Here is a little ditty about Franklin Graham the Evangelical American Taliban Reality TV Spokesperson for Jesus, that was in the news a while ago. (In case you have no idea who Franklin Graham is, here is a tiny bit of history: Franklin, is the son of Billy Graham who during HIS heydays of hate, had a few chats with Richard Nixon declaring, that yes indeedie-do, Tricky Dick HAD a Jewish Problem, Billy Graham had been quoted as telling the ever moral and Christ-like Nixon, that the Jews needed to be kept in check, as they were indeed the money lenders and could place their finances in the wrong hands. As Billy Graham was dying and thought maybe Jesus actually would welcome him and his bigoted anti-Semitic soulless body to the “Pearly Gates,” Billy apologized, in that kind of non-apology APOLOGY, by saying “If I offended any Jewish person I am sorry,” UH-HUH! Franklin Graham is also the brother of Anne Graham Lotz, who proudly proclaims that 9/11 was a blessing from God because America had to wake up from its sinful and un-Jesus like values!
But I digress: Back to Nelson (whose Pay to Pray makes Pat Robertson seem like a rookie in stealing your money) Franklin Graham told the press the “Melania Trump is the classiest First Lady our country has ever had.” Picture this, if you will, Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, and Melania Trump walk into the waiting room of Heaven, God (any God, pick your favorite), asks some simple questions of the three ladies. The first question is have any of you ever posed nude so you could kick start your career? Laura says I was a teacher, Michelle answers I was a lawyer and activist, and Melania says, well you have to start somewhere. The second question God asks is, have any of you plagiarized someone else’s writing. Laura speaks quietly and says I have used a ghostwriter to help me, but it’s always been my words, Michelle proudly says, I write my own material, and Melania says, I had no time, and beauty comes before anything, and well you know I no speak English that well. The third question God asks the three women is have any of you ever practiced adulterous behavior? Laura blushes and demurely shakes her head no, Michell looks at God in the eyes and says, are you kidding me, I love my man and he loves me. Melania says, well you got a start somewhere!
To those of you who STILL call yourselves Evangelicals, and who STILL believe in Snake Oil, all of the above probably makes perfect sense and you are saying, huh? But to anyone out there who truly believes in the messages Jesus Christ was purported to have said and done, and you are NOT going crazy from men like Franklin Graham, you must really hate your Lord and Savior or at least think he is a crazy moral-less chump!