“If given the choice between dying and plunging the country I love into a Great Depression, I’d happily die.” Lt. Gov. of Texas, Dan Patrick, said he is ready “to take a chance on [my] survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves,” i.e. one in which business is booming. One of FOX’s so-called reliable anchor concluded that it is “an entirely reasonable viewpoint.” Glenn Beck, “I’m in the danger zone. I’m right at the edge, I’m 56,” the Blaze TV founder said from his home studio. “I would rather have my children stay home and all of us who are over 50 go in and keep this economy going and working, even if we all get sick, I’d rather die than kill the country.
Hey Glenn, I have a GREAT idea, one Trump, might even consider TREMENDOUS/PERFECT. Get 84-year-old Charlie Koch to use one of his private jets, to fly all of the half dozen Republican Senators:86- year old Grassley (IA)/85-year-old Shelby(Miss)/83- year-old Roberts (Kan)/79- year old Alexander )TN)/78- year old Weicker (Miss)/78-year old McConnell (Kent) all Republicans, eager and compassionate for the healthy economy versus a healthy constituent, to fly to say NYC, or SF, or LA or Chicago, you know the major economic hubs of America. Let them meet 64-year-old Jamie Dimon (CEO of JP Morgan Chase get inside his ultra-expansive, and I certain expansive limo, and have these guys either deliver meals on wheels, feed the homeless, or work a shift or two at a fast-food eatery. If they want they can grab a mop and bucket and do some office maintenance, work with Fire Departments or the EMS, and maybe take a shift in an Emergency Room at an overcrowded hospital minus all of the safety precautions necessary to make the young folk better! You want the economy to live, and old people are just in the way. What a great way to Make Americas Greater Again, Dude…you could name them the Beck Boys. You start with these old “geezers,” and this old “geezer,” (I am 70 will pitch in) You see dude, I call your bluff from way up on the Ivory Hypocritical Tower from which you pontificate! Let the wealthy do their deed as well as the poor! Tag, Dude, You Are it!