“SLOWLY I TURNED”: The routine features a man recounting the day he took his revenge on his enemy – and becoming so engrossed in his own tale that he attacks the innocent listener to whom he is speaking. The attacker comes to his senses, only to go berserk again when the listener says something that triggers the old memory again. Everyone from Abbott and Costello to Lucille Ball and the Three Stooges has used this bit of burlesque routine, and each and every time it is used the audience is quite amused, always at the edge of their seats waiting for the seemingly sane man or woman to turn into a MAD MAN OR WOMAN!
Insanity is not a funny mental state, we might laugh at the comic who overdramatizes the machinations of a crazed fool or watch in horror as a character in a movie or play becomes so irritated that he or she uses violence to provide an outlet for their madness. But, in real life, OUR life, any association with a mentally unstable individual warrants caution, and sends red sirens warning us to beware, be careful, and be afraid…for the instability of one person has proven to be the cause of great doom and disaster for the many!
Trump was never a stable personality. He was a sham a con a façade, but he appealed to the population whose IQ was low enough to find him entertaining, a population thinking they could manipulate him regarding wealth and religion, or a population whose only thought process is a spur of the moment and gave no shits about outcomes, or consequences. Loud, loony, large and languishing in self grandeur, Trump represented the idiot we witness on something called Reality TV, a medium which is always scripted, permits the worst behavior to be idolized, and causes situations in which you almost expect someone to say: SLOWLY I TURNED!
I CANNOT stand the pace by which Trump remains in office, and his minions still cause treason, crime, and treachery! I CANNOT stomach the agonizing hours the Democrat party is taking in permitting justice to become law again I find myself getting emotionally ill as the monster continues to murder the peasants, and all I seem to hear is OMG, can you believe this, or OMG what should we do, or what can we do. How does this burlesque act end?