Tuesday, March 31, 2020

so now it happens

On Monday, March 30, 2020, standing in is MAGA Glory, hardly moving his lips as read from the teleprompter, Trump The Idiot feigned intelligence, compassion, and concern as to the numbers of dead in this nation, but then abruptly puffed out his chest, and said that 100,000 is not as bad as 200,000dead or dying. Then as usual, as if the time before neve existed (for most people that is referred to as the past\be it the immediate past as in yesterday, or the past when the entire epidemic was already considered a possible pandemic\)he spoke of the present, imagining that RIGHT NOW is what mattered, because right now for Trump relates to  nothing he did or may do, ever again! On Monday, March 30, 2020, Trump, more animated, stated that support was being rolled out across the country of a 2900-bed hospital in New York and thousands of more beds and equipment being distributed by the U.S. Navy and the Army Corps of Engineers.  And then moving is tiny fingers, and moving his rotund body, to enable for his neck to move side to side, he added, without the need for a teleprompter “It’s been really amazing, what they’ve done.” “I think we’re going to be in very good shape, he added about preparations for the country to manage the growing rate of infections. (NBC News)

On Monday, March 30, 2020, some Governors of very Red States, like Wyoming/Idaho/and even Alabama, spoke with Trump, along, of course with some other Governors of Very Red States, during a private conversation, to inform, Trump, that this CORONAVIRUS, was not just a New York Virus (amazing how the name of the Virus changed from a Democrat/Liberal/MSNBC Hoax Virus/ to the China Virus/to the FOX New Version of the Virus just to keep Trump from being Re-Elected Virus…to now, A YOU NEED TO WORRY ABOUT ALL THE POTENTIAL MAGA VOTERS VIRUS!  The PR Mini-Me MAGA Rally still continues, and Trump still insults reporters who by now I could give a shit because, by now they ALL, should have joined together and insist that once a question is asked, and Trump defers, delays or demands respect, but NEVER answers the question, they ASK IT OVER AND OVER, and add why are you afraid of answering the question? Trump thinks 100,000 dead is cool, Trump now feigns worry because even his Evangelical MAGA/Good Nazi/Klan/Voters might get the virus (and die before they can vote). NOW he seems motivated to act, even though he is reacting. And what action has he taken regarding the Wartime Production Act? 

Trump must be removed from office. This IS still America, and we STILL have a CONSTITUTION, (albeit who knows how much longer that tattered and abused document can last) And these sudden revelations and flashes of wisdom of delusions of grandeur no matter how helpful NOW, are always late, always too little and mostly as fleeting as a gust of wind! 

Monday, March 30, 2020


America, pay attention to the name Yamiche Alcindor, a journalist working for PBS, this female has the balls, the backbone, the basics for getting to the truth, and getting Trump to cower as ever the coward he is and was. Ms. Alcindor took on the bully, and asked of Trump, a legitimate question regarding Trumps’ own lack of empathy, compassion, and knowledge regarding ventilators and their necessity for the COVID-19 patients of New York, during a segment in the safe environment of Dante’s Inferno, FOX NOISE, and Sean Hannity. Trump hissed and howled that Governor Cuomo was just making noise, and how necessary were 30,000 ventilators anyway. And feeling, all gushy, and swell because, HE, Trump  considers ratings as a sign People Respect Trump’s handling of the COVID-19, he wanted no one to tell him as the song goes in the play The Wiz, “don’t nobody bring, me no bad news. And all Ms. Alcindor did, was her job, asking this moron, why he decided on the Satin Hannity show to simply suggest, that Governor Cuomo, was just wanting more when less was just as good. And for doing her job by standing up to the LIAR, Trump had a meltdown, not only his typical hissy fit, making the sound of a moth as it lands to close to the light bulb on a porch on a summers night, but tried to insult Ms. Alcindor, for losing one job and just getting another one at a lesser employer, and he also threw barbs that she is so negative, when in fact his is doing such a good job. And then to top things off, his favorite lie, is that no one knew any of this was going to get so bad. So, Trump used his bully pulpit, had her microphone taken away, and NEVER did answer why he thought and still hasn’t used the Wartime Production Act to produce MORE ventilators.

And here IS where the rest of the Media Journalists and Reporters, all sitting as props for, yet again ANOTHER Mini-Me Maga Rally for Trump’s re-election, no one demanded that Trump answer Ms. Alcindor’s question. The entire time, the ENTIRE remaining time, that Trump permitted this Propaganda ploy to run should have been each and every Media professional, to ask the same question, over and over and over again. Because one of two things would have happened: The first Trump would have imploded, OR he would actually have to answer a basic question about the health and welfare of Americans whose sole survival may come down to who gets a ventilator OR not. You know, like Trump, just because you are proud that only 100,000 Americans may die, is that no big deal, because, had you acted sooner, perhaps that number would have been a lot less/////OR because you are a cocky a shit turd on FOX NOISE, all proud that no one will challenge you, how come you cannot stick by your pre-meditated decision while the rest of the world listens! So, sad, when even the Media, while right in his face, in front of cameras to get away with his LIES. Be more like YAMICHE ALCINDOR, for the sake of our lives!   

Sunday, March 29, 2020


“If a woodchuck, could chuck wood, how much, wood a woodchuck, chuck,” a tongue twister indeed, one my mother would offer as my sisters and I sat around eating breakfast during our days as elementary school students. Something to think about, she would add, reminding us, that sometimes when we did not feel like going to school, no matter the reason, NOT GOING to school had no options, but was more of an open-ended question, of, but what if you had no choice, how much less time would you aggravate yourself, knowing that the answer would always be just how much time you JUST will attend classes. It was a reasonable rhyme with some reasoning, now that I have the time to sit back, during this Zombie Apocalypse, and contemplate all that has come before, knowing that all that comes next, is a pure result of the lack of leadership, insight, will, morality, and intelligence, from all concerned as the first outbreak poke its ugly head, of the CORONAVIRUS, to NOW, the direct  and sheer lack of capability but full culpability of Trump. 

Trump has stated he could and can fix this problem, one time saying it is a hoax, next time demanding all media destroy any audio or video of his denial of this disease. Trump told all of us the only person he trusts regarding any conversation is himself, and that this flu-like thing will come and, a fleeting as any hyped-up illness, and as he talks to himself, he reminds the world he can fix it, take of it, change the course of it when he decides to, and no one, not medical, scientific, nerd, will establish that timing. How much stupid, can a douchebag, stupid, if a stupid, can be stupid, as can be! Not as much a tongue twister as a woodchuck per say, but almost the same meaning. The inevitable is here, it announced its arrival, was precise when it would appear, but like company that lingers at your house, settling in because of it so comfy, the COVID-19, has not provided its agenda for departure.

So, without ever admitting “I Am Sorry,” something a sociopath with narcissistic, and insidious tendencies along with pure pathological lying, and being an insecure entity cannot or ever will do, INSTEAD, Trump pretends, that the laws of the Constitution, the demands of Congress, and the moral imperatives that should actually evolve from the Executive Branch, (without much thought-as a given leadership role demands) Trump reacts, acts retracts, directs, and devolves into a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. We know how much wood a woodchuck would chuck…enough to get the job done, simple and sustainable…we do not know how much stupid a douchebag like Trump will provide, because he inevitably wrong for the job, and way to inept to conceive of anything of substance!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Becks Boys

“If given the choice between dying and plunging the country I love into a Great Depression, I’d happily die.” Lt. Gov. of Texas, Dan Patrick, said he is ready “to take a chance on [my] survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves,” i.e. one in which business is booming. One of FOX’s so-called reliable anchor concluded that it is “an entirely reasonable viewpoint.”  Glenn Beck, “I’m in the danger zone. I’m right at the edge, I’m 56,” the Blaze TV founder said from his home studio. “I would rather have my children stay home and all of us who are over 50 go in and keep this economy going and working, even if we all get sick, I’d rather die than kill the country.

