SNORT, try to read words with more than one syllable…SNORT again…say nothing but pat yourself on the back, and brag we have the best economy….SNORT again, praise the ban on the Chinese People, overlook the cargo, and the workers delivering the cargo, plus any Chinese product, produced by Ivanka’s slave labor force…SNORT again, mispronounce a few words, choke again on reading from the teleprompter, words someone else wrote and you had no idea were there or what they meant…Talk about the Great Economy under your leadership or is it Corruption…have no physical effect as you say words like compassion, care, concern…SNORT, again…Let America know we will keep the virus out of this nation by banning travel from all of Europe, even countries with less Coronavirus then the US, exempt the UK, because…well, maybe you and Boris Johnson have a thing…SNORT again…mention testing in the US, except be very, very, very obtuse about it, because in fact we have very little testing taking place as it is, and you have no idea, nor want money to be spent on that because YOU cannot make a buck from any of that…SNORT some more…and WE The People, suffer your inability to comprehend, anything but what will make you a King. Great waste of time, and sadly maybe lives, TRUMP!