So, the Mayor of LA closed almost everything, cool. He reacted in an attempt to be proactive, but when we react, the results are not always precisely curated, or is it cured like a HAM? Let me explain, please, because I understand the idea of quarantine, and pretending that we are going to get ahead of that bubble or wave or whatever scary name it is referred to, which is always two weeks in the future! Today, Monday, March 16, 2020, I had a doctor's appointment, located in Beverly Hills. It is about 2.74 miles away, and to do so, I must traverse, through West Hollywood ( a place who has musical chair Mayors, always almost the same person, but with a different name, its called there is no democracy in West Hollywood), LA, where Mayor Garcetti has closed down all and everything, and finally Beverly Hills, for which I cannot either be snide or snarky because I could give a shit who the Mayor might be!
Here is what I experienced on this (God I have forgotten the exact Star Date for this Zombie Apocalypse) Day! When we are supposedly self-quarantining, the HOMELESS and those living on the street, still remain HOMELESS AND LIVE ON THE STREETS. But because there are fewer non lower on the list of unimportant humans, they are more obvious, and if anyone really is concerned about the Zombie Apocalypse, they might pay attention to this population, because they have been here and are not going anywhere. People in cars in LA give a shit anyway about traffic lights or pedestrians, but when there are less potential accident victims, the LA and Metro Area drivers, run red lights, do not stop at STOP signs, forget there are crosswalks and think talking on the phone is safer than splattering an innocent Angelino on the pavement.
So, just as an aside, or just as one more reason to wonder why we are called HUMAN, take a walk in LA, West Hollywood, or Beverly Hills, and take note, Zombie Apocalypse or not, we are some very dangerous people!