Hey Glenn, I have a GREAT idea, one Trump, might even consider TREMENDOUS/PERFECT. Get 84-year-old Charlie Koch to use one of his private jets, to fly all of the half dozen Republican Senators:86- year old Grassley (IA)/85-year-old Shelby(Miss)/83- year-old Roberts (Kan)/79- year old Alexander )TN)/78- year old Weicker (Miss)/78-year old McConnell (Kent) all Republicans, eager and compassionate for the healthy economy versus a healthy constituent, to fly to say NYC, or SF, or LA or Chicago, you know the major economic hubs of America. Let them meet 64-year-old Jamie Dimon (CEO of JP Morgan Chase get inside his ultra-expansive, and I certain  expansive limo, and have these guys either deliver meals on wheels, feed the homeless, or work a shift or two at a fast-food eatery. If they want they can grab a mop and bucket and do some office maintenance, work with Fire Departments or the EMS, and maybe take a shift in an Emergency Room at an overcrowded hospital minus all of the safety precautions necessary to make the young folk better! You want the economy to live, and old people are just in the way. What a great way to Make Americas Greater Again, Dude…you could name them the Beck Boys. You start with these old “geezers,” and this old “geezer,” (I am 70 will pitch in) You see dude, I call your bluff from way up on the Ivory Hypocritical Tower from which you pontificate!  Let the wealthy do their deed as well as the poor! Tag, Dude, You Are it!

it happened again

National Conservatism, one of the new catchphrases, from a population that never quite appreciated that this nation, more than any in modern history, had found its strengths and future, from the immigrants, arriving from foreign lands. Revisionist History, which is practiced by National Conservatives, is another phrase, never spoken out loud, but practiced along with their macabre ideology, because with Revisionist History, FACTS are ideas which can be molded into an ideal, ignoring any truth to the matter, and anything blocking their purity tests, won’t matter. I choose this topic for the moment, not that having a plethora of other disgusting variables which arise when a pandemic permits the SMUG like sludge to arise, but demonstrate, that National Conservatism is nothing but a bunch of so-called Militia Goons running around with weapons ready to assume NOW is the time to BECOME a new WORLD ORDER, and if need be, kill a bunch of people, either in the name of some far-fetched place in the world or as usual for God’s sake!

There is an idea from those who preach National Conservatism, those who have no idea what it means but hears the words on FOX News, some Preachers whose Bible is not written from the words of sages from past but Demons who have always existed in their current lives, and the immoral MAGA, whose delight is service a False Prophet, thinking they will profit from some arcane version of a truth-teller who only sells snake oil. So, as is usual a selfish self-serving prophecy is emerging, which usually creeps up from under rocks better left non disturbed, by the life form having hidden in the shadows of hate in bigotry. Heralded by 15 minutes of Fame Whores/Conservative Christians who need a scapegoat to place at the altar of their Christ, and for the minions less likely to believe the Earth is round, but certain to understand it is flat, and of course, the BILLIONAIRES, who DO BELIEVE when you die, your wealth and riches follow you to HELL…there is an idea that the  life of the Economy is a priority, (who benefits, of course, are the already 1% of wealthy Domestic Terrorist Donor Class) and to become a MARTYR, if you are JUST an hourly worker, making minimum wage, or living paycheck to paycheck, will indeed Make America Greater Again. So the idea which has blossomed a pure as the leaves on a Poison Ivy weed, is that the older generation should expose themselves first to COVID-19, give life to the Economy, and Trump’s chances for Re-Election, and become a real Patriot! The Older Generation is using up way too much Giga space on this planet, and we must eradicate them.

National Socialist German Workers' Party, for easier description NAZI’s began their rise to power in 1933, and in the clamor to eradicate Europe from the vermin which were the Jews, Gypsy’s, Homosexuals, Catholics, they collected these demographics, as the French would describe it, it was a Vel' d'Hiv' Roundup. But as the wartime economy began to lay heavy on the Third Reich, and as the NAZI’s played the propaganda game of National Conservatism (same thing as National Fascism), it became economically convenient and a better sale to the population to not invest the time or money in transferring the OLDER DEMOGRAPHICS but shoot them on the spot, or spend a little money place them on the Cattle Cars to a Concentration Camp, and if they had survived that horrendous experience, shoot them as they exited. The reason was easy, it is a wartime era, and we must save the economy, and who the fuck has time for a bunch of human lives who are too old, to do anything but live a life! And, now, In AMERICA, the mere idea that this thought process is NOW in the open and being rumored and discussed, should send a chill to all of us with any morals, values, love of God, and a true understanding of democracy!

Friday, March 27, 2020

National Conservatism

We may never really conquer the COVID-19 Virus via medical or scientific intervention, but instead with the politics of hedonistic, wanna’ be’ dystopian men and women, who thrive on the OTHER, a villain, and the need to pretend that the death of some is God’s answer for the life of the rest.  In Nazi Germany it was referred to as the FINAL SOLUTION, now in AMERIKA, we identify it with a new name but a very old plot against the idea that America should have ever been a melting pot. Nationalist Conservatism. National conservatism is a variant of conservatism common in Europe and Asia that concentrates on upholding national and cultural identity while mixing conservative elements with purely nationalist ones.National conservatives, however, seek to install new elites, fearing the populists’ desired fusion of representation and governance. Leaders must have specific virtues to make the right decisions. Chief among these virtues is loyalty.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick argued again, this time on Tucker Carlson’s show, and of course on FOX Propaganda TV, that older Americans would willingly sacrifice themselves to keep the economy afloat and prevent the country from sliding into a depression. This is now referred to as ECONOMIC PATRIOTISM (it is an argument as to who should live or die for the greater good of the country’s economy. There has long been a sense that we care more about money, and that we believe in a sort of ‘survival of the fittest.’ Matt Lewis, c conservative columnist at the Daily Beast. Lewis also noted that the “Midsommar”-Esque sacrifice of the elderly was uniquely conservative-or, at least a trump era-conservative-view of how to protect the country. (POLITICO)

The Conservatives had a field day during the days of Obama Care, their world view was that Obama Care would set up death panels, the government, being the arbiter of who lives and dies. But now, because it IS only the ECONOMY, and welfare of a few (even though most conservatives believe that few actually give one damn about the less wealthy) want our LEADER/CHAIRMAN/DICTATOR to just decide to sacrifice the aged and vulnerable for the sake of the GDP. And add to this the entire FAUX religious Christian community of False Prophets, like the editor of the religious journal First Things, who is appalled that Governor Cuomo’ declaration that he would anything to save lives is “demonic” in nature because it IS Satan who prefers sentimental humanists.” As the real cures and consensus to fight COVID -19 are pissed away by Trump, who has no understanding of anything but HIS ECONOMY, AND HIS RE-ELECTION, beware America because the common cure will be a new phrase ECONOMIC PATRIOTISM- let OLD, the INFERMED, the NO LONGER NEEDED die, and we will all be healthier because we let them die!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

10 per cent

The current base salary for all rank-and-file members of the U.S. House and Senate is $174,000 per year, plus benefits. There are a total of 535 Members of Congress. 100 serve in the U.S. Senate and 435 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. So, with this newest stimulus/Re-elect Trump to a second term package, minus true actual dollars for the average American, to live for at least a month without debt, let alone the hourly wage earner, and those living below the poverty line, imagine if our Public Servants (BIG JOKE on that one,) added to the stimulus package  a 10% deduction from their own salaries. As a point of reference, the percent of millionaires in Congress is 50% while the percent among the U.S. public is 1 percent.

