They will indeed follow, as the rats did with the Pied Piper, and as lemmings do when there is no one with a brain to lead them, fall off the cliff…THEY, being a new kind of creature called MAGA…so far, THEY believe the Coronavirus is a Liberal ploy, or plot, a Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer inspired gimmick to remove all of the valuable acts, initiated by Trump. THEY also, think (in spite of the fact that the CPAC douchebags became instantly vulnerable to an infected Covid-19) it is not something real Americans can get. THEY have no idea even their savings, and medical care, and public or private schools, market places, banks, and savings will be impacted, one way or another by Covid-19. The MAGA will “Zeig Heil,” and goosestep to their own death’s because somehow all of them have drunk the Jonestown Kool-Ade, and think because Trump hates the same people as they do he is the GUY to believe in!
Here is the thing, for me, and sad I must admit it…at first call, I could give a shit if each and every racist/bigoted/homophobic/anti-Semite/misogynistic/”Good Nazi,” KKK, 1% American Oligarch came down with Covid-19…but then FUCK, they are everywhere so in turn that would mean the rest of us could become contagious too. So, now I have to hope, someone Trump realizes that aside from Wall Street, Main Street needs assistance (and no not in the form of tossing paper towels!) So I am finding myself with quite the conundrum of empathy, sympathy, and goodwill. I know, if this was only considered a Gay/Jewish/Strong Female/Immigrant /People of Color Disease, most MAGA’s would shout and cheer…I don’t want to become one of THEM…but damned if I am not thinking about it!