I love everything Zombie, from the early days of watching ‘Chiller Theater’ back in the ’50s and 60’s to standing in line to be an extra for George Romeo’s ‘Night of the Living Dead’ to the first three episodes of ‘Walking Dead,’ (Walking Dead became like watching the dead move so I stopped…do not hate me!) I have even spent lazy afternoons watching B and C rated movies whose characters were all Zombies, so I am a dedicated fan of that genre! (I love using the word genre, it sound like a category from Jeopardy!) And there is one rule any true Zombie Fan understands, a rule, oh so many directors or writers of the Zombie Genre break, and they break it because they somehow want to impose an empathy for the living dead…when a loved one is infected NEVER say “I will stay here with them, OR never cause a hissy fit and either insist that you lock them in a room, or that somehow if you handcuff them, they can travel with you…WE ALL know how that sentimental action ends! Once bitten, no longer human, end of the story and end of love lost, hoping to be found. But the most interesting thing for me, regarding Zombie movies, is JUST how human and inhumane the undead behave. Zombie movies, of course, are thrills and chills regarding the dead who won't stay dead but watch closely and notice how easily the undead become more like the monsters they wish to destroy.
Donald Trump is a Zombie, whether he received the infection from kissing Putin’s ass, or just the disregard and disinterest and lack of nurturing he received from his parents, does no matter, but this man IS A ZOMBIE. And this monster has infected all of his Cabinet, his entire family, except for maybe Tiffany who is truly a wish I had had an abortion child, and Barron, who God only knows is still surviving and not becoming mentally ill from his father’s actions. He has infected the key leadership of the GOP, and has been able t infect most Republican politicians, and of course, the man and woman who sincerely worship the Devil!
Mick Mulvaney, a stupid as you get Trump Ass Licker, spoke with great honesty (something no one in Trump Zombie Land ever has done before,) and is now being served to all the Trump Zombies as a feast. Zombies are hard to kill, and we all know how lethal and stealth they can be, even though they really are dead. America is watching, a scene which could be from the book World War Z, by Max Brooks, a planet infested with the plague, a planet full of the dead, who only want to eat the flesh of the living…a planet where men like Putin, Trump, Jung-Un, Assad, Bin Salman Al Saud, Erdogan, Barr, Hannity, McConnell, rule and watch as the flesh is torn and tattered from anyone but them!