Also for reference, Snopes (a myth-busting website) reports that members of Congress and staff “pay approximately 28 percent of their annual healthcare premiums through pre-tax payroll deductions.” They also have access to “free or low-cost care” through the Office of the Attending Physician as well as “free medical outpatient care at military facilities” in the D.C. area.

Trump will talk though any orifice he has and the sound will be the same as a fart of a burp, so anything he says is just stinky noise. Pence will thank Mr. President for anything he says, and that too is just the sound of a peon slurping up poop and gastric juices. But Imagine if the Congress (Both Parties, really believed the US is in dire straits and offered their own support, how much more money we would have to either, purchase, COVID-19 test kits, ventilators, masks  and other PPE’s, necessary to keep the medical staff and first responders healthy. That number would total at a 10% cut back of Congressional salaries of $17,400 per the Royal Class (after all aren’t our politicians a Royal Class, times the total number of people in Congress, which is 535 individuals, equals $9,309,000! One has to wonder just how that money spent specifically on the American citizen might help curb that HUGE bubble of death and doom already washing upon our nation! Think about that, I know I do! 

you killed kenny

An ongoing segment of the TV show South Park is the fact that one of the characters Kenny, is constantly being killed, His oft-muffled and indiscernible speech—the result of his parka hood covering his mouth—is provided by co-creator Matt Stone. People tend to forget about Kenny because his orange parka muffles his voice, and he is a man (or boy) of few words to begin with. A common conversation from all Kenny’s friends is “… You bastard, look what you have done, you have killed Kenny…” Then Kenny is back again and says I can't die. I've experienced death countless times. Sometimes, I see a bright light. Sometimes, I see Heaven or Hell. But eventually, no matter what, I wake up in my bed wearing my same old clothes. The wort part. No one even remembers me dying.

An ongoing dark comedy, televised as if it was just another Soap Opera, is the Faux, Coronavirus Mini-Me-MAGA Rally, in which the cartoon character Trump, brags about his tremendous and perfect handling of a crisis he never acknowledged but now pontificates that he had known about it way before it became an epidemic let alone pandemic. He huffs and puff struts, and congratulates himself (a nasty form of self-flagellation,) then after taking a few questions, most of which beg for facts when all he wants is to brag and produce fiction, he lumbers off stage, fearful that one more criticism might cause him tom implode. Then another cartoon character takes center stage (the opportunity for the Second Banana to become nothing more than a stooge,) this character’s name is LURCH. LURCH profusely praises Mr. President, thanks Mr. President, repeats the same lies as The President, and informs NO one of NOTHING, but produces thank you letters from “real Americans,” whose life became better because all Trump had to do was let America know he had a feeling, a sense, and that he was good at these things. 

And then there is the Kenny character, sort of like the one from South Park, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who no matter what he says or tries to say is knocked down and killed by two politicians, looking to heal their re-election chances, and avoiding the real healing for ALL Americans (not just the new term ‘THE REAL AMERICANS’, who would rather die themselves or kill off grandma or grandpa, they have an elusive thin with no DNA, live) Kenny’s (Dr. Anthony Fauci) educated insight and medical talent (if he is even permitted to speak or appear on the CLUSTERFUCK Podium, is minimized, patronized, and most rebutted by the biggest BUTTHEAD in the world Trump, and it seems each time Kenny, (Fauci speaks) his information is killed. I watch this pathetic; piece of plotline play out time after time, and honestly, I feel like one of the South Park characters shouting to LURCH and Trump, “…you bastards, look what you’ve done you killed Kenny. And then I add, and while you were at it you are killing America!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Patronize me

Adjective: If someone is patronizing, they speak or behave toward you in a way that seems friendly, but that shows that they think they are superior to you. [disapproval] Synonyms for patronize. condescend, lord (it over), talk down (to) Disdainful means scornful and arrogant. To be disdainful is to act mean and superior. If you're acting haughty, imperious, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, supercilious, or swaggering, you're acting disdainful. I was once again fixated on that fucking deer in my headlights and tried my best to NOT watch the March 25, 2020, Mini-Me MAGA Rally, but just had to sit there mesmerized at the STUPID, so vivid, so venomous, so virulent ratcheting out of Trump’s mouth as if the daily clock of death from the COVID-19 was still not moving forward. They brought back Dr. Fauci for show and tell, and he, once again provide an either-or performance, which Trump jumped upon to suggest, even the SCIENTIST  thinks that in 15 days it will all go away.

Then it was LURCH’s moment in the sun, his ability to talk with no affect, not even moving his lips, and actually when he does, telling us fairy tales full of fancy  but no fact. So here we are and LURCH is so proud of the conversations he has had, under the direction and leadership of TRUMP, of course, with so many categories of people, all willing to get ready, to almost beginning, to soon gear up, to ALMOST, provide this nation First Responders, from nurses, doctors, health care providers for the elderly, police, fire EMS, hospitals with the necessary equipment, already NOT in place for weeks. Promises, made in the form of lies. Oh, yeah, and then LURCH added to the fictional phone calls Trump bragged about receiving, saying Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, we are ready to go back to work, save us NOW. But what the fuck, it won’t take science to save us, it will take con artists and snake oil salespeople to kill us, why worry at all. AND as I write this, as if my gag reflex is not on High Alert, I just received the biggest waste of government money so far PRESIDENT TRUMP’S CORONAVIRUS GUIDELINES FOR AMERICA!

Murder, the New Patriotism

So it seems, in this New America, the era of Trump’s concern for Trump’s re-election OR his ability to remain out of jail…the newest theme from the maggots who only thrive on the gutted waste of rot and ruin, to be a Patriot is to proudly say out loud, YES, I WILL LET MY PARENTS DIE, and MAYBE EVEN ME, to LET MY COUNTRY LIVE! So, now, albeit still in the recesses of MAGA-Ville, but still prevalent enough to be heard from the gas chambers of Faux News Entertainers (living of course in their Ivory Towers)is the new MAGA rallying call, that if socials distancing means the economy must still be sick, then lets cure that illness, and go back to work, to public spaces, be among the infected, and be as red, white, blue and COVID-19 as we must, because Corporations must never die, just our older parents and grandparents.
They are now converging from all crevices within the tunnels of hell found under rocks, like the Lt Governor Texas, Glenn Beck, and the 30 something MAGA’s, once again trying to redefine Patriotism as permitting the less useful, less youthful to die, if they must, so the Economy can live. Because, if the Economy lives so continues the Reich for Trump. The Enabling Act of 1933 established the power of the Nazi-led government to pass a law by decree bypassing the approval of parliament. It was passed on March 24, 1933, and effectively nullified the Weimar Constitution. March 24, 1933: The Enabling Act was passed. This act brought an end to democracy in Germany. It gave the government the power to govern legislation by decree. It gave them the legal right to make discriminatory policies in the future. Hitler was allowed to make laws that violated the Weimar constitution without the approval of the parliament or Reich President with this act. 

