On Day 8 million 1 Hundred and Fifty-Two of the Trump Pandemic, (actually Thursday, March 19, 2020, the following was stated. “I ain’t nobody’s SHIPPING CLERK, bitch, and I “didn’t know anything about that.” Both quotes, falling from the mouth of Jabba the Orange, as he first was asked why, if the Wartime Authorization of Defense Production Act was in place…WHY were Medical Personal at hospitals still having to reuse face masks, face masks with expired dates on them and in some cases bandana’s as a means to protect their lives and the lives of the ill from the COVID-19. Then LURCH (MIKEY PENCE,) was immediately called to the front of the line to answer that annoying (this time not referred to as “nasty,” question…but the look of Jabba’s face could have started a new ice age. LURCH, brushed by Jabba, and in his tiny subservient voice, LURCH said, “I would be happy to Mr. President. (I now believe among the many awful things about LURCH, is that in fact, he has become a EUNUCH. LURCH, of course, did not answer the original question, but instead began the bragging bit about how much work has been done to keep America healthy! More questions were asked, and more avoidance provided. This time, however, the usual CLUSTEFUCK was less clustered, still fucked up, but there was at least a little more social distancing on the podium.
Today, Friday, March 20, 2020, another Trump Pandemic Rally was held, of course with Jabba the orange, using the words he knows best like tremendous, perfect, without reading from the teleprompter, but then when the real words concerning facts and truth had to be spoken, Jabba the Orange, looked down at the teleprompter, hardly moved his lips while speaking, and stumbled over anything scientific. However, Jabba perked up, when he got to get his xenophobic digs in, regarding that it is not just the Southern Border, he hates, but is an equal opportunity bigot, and has now included the Northern Border. And the white make under his eyes, (which recently has been looking more like a dank pile of gray goo, brightened up,) when Jabba, had the chance to criticize some foreign nations…because it was they who own this disease, and they who brought it to this country. Jabba also twisted the truth once again and told us that all those once nasty Governors, now like him, and he knew they would come around, in particular Governor’s Cuomo, and Newsome. (Both men, smarter than the entire Trump Family, knew exactly how to play to Trump’s ego, and get the necessary survival equipment, buy selling bull shit regarding Trump…so Jabba thought they were a compliment, when in fact “hats off to those two Democrat Governors, for holding back nausea by complimenting the deranged and dangerous Jabba. It worked, and sadly, tell Jabba his shit don’t stink, and as you shit all over him, and the citizens of your state get to live another day.