A Veteran, injured in the invented Bush/Cheney war in Iraq, a Purple Heart recipient, who happened to be an Immigrant, one of the millions who had arrived on the shores of this nation ever since Columbus and the Pilgrims…a Solider, with enough Patriotism, and love for his adopted country is one of the brave Americans to come forward, out of the shadows of anonymity and express HIS dire concerns for the lawlessness and unconstitutional behavior of Donald Trump, hacked into office a president…and suddenly this man, his valor, his placing his life on the line for the United States is greeted as a traitor, as JUST another “NEVER TRUMP,” and a common thug, by the Party of Putin the Grand Old Party/the Republican Party/the Russian Oligarch members of Congress. Not demonstrating even one component/iota/inch of compassion, or embarrassment, the Republican Propaganda Spin Machine, via FOX News/the RNC, and the ever anarchist leaders of the GOP, Kevin McCarthy, #Moscow Mitch, Lady Lindsey Graham, each and every one attacking the truth-teller, for nothing but a Con Artist, lying narcissistic puppet, named Trump. The new “cool” term used by the Oligarchs of the Republican Party seems to be “Never Trump,” why don’t the Democrat Leadership just play the same three-year-old name-calling game as the GOP and define all of the Oligarchs as “Never American?”
On this same day, where Justice is trying its darndest to make a comeback, Dennis A. Muilenburg, President and CEO of Boeing, is now sitting in front of a Senate Committee, being asked why and how the hell, if Boeing knew about the faulty, the shoddy and the short cuts taken in building the Boeing 737 Max, he still permitted this aircraft to “fly off the production line.” And in its wake cause the death and destruction of the crew and passengers who flew on the plane, assuming that this NEWEST invention was safe, sound and secure. Mr. Muilenburg, when interviewed just prior to his meeting with the Senate, did a wonderful acting job, demonstrating the lowering of his head, the monotone, emotionless speaking voice, the hardly any eye contact with the reporter, a kind of shucks guys, I really didn’t intend o murder, anyone, after all I was doing the right thing for my Shareholders, by cutting costs…and isn’t that truly the American way. When asked if he would step down, quit, get the fuck out of his job, something the victim’s family and friends have demanded of a premeditated murderer…Mr. Muilenburg demurred as most CEO’s do when they have no intention of quitting unless they receive their multi-million dollar parachute bonus, and played the “I am more concerned in fixing this, face,” dismissing the deaths of hundreds a just an oopsie, my bad!
Where do we begin and where do we go, where do we try to find the truth and how often have we failed. Are we not ALL human, with the same needs? Are we not here if we are lucky for no more than a century, supposed to provide another generation a chance at life, liberty, health, and welfare? For those who believe in a higher power, a deity, a God, don’t isn’t that belief system SUPPOSED TO INCLUDE: equality, love, freedom from torment, and pain? For those who see science as the true creator, are we not supposed to discover IT’S powers and process to live a life of empowerment? Each day, I have to wonder, for what purpose do we even have another day, if all we do is HATE!