Trump is desperate to remain in office, and his over consumed attention to his own needs, has always been the priority and key factor as to any governance (more like dictatorial) decisions he has made, or have been made for him by Putin/ expressed in writing by the Comedy Team of Kushner & Miller, and lathered in dirty money by the 1%American Oligarch Domestic Terrorist Donor Class! Now, American Patriotism is defined as a form of Martyrdom: murder your parents or grandparents, and maybe yourself (you know the YOURSELF part ain’t gonna happen) to keep Wall Street, the Stock Market, the Corporations who are the REAL People and the Economy alive. Infect damn it infect, it will keep our Economy healthy! And then the best bit of propaganda coming, from the Theocrats who are really Plutocrats in disguise, is the newest bit of bull shit from Trump, that he wants to see those pews full, as people flock to church for Easter. The Japanese Government during WWII used to call it KAMIKAZE a Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives and making a deliberate suicidal crash on an enemy target.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

clear and present danger

So, now it’s just another flu, or maybe just an epidemic, but hell, we’ve had those before, says Doctor Trump, as he speaks to FAUX News, touting his insight, (MORE LACK OF), and he is ready to call off all attempts of stopping the COVID-19 because, its really no big thing. So, now with $5Billion dollars of stimulus money at stake, and the real, VERY real idea that most if not all of that money could go to Corporations at the discretion of their CEO’s, Trump puffs and huffs and said he would be the OVERSEER of that money. He reiterated he is a good businessman, and of course he should be the GUY who oversees, how $5Billion of taxpayer money is spent. (This coming from a guy who may have paid no taxes-ever) And somehow, this crazy man, placing every single American, even you MAGA moron and Faux News Nut, in dire straits, is still in office, with no  movement afoot to use the 25th Amendment, to remove a President who is placing this nation in Clear and Present Danger! How IS this even a thing?


The thing most American’s understand by now is that Trump is DUMB as SHIT when it comes to leadership, honor, truth, and facts. The thing most Americans have learned by now, Trump IS sinister, liar, a manipulator of FEAR and LOATHING, and will for any dirty money do any dirty deed necessary to line his pockets. The thing most American’s understand by now is that the Parade of people all in that CLUSTERFUCK on the Circus like Podium, pretending to inform of us some real advance the government has made toward mitigating COVID-19, is no more than a Mini-MAGA Rally, used as PR to promote an act of smoke and mirrors, and sleight of hand. From the VP/ Mike Pence, with that absent, vacant almost dead walking look in his eyes, always ready to praise Mr. President, but present nothing of value to whichever SWAMP Cabinet Member selected to make it seem the SWAMP Cabinet IS doing anything (remember the selection of SWAMP THINGS, wee chosen not by their talent or education, but by their amount of wealth to support Trump’s Campaign, their prior work as Lobbyists, or their pre-audition in which they could form their lips to resemble the shape of Trump’s anal opening!

Add to that that Dr. Deborah Brix, the WH Coronavirus Task Force Director, who either has a tick, or the inability to stop constantly shakes her head in agreement with anything Trump or Pence says, which most of the time are words like soon, and then, and once and tremendous, and prayers, the CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield, whose medical knowledge includes, the Bible has predicted some sinners deserve some diseases, and it is the life style choices of certain (ahem-THE GAY)are the main carries for disease, the newest “Good Job Brownie,” FEMA goon Peter T. Gaynor, who speaks of having lots of stockpiles, but is never quite certain when any of that surplus will be released, THE ACTING HEAD of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, straight off from his Bar Mitzvah, Alex Azar, best known as a CEO for Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals and has yet to promise, that Drug Companies WILL NOT make a big buck off of the COVID-19 testing, you have men and one woman who offers nothing but platitudes, and false promises to the Pre -Meditated Murderer and Profiteer Trump. There are two REAL medical professionals who, Dr. Jerome Adams Surgeon General, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, who, if permitted, should be the only two people on the podium, practicing social distancing, explaining the science behind this pandemic, and taking as much time needed to answer the questions from the reporters, all neatly spaced one seat apart from the other.  But if either man was to be the REAL Task Force, then Trump would gain, his assumed MAGA minions attention and prove once again the Earth IS indeed FLAT!  

Trump, suggested, (because when he talks to himself, he has often admitted, that is when the best conversations happen-that or speaking with Jared Kushner the man who still hasn’t honestly passed any Top Security Background checks, and Stephen Miller, the only Jew ever to be considered a “Good Nazi”) that he knows that CHLOROQUINE PHOSPHATE, (ingredients in a Malaria treatment) might actually cure this COVID-19 Chinese Virus.  So, wouldn’t you know that a couple in Maricopa County in Arizona decided to avoid any chance of catching the COVID-19 and dank this concoction-the husband died, almost immediately and his wife is just surviving! My take is Trump is Bull Shit, both Dr. Fauci and Dr. Adams, know that, yet neither speak out PUBLICALLY while on the same podium as TRUMP and say, even at the risk of losing their jobs, but saving lives of stupid Americans, TRUMP is wrong, had no medical education, and just wants to win his re-election with yet another scam! There is a lot of blood on a LOT of hands!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Rant Number Three

Rant Number Three: The health of Corporations as People, or People as People- (A dilemma of desperate duration OR how I learned to love the DYSTOPIA!)

So now Jamie Dimon: Jamie Dimon is an American billionaire business executive. He is chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, the largest of the big four American banks, and was previously on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Is the newest medical advisor to the Trump Virus Propaganda Board, to ease the cooties, that many a CEO and Corporation are suffering from Trump’s inadequate let alone inept ability to have ever been proactive. Mr. Dimon was a recipient of the Too Big To Fail Bank, Bail Out a while ago, and he and his cohorts were able to use their BAIL OUT MONEY to buy back stock, increase their already extra special Executive salaries, and cut the average worker out of any decent recovery. But being a Hedge Fund shark, with other Financial Institution and Banking Sharks is a selective club, and if the spoils are to go, anyone, it will be to this exclusive Fraternity. So, along with no rules to bind Secretary Mnuchin, when he receives a hefty 5$Billion from the government, will be the ELITE of Wall Street, like Mr. Dimon to do some triage on the ailing economy. And for all republicans since Nixon, it has never been “Trickle Down, but always Trickle Up.”

So, now, that the uneducated entertainers of FOX have made it mandatory that money matters and mere mortals do not, Trump has his walking papers, for fear that if he does not acquiesce to his FOX Department of State/Defense/Interior and Treasury puppet masters at FOX, his KLAN may forsake him in 2020. So, here we might have had a dilemma of sorts if Trump and his SWAMP THINGS believed in anyone but themselves and only worshiped the Dollar Money God…is it GREED or GOOD, is it PROFIT or PEOPLE, is it GRIFTING or GIVING? Bet anyone out there be they Neanderthal MAGA or people nurtured with empathy and sympathy\, and being it IS Trump, you know which will be the choice selected by Trump and his GOP Oligarch bribed by Domestic Terrorist Donors. The new saying will be let 3 or 4r million dies because we want our freedom to hate!

Rant Two

Rant Number Two: Steven Mnuchin, Treasury Secretary, and he is the guy we are supposed to give a blind trust of $500 billion, in recovery money for the Trump Virus Stimulus, and have no transparency or regulation as to how, or who or where he distributes that money. This is the guy among other notable or is the word infamous, actions, used an American Airforce jet for a private excursion, taking his wife on a honeymoon trip to see Fort Knox and the Eclipse, pretending that all of that was really part of is necessary to work as the Secretary of the Treasury. He is also the guy who has placed a restriction on providing the House with Trump Taxes but is okay with granting access to both Hunter and Joe Biden’s tax returns.

After he graduated from Yale University in 1985, Mnuchin worked for investment bank Goldman Sachs for 17 years, eventually becoming its chief information officer. After he left Goldman Sachs in 2002, he worked for and founded several hedge funds. Mnuchin was a member of Sears Holdings's board of directors from 2005 until December 2016, and before that was on Kmart's board of directors.[5] After Sears went bankrupt, the company that formerly owned it sued Mnuchin and ex-CEO Edward Lampert for "asset stripping" during their tenure.[6] During the financial crisis of 2007–2008, Mnuchin bought failed residential lender IndyMac. He changed the name to OneWest Bank and rebuilt the bank, then sold it to CIT Group in 2015. During his time as OneWest CEO and chairman, the bank became embroiled in several lawsuits over questionable foreclosures. (Wikipedia)

Trickle Up Mnuchin, is supposed to handle $500 billions of government money! He cold to be trusted as a businessman then, has demonstrated one of those typical Trump Licking Swamp Things now, and one can only imagine, what he might do for is Corporation Buds in the near future. You think Stevie, even knows that poor people exist, let alone have rights!

