An ongoing segment of the TV show South Park is the fact that one of the characters Kenny, is constantly being killed, His oft-muffled and indiscernible speech—the result of his parka hood covering his mouth—is provided by co-creator Matt Stone. People tend to forget about Kenny because his orange parka muffles his voice, and he is a man (or boy) of few words to begin with. A common conversation from all Kenny’s friends is “… You bastard, look what you have done, you have killed Kenny…” Then Kenny is back again and says I can't die. I've experienced death countless times. Sometimes, I see a bright light. Sometimes, I see Heaven or Hell. But eventually, no matter what, I wake up in my bed wearing my same old clothes. The wort part. No one even remembers me dying.
An ongoing dark comedy, televised as if it was just another Soap Opera, is the Faux, Coronavirus Mini-Me-MAGA Rally, in which the cartoon character Trump, brags about his tremendous and perfect handling of a crisis he never acknowledged but now pontificates that he had known about it way before it became an epidemic let alone pandemic. He huffs and puff struts, and congratulates himself (a nasty form of self-flagellation,) then after taking a few questions, most of which beg for facts when all he wants is to brag and produce fiction, he lumbers off stage, fearful that one more criticism might cause him tom implode. Then another cartoon character takes center stage (the opportunity for the Second Banana to become nothing more than a stooge,) this character’s name is LURCH. LURCH profusely praises Mr. President, thanks Mr. President, repeats the same lies as The President, and informs NO one of NOTHING, but produces thank you letters from “real Americans,” whose life became better because all Trump had to do was let America know he had a feeling, a sense, and that he was good at these things.
And then there is the Kenny character, sort of like the one from South Park, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who no matter what he says or tries to say is knocked down and killed by two politicians, looking to heal their re-election chances, and avoiding the real healing for ALL Americans (not just the new term ‘THE REAL AMERICANS’, who would rather die themselves or kill off grandma or grandpa, they have an elusive thin with no DNA, live) Kenny’s (Dr. Anthony Fauci) educated insight and medical talent (if he is even permitted to speak or appear on the CLUSTERFUCK Podium, is minimized, patronized, and most rebutted by the biggest BUTTHEAD in the world Trump, and it seems each time Kenny, (Fauci speaks) his information is killed. I watch this pathetic; piece of plotline play out time after time, and honestly, I feel like one of the South Park characters shouting to LURCH and Trump, “…you bastards, look what you’ve done you killed Kenny. And then I add, and while you were at it you are killing America!