The current base salary for all rank-and-file members of the U.S. House and Senate is $174,000 per year, plus benefits. There are a total of 535 Members of Congress. 100 serve in the U.S. Senate and 435 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. So, with this newest stimulus/Re-elect Trump to a second term package, minus true actual dollars for the average American, to live for at least a month without debt, let alone the hourly wage earner, and those living below the poverty line, imagine if our Public Servants (BIG JOKE on that one,) added to the stimulus package a 10% deduction from their own salaries. As a point of reference, the percent of millionaires in Congress is 50% while the percent among the U.S. public is 1 percent.
Also for reference, Snopes (a myth-busting website) reports that members of Congress and staff “pay approximately 28 percent of their annual healthcare premiums through pre-tax payroll deductions.” They also have access to “free or low-cost care” through the Office of the Attending Physician as well as “free medical outpatient care at military facilities” in the D.C. area.
Trump will talk though any orifice he has and the sound will be the same as a fart of a burp, so anything he says is just stinky noise. Pence will thank Mr. President for anything he says, and that too is just the sound of a peon slurping up poop and gastric juices. But Imagine if the Congress (Both Parties, really believed the US is in dire straits and offered their own support, how much more money we would have to either, purchase, COVID-19 test kits, ventilators, masks and other PPE’s, necessary to keep the medical staff and first responders healthy. That number would total at a 10% cut back of Congressional salaries of $17,400 per the Royal Class (after all aren’t our politicians a Royal Class, times the total number of people in Congress, which is 535 individuals, equals $9,309,000! One has to wonder just how that money spent specifically on the American citizen might help curb that HUGE bubble of death and doom already washing upon our nation! Think about that, I know I do!