Rant One

Rant Number One: “Poor ME!” I understand with the mentality of a newt, and a hole in that part of the body where empathy usually lies in a womb-like, soothing setting, of good, and fair, drenched in kindness and humankind, blinded by his own ego, and smothered in self-loathing, and nurtured so insidiously by a vacant and virulent set of parents, Trump has become even more TREMENDOUSLY TERRIBLE, and PERFECTLY PATHETIC. Truth, which is never told anymore, and maybe come one of those words in the English language, placed in the archives of “Olde English,” is that all who voted not to Impeach Trump knew just how bat shit mentally ill the man was and is, but preferred to continue lining the pockets of their greedy suits, deciding that Evil is the place to hedge their bet, and good just a word used to pretend you care.

Recently, as if, RECENT is even relevant, Trump has demonstrated machinations that if the majority of the human species projected the same, that demographic would be considered armed and extremely dangerous, and most like placed under mental health observation. The insults, against Romney’s self-quarantine, due to his exposure to Rand Paul, who acted as a selfish brat, thinking why in the world should he have any responsibility in expressing his own COVID -19 ailments, were typical childish, and even more the projection of Trump’s need to get even with his enemy. (The GOP, in their usual hypocritical way said do not make Rand Paul’s quarantine and issue, because even though Rand Paul laughed at the overly concerned Progressives for making it a hoax-ignore what came before) but heeding no one’s advice except that voice Trump hears in is head (that alone should send shudders to the mental health community,) the immature and honestly mentally unstable Trump had to lash out.

And then there was the moment, Trump, without any hesitation, reminded the US, that he had given up a lot as an already wealthy and successful businessman to run for President, and this social distancing thing, is hurting is own business interests (you know ALL those businesses that were to be in a blind trust!) Oh yeah and no one is giving Trump ANY credit at all for going along with a bunch of medical professionals/almost ignoring his 1% Domestic Terrorist Donors, by letting HIS ECONOMY (not the American economy, mind you) suffer. Worrying first, about Trump’s real people’s health is a heavy burden, for Trump, he said, because he might lose the interest of the selfish MAGA, who think one, two or three million deaths is better than a bad economy. And then the time, Trump gleefully said, that it served the state of New York and the city correctly, to become the COVID-19 HOT SPOT because they tread he and his family’s business so poorly by going to court to seek the truth and find justice!
Yep, I am angry with Trump, yep, I understand he will not change…but nope, I will not give up hope that more GOP Senators, may find their backbone and demand that the 25th Amendment be applied immediately!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

tricke this

Once again a Mini-Me MAGA Rally brought to you by the EMPEROR without clothes and without an iota of decency, intelligence, and common sense. No mention of the Majority Republican Puppets of the 1%Donor Domestic Terrorists refusal to add safety nets/money and security for the unemployed, but to ONLY make certain the old Reagan smoke and mirrors trick of TRICKLE DOWN economics takes place, placing Treasury and Trump Hand Puppet Stevie Mnuchin responsible for trillions of dollars and having no accountability to the public as to where or whom that money goes. BUT a whole lot of mention of Trump’s personal and business financial hardships, and how he too is a victim of this Chinese Virus.

Then, and only, listen closely ONLY to appease his Oligarch 1%Domestic Terrorist Donor Class, and the newly formed MAGA group (who proudly touts that, so what if millions of Americans die, this is a free-trade country, and no Communism for me, so DO NOT invoke the Wartime Production Act. No Federalizing of ALL factories in this nation to produce not only the PPE’s necessary but the ventilators, hospital beds, as well as FEMA Hospitals, and still the hesitation in actually, acting toward the best interests of the entire nation, then his supposed MAGA supporters, Trump HAS not begun his due diligence and enforced the Wartime Enforcement Act. Another Scripted Reality Show-Mini MAGA Rally and Trump remains in office. But then again the GOP Senators who could help put end to the nation’s pain and suffering, believe that the bribes from their Owners the 1%Donor Domestic Terrorists will keep them all safe and sound. Holy SHIT, again!

a ruse

It has become a ruse! At first, many of us had hoped that something valuable would arise, amidst the dank, dark, dung, which is always the ground upon which Trump stands. To use an analogy, after a wildfire, and the ashes loom like weeds, brown and rakish red, a traveler wanders into the ominous wilderness and spots a tiny green sprout, peeking out from the fallen flora and fauna, thinking, aha, Mother Nature has begun to reproduce, there is hope. Originally we thought, perhaps from the damn, the deluge of danger, the gut and gall stemming from Trump’s own inability to lead might create, this time, a spark a tiny life form that hope may begin again. BUT FUCK NO! It was intended and still remains a ruse, a mini-version of a Trump MAGA Rally, filled with the same ass licking sidekicks, the immense litany of lies, fabrications, and false promises, and the glorification of a man as THE DEITY, self-anointed and appointed by the sinister lackeys, whose only justification for even speaking to the public, IS his or her bathing in the blather of bull shit by praising the frailest ego, of Trump!

The CLUSTERFUCK  of non-social distancing by the political appointees, and the sad array of once intelligent real medical and scientific professionals, now relegated to placing their hands over their faces when faced with death-defying lies. The appointed inept political Trump pals, continue to never answer a question of who, what where or when, but are quite polite and cautious enough to begin their BS with, “thank you Mr. President, or under President Trump's leadership, or at the Presidents urging…” saying the name Trump at least a dozen times, and admitting any truth or fact, or timeline hardly ever.  And the newest old reinvention are those heartwarming PR written Hallmark Moment BS stories, of Dorothy from Kansas, Sue Ann from Montana, Ed from MAGAVILLE, who praised the Trump for helping save their lives and helping them make that recovery from the Chinese Virus, to Trump Land! And now we have the version of “Good Job Brownie,” a man named Pete T. Gaynor, the FEMA Administrator, joining the Keystone Cops, whose first appearance left nothing more to the information pool, then speaking in circles, and not saying a fucking thing.

“Ain’t nothing to learn here folks…” Nope, just Trump selling the public on Drugs, to use to fight COVID-19, the ones Jared Kushner’s brother in law looked up, on a Google site, or tremendous Corps of Arm Engineer hospitals, not even on the blank pages of an architect's white sheets, and oh yeah, as a businessman Trump finds it silly to throw away so many used masks and gowns. What kind of bottom-line do you reap when you don’t reuse! A RUSE, a Trump MAGA RALLY RUSE!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

toilet paper

Toilet paper is scarce in LA, has been since the first warnings of the COVID-19.  Not certain why, but LA has a lot of people who on a normal day could give a shit about others, and are full of shit themselves, but that is neither here nor there. But NOW, after forcing myself to sit through another RE-ELECTION campaign for Trump (aka) a Coronavirus Task Force Update, I realized that no America n needs to hoard toilet paper as long as you have Mike Pence, or Ben Carson, or the newest stooge the FEMA Director around. All of them while on the podium have cleaned, slurped, wiped, and purified Trump’s ass, leaving not an iota of shit inside his anal cavity.

No more in-depth details of when and how and who will get more pf the PPE’s and other lifesaving medical supplies, but DAMN, we all know thanks to Trump things will be happening. And according to Trump, once again, this IS only a short-lived event, and we will become tremendous once again. And HE and only HE has been burdened with handling this once in a lifetime crisis. And HE and only HE is making it better. Ask him how or when that is not the point. And oh yeah, we heard a whole lot about thoughts and prayers, and religion today, because all of that is a better answer as to why Trump had ignored all the signs to a pandemic. I did it again, listened, hoping for truth and all I got were Trump ASS WIPES on display! Why according to Trump and Pence, we are on day six with nine more to go until this whole Coronavirus mess will end. I am not certain why this IS only day six when  the COVID-19 has been around for weeks. But in pretend land, this IS day 6, and in 9 days it's over…uh, I see you shaking your heads!


