“If a woodchuck, could chuck wood, how much, wood a woodchuck, chuck,” a tongue twister indeed, one my mother would offer as my sisters and I sat around eating breakfast during our days as elementary school students. Something to think about, she would add, reminding us, that sometimes when we did not feel like going to school, no matter the reason, NOT GOING to school had no options, but was more of an open-ended question, of, but what if you had no choice, how much less time would you aggravate yourself, knowing that the answer would always be just how much time you JUST will attend classes. It was a reasonable rhyme with some reasoning, now that I have the time to sit back, during this Zombie Apocalypse, and contemplate all that has come before, knowing that all that comes next, is a pure result of the lack of leadership, insight, will, morality, and intelligence, from all concerned as the first outbreak poke its ugly head, of the CORONAVIRUS, to NOW, the direct and sheer lack of capability but full culpability of Trump.
Trump has stated he could and can fix this problem, one time saying it is a hoax, next time demanding all media destroy any audio or video of his denial of this disease. Trump told all of us the only person he trusts regarding any conversation is himself, and that this flu-like thing will come and, a fleeting as any hyped-up illness, and as he talks to himself, he reminds the world he can fix it, take of it, change the course of it when he decides to, and no one, not medical, scientific, nerd, will establish that timing. How much stupid, can a douchebag, stupid, if a stupid, can be stupid, as can be! Not as much a tongue twister as a woodchuck per say, but almost the same meaning. The inevitable is here, it announced its arrival, was precise when it would appear, but like company that lingers at your house, settling in because of it so comfy, the COVID-19, has not provided its agenda for departure.
So, without ever admitting “I Am Sorry,” something a sociopath with narcissistic, and insidious tendencies along with pure pathological lying, and being an insecure entity cannot or ever will do, INSTEAD, Trump pretends, that the laws of the Constitution, the demands of Congress, and the moral imperatives that should actually evolve from the Executive Branch, (without much thought-as a given leadership role demands) Trump reacts, acts retracts, directs, and devolves into a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. We know how much wood a woodchuck would chuck…enough to get the job done, simple and sustainable…we do not know how much stupid a douchebag like Trump will provide, because he inevitably wrong for the job, and way to inept to conceive of anything of substance!