There are so many lies flying from the mouths of Trump and Pence, and his HHS Secretary Alex Azar and many the contingent of CLUSTERFUCKED propaganda filled Talking Heads presenting the newest versions of the “Sky Is Falling,” tucked together on the same podium trying to present this propaganda photo of unity, that all I seem to hear is NOISE, and a din of dumb, and actually see the spittle and teeny bits of Coronavirus particles sprayed onto the camera and the bevy of reporters ALSO CLUSTERFUCKED, at the ready to ask a hard question, but, rather than do so, just shout and scream and actually inform the public with very little but Trump and Pence, promising BETTER, TREMENDOUS, WAR, WE GOT THIS AND TRUST US. There are so many lies, and false promises, and real lack of effort by Trump and Pence and his Cadre of Con’s, that most of America becomes confuses and concerned, and we all want one solid list of answers to come from ONE person we can TRUST. So, in the wake of this urgent need, to only “TELL THE TRUTH, FOR GOD’S SAKE,” lots of average American people, like me, write and rant, and beg that Trump and Pence remove themselves from this discussion, and permit HONEST and NON-Political Designators Survivors speak, and speak with truth, honesty and above all else FACTS.
I write that opening paragraph, with too many run-on sentences, and perhaps a snide, bit of preaching, because, I am so tired of promises never intended to be kept, words falling as viscous and virulent as the virus themselves from Trump whose only priority is to be re-elected at the cost of anyone’s health and safety, and the fact of the matter, it seems no one of great authority knows what should matter. And because of that, many people are now engaged in sharing their frustrations with a President and his SWAMP THINGS, who if they cannot make a buck off the peasant, or win a few propaganda points, and are using FACEBOOK as their medium. Well, I read these posts and share what I believe is relevant and add my comment. It seems now I have received a new notice from some nameless, and perhaps faceless person at FACEBOOK, stating I am SPAM, and as SPAM my content does not fit under its community standards! WTF! The FB SPAM Police have decided that I share too much information, and because most of it has the words, Trump/Pence/FOX News/and SHAM, it is SPAM! If I had another public forum from which to speak my truth and share the facts I would in a flash, but FACEBOOK is the only game in town for now. I am not certain how begging, pleading for truth becomes SPAM, and I am not certain, how FACEBOOK, with their own litany of cover-ups for Russian Bots, sends the SPAM POLICE after me. I do share a lot of commentaries, but this IS my life, the lives of my next generation, and to sit by quietly is a crime in itself. So, I shall continue, and wait for the SPAM POLICE, to deny me a place to recite the truth and try and silence me. SILENCE HAS ALWAYS EQUALED DEATH!