25th Amendment and Wartime

The 25th Amendment, proposed by Congress and ratified by the states in the aftermath of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation.  The Watergate scandal of the 1970s saw the application of these procedures, first when Gerald Ford replaced Spiro Agnew as vice president, then when he replaced Richard Nixon as president, and then when Nelson Rockefeller filled the resulting vacancy to become the vice president. 

Wartime Authority of Defense of Production Act/ passed in 1950 as a response to the Korean War -- gives the government more control during emergencies to direct industrial production. The Federal Emergency Management Agency describes the act as "the primary source of presidential authorities to expedite and expand the supply of resources from the US industrial base to support the military, energy, space, and homeland security programs."

Peter Alexander, an NBC White House Reporter, listed the number of infected and dead, implied that hospital space would soon run out, and asked: "What do you say to Americans watching you right now who are scared" of the coronavirus outbreak? "I’d say you are a terrible reporter," Trump responded. "I think that’s a very nasty question, and I think that’s a very bad signal that you’re putting out to the American people." "The American people are looking for answers and hope, and you're doing sensationalism, the same with NBC and Comcast -- I don't call it Comcast, I call it Con-cast -- for whom you work." "Let me tell you something," the president continued. "That's really bad reporting. You should get back to reporting instead of sensationalism... You ought to be ashamed of yourself."

"Those are two that are out now, essentially approved for prescribed use," Trump said of the antiviral drug Remsdesivir, which has never been approved by the FDA for any disease, and the drug chloroquine, which has only been approved to treat malaria and some arthritis -- neither is approved for COVID-19. "And I think it's going to be very exciting. I think it could be a game-changer. And maybe not. Maybe not, but I think it could be, based on what I see, it could be a game-changer. Very powerful, they’re very powerful," he said.

All of the words written in the four preceding paragraphs, either originated from the Congress, a member of the Free Press (at least free so far,) and the mouth of blabbering idiot, unfazed by the death and destruction demoralizing and destroying the American way of life. Most of the above responses originated from TRUMP who is only worried about being re-elected and has NEVER once in his life taken responsibility for any action he has initiated or avoided. All written prior to my own commentary should scare the shit out of anyone, with the exception of 1% American Oligarch Donor Class of Domestic Terrorists who somehow think there are a bunch of rocket ships at the ready in some clandestine location to fly them away to a space station. All of the above should tell us a story regarding the powers Trump has to make changes and the powers We The People should have to change the person who is sitting in the Oval Office and send him to a mental health ward for the criminally insane!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Jabba and Lurch

On Day 8 million 1 Hundred and Fifty-Two of the Trump Pandemic, (actually Thursday, March 19, 2020, the following  was stated. “I ain’t nobody’s SHIPPING CLERK, bitch, and I “didn’t know anything about that.” Both quotes, falling from the mouth of Jabba the Orange, as he first was asked why, if the Wartime Authorization of Defense Production Act was in place…WHY were Medical Personal at hospitals still having to reuse face masks, face masks with expired dates on them and in some cases bandana’s as a means to protect their lives and the lives of the ill from the COVID-19. Then LURCH (MIKEY PENCE,) was immediately called to the front of the line to answer that annoying (this time not referred to as “nasty,” question…but the look of Jabba’s face could have started a new ice age. LURCH, brushed by Jabba, and in his tiny subservient voice, LURCH said, “I would be happy to Mr. President. (I now believe among the many awful things about LURCH, is that in fact, he has become a EUNUCH. LURCH, of course, did not answer the original question, but instead began the bragging bit about how much work has been done to keep America healthy! More questions were asked, and more avoidance provided. This time, however, the usual CLUSTEFUCK  was less clustered, still fucked up, but there was at least a little more social distancing on the podium.

Today, Friday, March 20, 2020, another Trump Pandemic Rally was held, of course with Jabba the orange, using the words he knows best like tremendous, perfect, without reading from the teleprompter, but then when the real words concerning facts and truth had to be spoken, Jabba the Orange, looked down at the teleprompter, hardly moved his lips while speaking, and stumbled over anything scientific. However, Jabba perked up, when he got to get his xenophobic digs in, regarding that it is not just the Southern Border, he hates, but is an equal opportunity bigot, and has now included the Northern Border. And the white make under his eyes, (which recently has been looking more like a dank pile of gray goo, brightened up,) when Jabba, had the chance to criticize some foreign nations…because it was they who own this disease, and they who brought it to this country. Jabba also twisted the truth once again and told us that all those once nasty Governors, now like him, and he knew they would come around, in particular Governor’s Cuomo, and Newsome. (Both men, smarter than the entire Trump Family, knew exactly how to play to Trump’s ego, and get the necessary survival equipment, buy selling bull shit regarding Trump…so Jabba thought they were a compliment, when in fact “hats off to those two Democrat Governors, for holding back nausea by complimenting the deranged and dangerous Jabba. It worked, and sadly, tell Jabba his shit don’t stink, and as you shit all over him, and the citizens of your state get to live another day.

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Another day of the TRUMP VIRUS.  It is a Novel Virus, one in which the history of this nation  has not been completely exposed to for its over 243 years. Sure we have seen a Revolutionary War, a Civil War Two World Wars, two Conflicts which Presidents have declared to a game of Domino’s, one in Korea and one in Viet Nam, something even considered a Cold War. Flood famine and a Flus with all kinds of scientific names have battered this nation, Hurricanes cleaned up with Army Corps of Engineers and thrown packs of paper towels…all of which have in spite their veracity and vitriol rot and ruin, and cracks in our foundation…still kept the adhesive from completely dissolving our will and will power…but NONE of the events prior to the TRUMP VIRUS, had one important but very dangerous variable added to it…and that was and is DONALD TRUMP!

He has been patient ZERO, way back when, when he decided to infect this nation with a brand of self- serving xenophobia, narcissistic  psychosis and via his spittle, saliva, insidious behavior, provided to him in large steroidal dosage by Putin/the Mercer Family/Dark Money 1% Donor Class of Oligarchs/and insincere Theocrats hoping to both make a buck off of Jesus and make America Christian Again; he has infected the low hanging fruit of thins nation. And as is usually the case, a simple cold left unattended, morphed into pneumonia, which due to arrogance, ignorance, and not giving one shit, and being enabled to NOT give one shit, this cold is now a pandemic. Let’s be real, America, finally, and since the GOP/FOX/and Trump and Pence always need to find an enemy to scapegoat for their own inactions and prejudices, this VIRUS, scientifically referred to as COVID-19, is nothing but the TRUMP PANDEMIC.  We may have never been the greatest show on Earth, as we oftentimes liked to refer to ourselves as AMERICA, but with Trump in power and authority we are less than the third rate, and soon nothing but chaos, confusion full of incompetence, and walking around in the dark with absolutely no transparency to set us on the right path. I blame this on the walking dead, who walk among Patient Zero, TRUMP!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Spam Police

There are so many lies flying from the mouths of Trump and Pence, and his HHS Secretary Alex Azar and many the contingent of CLUSTERFUCKED propaganda filled Talking Heads presenting the newest versions of the “Sky Is Falling,” tucked together on the same podium trying to present this propaganda photo of unity, that all I seem to hear is NOISE, and a din of dumb, and actually see the spittle and teeny bits of Coronavirus particles sprayed onto the camera and the bevy of reporters ALSO CLUSTERFUCKED, at the ready to ask a hard question, but, rather than do so, just shout and scream and actually inform the public with very little but Trump and Pence, promising BETTER, TREMENDOUS, WAR, WE GOT THIS AND TRUST US. There are so many lies, and false promises, and real lack of effort by Trump and Pence and his Cadre of Con’s, that most of America becomes confuses and concerned, and we all want one solid list of answers to come from ONE person we can TRUST. So, in the wake of this urgent need, to only “TELL THE TRUTH, FOR GOD’S SAKE,” lots of average American people, like me, write and rant, and beg that Trump and Pence remove themselves from this discussion, and permit HONEST and NON-Political Designators Survivors speak, and speak with truth, honesty and above all else FACTS.

I write that opening paragraph, with too many run-on sentences, and perhaps a snide, bit of preaching, because, I am so tired of promises never intended to be kept, words falling as viscous and virulent as the virus themselves from  Trump whose only priority is to be re-elected at the cost of anyone’s health and safety, and the fact of the matter, it seems no one of great authority knows what should matter. And because of that, many people are now engaged in sharing their frustrations with a President and his SWAMP THINGS, who if they cannot make a buck off the peasant, or win a few propaganda points, and are using FACEBOOK as their medium. Well, I read these posts and share what I believe is relevant and add my comment. It seems now I have received a new notice from some nameless, and perhaps faceless person at FACEBOOK, stating I am SPAM, and as SPAM my content does not fit under its community standards! WTF! The FB SPAM Police have decided that I share too much information, and because most of it has the words, Trump/Pence/FOX News/and SHAM, it is SPAM! If I had another public forum from which to speak my truth and share the facts I would in a flash, but FACEBOOK is the only game in town for now.  I am not certain how begging, pleading for truth becomes SPAM, and I am not certain, how FACEBOOK, with their own litany of cover-ups for Russian Bots, sends the SPAM POLICE after me.  I do share a lot of commentaries, but this IS my life, the lives of my next generation, and to sit by quietly is a crime in itself. So, I shall continue, and wait for the SPAM POLICE, to deny me a place to recite the truth and try and silence me. SILENCE HAS ALWAYS EQUALED DEATH! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful

On today’s CLUSTERFUCK, of the CORONAVIRUS TRUMP/PENCE REALITY SHOW, in which all of the Muckety-Mucks still tightly strewn together, minus not only the 6 feet of social distancing suggested by the same people (you know as a precaution to stop the virus from spreading) BUT all CLUSTERFUCKED a tightly as sardines, actually rubbing shoulders, we witnessed HIGH praise from all of the anointed speakers, who began each and every remark by saying, “Under President Trump’s…the President’s wishes…because of the President…” insinuating that Trump HAS actually provided any leadership, and even the utmost interest, in the health of this nation, (rather than the health of his own re-election.) We are to, as it might seem with this daily CLUSTERFUCK TRUMP/PENCE REALITY SHOW, compliment Trump for words used deeds promised, but actually no action. A typical day of smoke and mirrors.

And then for a moment today, I thought I was about to watch the TV Soap Opera ‘The Bold and the Beautiful,’ as Trump and Mnuchin (Stevie Mnuchin, like Mikey Pence, have this… I just licked Trump’s anal cavity as the look on their face, and faces where nothing moves but their semi-oval lips…begging the question are they living beings or wooden puppets?) We heard new words coming from the PR always a “schtick,” lying corpse called Trump stating this new plan will be BIG, BOLD, and BEAUTIFUL! Nothing to worry about America we have you covered, with PERFECT, TREMENDOUS, and now BIG, BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL. In a way I was not disappointed, thinking I was about to watch a Soap Opera because all of the hype presented created the diversion which makes a Soap Opera so popular…tune in tomorrow to see how the story proceeds!

Soon, almost immediately, just wait, its gonna happen…all that has and is said, and yet the delivery by this Administration has been anything but just blah, blah, blah and a yadda, yadda or two. Governors of intelligence have made decisions, many Governors of very RED states, have done nothing or encouraged the opposite of any proactive actions. Mayors are trying to come up with answers, have not asked all the questions necessary. Some, citizens who DO play fair, have empathy, have pitched in and many who are ONLY concerned with greed, and hoarding, and the fuck the other person mentality have stepped up to push, bully and now purchase guns. FEAR is king and queen, and it still feels to me that all I am hearing is “off with their heads!”

Monday, March 16, 2020

supply chain

Remember, that time, on Friday, March 13, 2020, when Mikey Pence the Coronavirus Crusader, the Trump face for the people to trust and rely upon for the lies to be told, said that the Food Supply Chain was in perfect position, so “don’t worry, be happy!” I suppose, Trump and Pence and Kushner and Azar, and the rest of the CLUSTERFUCKED  contingent celebrating their success in keeping America's guessing as to what comes next, death, dying, doom, destruction, decay…have never really gone Grocery Shopping. Perhaps they let their staff handle it, or in Trump and Pence’s case, the Tax Payer Paid Staff handle it. Has anyone been to a Grocery Store, recently as in a day ago, an hour ago, a minute ago! Food Chain Supply my ass! You bet I am politicizing this Zombie Apocalypse because I have no say so in what is happening to me, our, your life, only a handful of politicians have that power. And so far, all we get is social distancing, curfews, lies, and just wait it is going to get worse…

okay and?

So, the Mayor of LA closed almost everything, cool. He reacted in an attempt to be proactive, but when we react, the results are not always precisely curated, or is it cured like a HAM? Let me explain, please, because I understand the idea of quarantine, and pretending that we are going to get ahead of that bubble or wave or whatever scary name it is referred to, which is always two weeks in the future! Today, Monday, March 16, 2020, I had a doctor's appointment, located in Beverly Hills. It is about 2.74 miles away, and to do so, I must traverse, through West Hollywood ( a place who has musical chair Mayors, always almost the same person, but with a different name, its called there is no democracy in West Hollywood), LA, where Mayor Garcetti has closed down all and everything, and finally Beverly Hills, for which I cannot either be snide or snarky because I could give a shit who the Mayor might be!

Here is what I experienced on this (God I have forgotten the exact Star Date for this Zombie Apocalypse) Day! When we are supposedly self-quarantining, the HOMELESS and those living on the street, still remain HOMELESS AND LIVE ON THE STREETS. But because there are fewer non lower on the list of unimportant humans, they are more obvious, and if anyone really is concerned about the Zombie Apocalypse, they might pay attention to this population, because they have been here and are not going anywhere. People in cars in LA give a shit anyway about traffic lights or pedestrians, but when there are less potential accident victims, the LA and Metro Area drivers, run red lights, do not stop at STOP signs, forget there are crosswalks and think talking on the phone is safer than splattering an innocent Angelino on the pavement.

So, just as an aside, or just as one more reason to wonder why we are called HUMAN, take a walk in LA, West Hollywood, or Beverly Hills, and take note, Zombie Apocalypse or not, we are some very dangerous people!

now gun sales

Well America, it now seems along with the necessary hoarding of TOILET PAPER/HAND SANITIZER/PAPRET TOWLES/FLIMSY BLUE MASKS, a new rush on the markets has begun. GUN SALES  have blossomed (even more than they did after school shootings/public concert shooting/army base shootings/ and your let's just shot anyone anywhere shootings,) which is hard to believe after all of those incidents MORE GUNS are necessary! So, if you had not watched the first few episodes of the ‘Walking Dead,’ because it seemed way too silly and fictional, do yourself a favor and watch…cause the ‘Walking Paranoid,’ are now among us! Bang you are dead dude, you tried to touch my property!


