Let’s be honest, (NOT a word, I might add,) that either Trump or his Republican Oligarchs truly use or care about, and sadly neither do the MAGA, who believe dying of a disease, becoming quite ill from a disease or just suffering any hardships, from lack of nutrition, including the real people of the Earth or to the People created by the Supreme Court, the Corporations, use in their vocabulary when mentioning the CORNAVIRUS! As has been any requirement of transparency demanded regarding Trump and his Taxes, his Finances, his Bribes and Blackmail from Foreign Enemies, and at times the 1% of wealthy American domestic enemies, it seems asking for an honest answer as to COVID-19 is also an assault against Trump, and of course just a hoax to find YET one more reason he should be removed from office. (Oh, America, we were so close to having this criminal Impeached!)
But that was then, and this is now, and neither then, nor now, hold any weight because, with the permission of his minions, his recipients of dirty money, his Plutocratic, Theocratic, or Autocratic cult, lying is the new normal, and deception the new democracy. But, I cannot tolerate any of that, albeit, I am stuck living in Trump Land, (an environment which not only causes HATE and FEAR, but a constant paranoia and angst generated rash skin from the outer layers of one’s skin to the very pit of one’s gut.
So here are MY questions for the day, this Sunday, March 15, 2020. Does it matter if Trump has the Covid-19 Virus or not? He believes he is too MACHO, to get the illness, too weak, or could give one shit if he has it because he craves the crowds! Honestly, as with every other “OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE MEDICAL REPORT,” regarding Trump has any of its results either been truthful or has he even been examined. Why hasn’t Mar-A-Lago, been considered a HOT SPOT for the CORONAVIRUS, and quarantined, since so many people visiting there or setting up bribes there HAVE been tested positive for the virus? Why, is Social Distancing, is a THING, BUT every time Trump and his Puppet Pence parade along with the slew of either Medical Professionals (and each and every day none of them speak up or speak out publicly, I respect them less, and less,) they are bunched together, shake hands and touch the same equipment? And why didn’t the Media follow up on Yamichi Alcindor’s question of “You said you don’t take responsibility for a slow response to coronavirus but your administration disbanded the White House office on pandemics? And the officials that worked in that office said that the White House lost valuable time because that office was disbanded.” Along with the lying response by Trump, of, “I mean you say we did that; I don’t know anything about it. It’s the administration, perhaps, they do that. You know people let people go.” And why won’t ALL the media, act as one unit, when an uncomfortable question, a question requiring either fact or truth comes Trump’s way, (and he of course lies…) why won’t the media remain on that ONE question, and ask and ask and ask?