“The local rock group down the street Is trying hard to learn their song They serenade the weekend squire Who just came out to mow his lawn Another pleasant valley Sunday Charcoal burning everywhere Rows of houses that are all the same And no one seems to care…”(Pleasant Valley Sunday-Gerry Goffin)
Another day and the GOP is still arguing that democracy is not fair to Trump. Trump is still using 5-year-old language to try and insult his imagined enemies; McConnell has withheld any laws to keep our elections safe from Russian or foreign interference. Trump has pimped out our American Troops as mercenaries for Saudi Arabia, as well as has permitted the murderous Royal Family to manufacture nuclear weapons. (anyone remember 9-11)(But Sheldon Adelson is happy cause the Saudi’s made no noise, yet, about moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.) The same GOP hypocrites who held closed seasons on Benghazi, emails, anyone Hillary are acting up for election PR pretending the Democrats are being unfair (In actuality the GOP is angry because the Dems are following the law, but more so acting just the like Republicans, by being stubborn.)
“…Another pleasant valley Sunday Charcoal burning everywhere Another pleasant valley Sunday Here in Status Symbol Land
Another pleasant valley Sunday(A pleasant valley Sunday) Another pleasant valley Sunday(A pleasant valley Sunday.”(Pleasant Valley Sunday-Gerry Goffin)
Another pleasant valley Sunday(A pleasant valley Sunday) Another pleasant valley Sunday(A pleasant valley Sunday.”(Pleasant Valley Sunday-Gerry Goffin)
Another day and Rudy is ruminating or ranting, repeating old lies, declaring he never lied, and then rolling out newer lies, those from which Trump has decided to have just enough snake oil to keep his minions happy. William Barr is about to prosecute his own law enforcement agencies for enforcing the law, and Betsy DeVos, Wilbur Ross, Rick Perry, cabinet members continue to give the law their middle fingers as if they like Trump are ABOVE anything written the Constitution. Pollsters still believe that somehow polling still counts, Talking Heads/Talking Head Lawyers/Talking Head ex Public Servants, and just Heads without bodies still talking is certain this time Trump is going down, but nope, nada, he ain’t going anywhere. Prince and Princess Kushner will be holding their anniversary party at Camp David, and taxpayer payer will wish them a Mazol Tov, via our tax dollars. AND oh yeah, the deficient is in the trillions, due to the wealthy people, those Corporations deemed people by a very activist majority Republican Supreme Court NOT paying any taxes, or paying the most minimum ever…but it is the cost of health and welfare used as the scapegoat for the rise in the stupidity of Trump THE BUSINESSMAN/and his Oligarchs, freshly rich from Russian bribes. It IS just another day, and it has been another day, and damn it to Hell, it seems like it will be just another day, again tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow…