The Supreme Court returns to the bench on Monday today October 7, 2019, to start a term that will be studded with major cases on gay and transgender rights, immigration, abortion, guns, and religion. The rulings will arrive by June, in the midst of an already divisive presidential campaign.
Beginning in October, the Supreme Court, will decide the fate and future, the fortunes or failures of a group of Americans and will either CORROBORATE, with the US Constitution regarding the divide between Church and State and the clear decision of the creators of the Constitution that the United States has no official stated religion; or this Body of Justices, supposedly non-political, non-partisan will practice in organized bigotry and bias and in theory create a Theocracy, replacing equality with Christian Dogma, a philosophy from which even the different sects of Christianity have demonstrated ZERO commonality. In other words, Evangelicals will become the motivating force in what happens within the workplace, your doctor's office, your family life, the health and safety of any American from public spaces to classrooms, and of course your bedroom! “we the people,” will change to “only certain people.”
Women could become chattel once again, young children who know nothing else but being an American may be forced to move to countries of which they have no common knowledge of the language or customs. Individuals knowing their own bodies, their own identities may be forced to live lives that are foreign to their human nature. Gay men and women could be punished for their natural love and desires for those of the same sex. Murder, mayhem and anyone who desires to become their own personal militia, filled with paranoia and insecurities might be able to express their anger with assault weapons, once upon a time created only for as a War Machine.
The hypocrisy of religious zealots and the double standards of the insecure preachers who play God may become the ONLY WAY to survive in this nation. You can be an adulterer a heterosexual, and somehow Jesus will still love you, but if you are a man who loves a man Jesus and your employer who actually work for Jesus can fire you. You can murder children with a gun, because Jesus belonged to the NRA, but don’t you dare touch that zygote. Your Christian Family values can include sending your children to Conversion Con Artists, and your Christian Family values will also permit sending other people’s children to countries foreign and dangerous. And anyone who IS not a female with the need for control of her own reproductive organs, or a homosexual, or transgendered, or a brown-skinned human struggling to find a better life…do not think that if the Supreme Court decides to become a Fascist Body, that you the Jew, the African American, the Caucasian poor person, the atheist, agnostic, won’t be next on the list, to have your freedoms and equality reviewed and possibly removed. No one will be safe if this Supreme Court bases the laws of this land on two simple words BIAS and BIGOTRY!