ob·tuse: annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
ob·sti·nate: stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
ob·vi·ous: easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent.
ob·liv·i·ous: not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.
ob·struc·tion: a thing that impedes or prevents passage or progress; an obstacle or blockage.
ob·nox·ious: extremely unpleasant.
It is all a game, the politics of America. Anyone with an average IQ, understands that in most situations (not only in this country), it is hardly the best, brightest, boldest, who becomes a leader, but oftentimes the most beholden, belligerent, and blackmailed, who decides the fate of millions via a bribe or a bauble and of course all the bling, that bull shit can buy!
Mick Mulvaney spoke a truth (something his body usually forbids,) but perhaps there is conscience inside his empty façade, that needed a little space, let’s just say he burped out the truth. But did you notice, of course you did, that the response from most of the GOP leadership was not to apologize for the gross mishandling of quid pro quo, but the anger that Mulvaney provided a wee bit of truth! And then we have the comments by Trump about schoolyard fights, and lots of sand from which one can play and make their own kingdoms, which as we all know, can get washed away with the power of a mightier force, like the wind or a rogue wave. And not last nor least, Trump all pumped and eager to pump money into his own personal account is expecting, with no blowback, that the G7 spend oodles and oodles of money to turn once again one of oh so NOT business adventures from the red to the black.
Then you have the faux cries of not on my watch from such inadequate ingénues, as hissy Lindsey ready to stop Trump from permitting Putin to become the new King of Persia; but then Trump reminded Little Lite in the Loafers, Lindsey, you really are just my employee, so STFU! Senator Ron Johnson straight from the Bolshoi Ballet is now insisting that since his trip to Moscow, there has been and is currently no colluding or interference by Russia into our elections. Bullshit Ronnie, eeked out a win in the 2016 election due to Wisconsin being hacked, and even though he is a multi-millionaire, the dirty laundered money he received from a few of the Oligarchs is being laundered in some offshore account. And never forget that Oligarch #Moscow Mitch, and his wife #Beijing Chao are keeping the lid off of any discovery in truth just how many bribes have blossomed, and how both are receiving welcomed Communist nation checks. And all the while, as if fools set free in a funhouse of mirrors, the Democrat characters running for President, fight with each other, not understanding that unity against Trump is almost the true pathway to the office of President. And because history, in this nation does and will and is permitted to repeat itself, it has been brought to our attention that perhaps, Putin has found himself another Jill Stein, in the form of one Representative Tulsi Gabbard. It seems Ms. Gabbard has been enjoying the company of Putin and Co., you sort of like Jill Stein (but who should worry about that…you know conspiracy theories never come true…remember 2016!) Hard for me to watch how obvious and oblivious, how obtuse and obstinate this nation has become with the obstruction of decency let alone democracy by the OBNOXIOUS Trump and his Mafia Family, Cabinet, Lobbyists, Pay to Pray Evangelicals and the normally, but not any more, fringe bigots. And we watch and watch and wait…