Today’s BLOG is brought to you by two words ONLY used by Trump, TREMENDOUS/PERFECT, and by the rest of a sane America…NOT! On Sunday, yet another CLUSTERFUCK of medical and scientific pawns were all tightly wound on the same podium, as first Trump limbered on the state saying words like perfect, tremendous, now you see it soon you won’t, and that HIS ECONOMY is doing well. Then the guy, perhaps if NOT Patient Zero in the USA, but definitely Patient Zero in the world of Grifters, Blackmailer’s, Criminals, Con’s and Russian Agents, after touching everyone around him and permitting his spittle to fling forward to the other CLUSTERFUCK, this time of Reporters, left the stage, glowing in his own toxic reactor meltdown of human bile, and vanity and delusion!

Pence, having no idea of his own surroundings, touching this person and that person, once again standing amongst the CLUSTERFUCK of really asinine props, pretending to be knowledgeable smart people (still being used to act the hypocrite, and remind us that do as I say and not as I do,) suggested more lies, and deferred any real answers to any real issues, but just saying we are following the presidents decisions (“sounds a lot like we are just following orders…”) Pence who must never have gone grocery shopping in his life, did tell us that the Food Supply Chain, would remain stable. (Has anyone tried to go Grocery Shopping recently…)lines of angry people, hoarding piles of nonsense, in CLUSTERFUCKS, pushing, shoving, and if they watch you grabbing for anything, then rush over and grab five of them. And NOW, which I had expected earlier than later, it seems the PURCHASING OF GUNS is on the rise! EVERY, DAMN APOCOLYPSE END OF THE WORLD MOVIE-EVER, is no longer fiction but true American insecure, selfish FACT.

SOCIAL DISTANCING, the is the new word, except when PENCE/TRUMP prefers the façade of support, the look of cohesive intent, the visuals to hide the lies, the misconceptions, and mostly the ineptness of Pence/Trump and of course, now we discover Kushner. GUNS, get ready, now for an old PANDEMIC arising, once again, America, DEATH BY A GUN OWNER, WHO uses the2nd Amendment as his infection of that particular virus! Tremendous and Perfect, as catchy as Thoughts and Prayers, and as USEFUL!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

i have questions

Let’s be honest, (NOT a word, I might add,) that either Trump or his Republican Oligarchs truly use or care about, and sadly neither do the MAGA, who believe dying of a disease, becoming quite ill from a disease or just suffering any hardships, from lack of nutrition, including the real people of the Earth or to the People created by the Supreme Court, the Corporations, use in their vocabulary when mentioning the CORNAVIRUS! As has been any requirement of transparency demanded regarding Trump and his Taxes, his Finances, his Bribes and Blackmail from Foreign Enemies, and at times the 1% of wealthy American domestic enemies, it seems asking for an honest answer as to COVID-19 is also an assault against Trump, and of course just a hoax to find YET one more reason he should be removed from office. (Oh, America, we were so close to having this criminal Impeached!)

But that was then, and this is now, and neither then, nor now, hold any weight because, with the permission of his minions, his recipients of dirty money, his Plutocratic, Theocratic, or Autocratic cult, lying is the new normal, and deception the new democracy. But, I cannot tolerate any of that, albeit, I am stuck living in Trump Land, (an environment which not only causes HATE and FEAR, but a constant paranoia and angst generated rash skin from the outer layers of one’s skin to the very pit of one’s gut.

So here are MY questions for the day, this Sunday, March 15, 2020. Does it matter if Trump has the Covid-19 Virus or not? He believes he is too MACHO, to get the illness, too weak, or could give one shit if he has it because he craves the crowds! Honestly, as with every other “OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE MEDICAL REPORT,” regarding Trump has any of its results either been truthful or has he even been examined. Why hasn’t Mar-A-Lago, been considered a HOT SPOT for the CORONAVIRUS, and quarantined, since so many people visiting there or setting up bribes there HAVE been tested positive for the virus? Why, is Social Distancing, is a THING, BUT every time Trump and his Puppet Pence parade along with the slew of either Medical Professionals (and each and every day none of them speak up or speak out publicly, I respect them less, and less,) they are bunched together, shake hands and touch the same equipment?  And why didn’t the Media follow up on Yamichi Alcindor’s question of “You said you don’t take responsibility for a slow response to coronavirus but your administration disbanded the White House office on pandemics? And the officials that worked in that office said that the White House lost valuable time because that office was disbanded.” Along with the lying response by Trump, of,  “I mean you say we did that; I don’t know anything about it. It’s the administration, perhaps, they do that. You know people let people go.” And why won’t ALL the media, act as one unit, when an uncomfortable question, a question requiring either fact or truth comes Trump’s way, (and he of course lies…) why won’t the media remain on that ONE question, and ask and ask and ask?

Saturday, March 14, 2020

out there

“The truth is out there. But so are lies.”/(Dana Scully- The X Files, Season One) The lies are out there, and the truth is locked away as might Cinderella, when Prince Charming arrives for a visit, because the beauty which is truth will overcome the ugly which is the lie, and the lie is all Trump ever has!”/(Gerry Buncher, Season of the Coronavirus via the Dictatorship of Trump.)

Here is an interesting ditty, among the dirges and delusional dictatorial and intentionally misdirected lies formed, plotted and planned by the Trump Pre-Meditated Murder so-called Health Task Force. Picture this, the Rose Garden, on the lawn of the White House, The King appears first, wearing his LONG tie, to let us all know HE is the MAN, followed by sheepish men and women, all of whom could be the newest batch of slaves placed for bidding at an auction for landowners, who only see others unlike themselves as chattel. King Donald has been in numerous locations with too numerous men and women who have been tested positive for the Covid-19 (how they got tests is always a good question, while the rest of the peasants have not,) and YET having been with these men and women who have the virus, Trump proudly proclaims maybe he will or maybe he won’t get tested. (We would be fools to think he hasn’t been tested, or Mike Pence, or a slew of the Swamp Creatures, but again, another rant about that at another time.) But nonetheless, Trump shook hands, patted on the back, and stood within mere three feet close to all of these CEO/Medical Experts, one by one, trying to talk out of one side of his mouth, about social distancing, and the spreads of the virus. We watched as perhaps one of the Patient Zero Covid-19 Zombies proudly passed on his germs.

Here are the Medical professionals, from whom we are to take heed, who, as I mentioned did not social distance, from both Trump or Pence, (whose own staff and they have had direct contact with politicians having come into contact with Covid-19) and in fact, these MEDICAL PHYSICIANS AND SCIENTISTS, shook hands. Please know these names, because they represent agencies we the people are to pretend will practice what they preach, and pretend that they preach the truth, even though they made it QUITE clear when it comes to Trump, forget that truth matters… Deborah L Birx, M.D.(White House-Coronavirus Co-Ordinator)/Anthony S. Fauci M.D. (Director, National Institute  of Allergy and Infectious Diseases /Robert Kadlec M.D. (Assistant, Department of HHS)/Robert Redfield M.D. (Director CDC)/Anne Schuchat M.D.(Principal Deputy Director CDC) Now we have the Seven figure, Capitalists, whose financial temperature is the true bellwether of health or illness for this nation. Brian Cornell (CEO-Target Stores)/Thomas Moriarty (CEO-CVS Health Policy) Then, in addition, we had the Administration SWAMP creatures… Seema Verma (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)/Alex Azar (Secretary HHS), and of course the Mike Pence (Task Force Douchebag) 

It was show and fail, and all but one person shook the hands of Patient Zero, all stood huddled closer than any Social Distancing is recommended, and all pretended, at least in front of the cameras, and in front of the Emperor with NO clothes, that we had nipped this Foreign Disease thing in the bud, needing, of course, NO intervention/assistance/advice from those damn foreign aliens, like WHO/ the Chinese Government/Spain/ or South Korea.  Yup and that was then, and today, more cases are opened than closed, and the truth, well of it is out there it too may already have the Covid-19 Virus!