, the TRUTH, that is! In America in 2018, we know that the lies exist! Two men meet in Singapore, both narcissistic, pathological liars, both despots, one who directly has ordered his family members murdered and his citizens tortured or killed, and the other indirectly, looking the other way as his citizens are harassed, intimidated, discriminated and maybe even dying. Both men desperately seek the attention of the world, insecure dictators in need of being Emperor of the World. Both men pretending that the nations they represent matter, when in fact their own fame and fortune are the real quest. Two men, who can make a world of difference, pretend that the world does not matter.
We have already said goodbye to the Constitution. We have bid a farewell to checks and balances. We are on the verge of watching a vanishing democracy. Two men met in Singapore, so now its time to say see ya’ later to South Korea, it was well to Japan, and watch your back Australia and New Zealand. Two men met in Singapore, one man is a bit more honest when he tells his government controlled media, Trump loves me, he said I am a good guy, he said that things are not that bad in North Korea. One guy refuses to answer questions about human rights, about torture, about a strict Communist Regime. One guy will not look the free press in the eye while going out of his way to please his government controlled outlet for misinformation, FOX!
“The truth is out there, and so are the lies.” It has become more difficult because of the racist, ignorance of the common man and undemocratic loyalty of a once respectable political party, to ever, EVER discover the truth. I fear, that we might be visited by an extraterrestrial race before we find out the truth, that Trump is a puppet for Putin, and that way back when Putin declared war on the US and no one noticed!