National Conservatism, one of the new catchphrases, from a population that never quite appreciated that this nation, more than any in modern history, had found its strengths and future, from the immigrants, arriving from foreign lands. Revisionist History, which is practiced by National Conservatives, is another phrase, never spoken out loud, but practiced along with their macabre ideology, because with Revisionist History, FACTS are ideas which can be molded into an ideal, ignoring any truth to the matter, and anything blocking their purity tests, won’t matter. I choose this topic for the moment, not that having a plethora of other disgusting variables which arise when a pandemic permits the SMUG like sludge to arise, but demonstrate, that National Conservatism is nothing but a bunch of so-called Militia Goons running around with weapons ready to assume NOW is the time to BECOME a new WORLD ORDER, and if need be, kill a bunch of people, either in the name of some far-fetched place in the world or as usual for God’s sake!
There is an idea from those who preach National Conservatism, those who have no idea what it means but hears the words on FOX News, some Preachers whose Bible is not written from the words of sages from past but Demons who have always existed in their current lives, and the immoral MAGA, whose delight is service a False Prophet, thinking they will profit from some arcane version of a truth-teller who only sells snake oil. So, as is usual a selfish self-serving prophecy is emerging, which usually creeps up from under rocks better left non disturbed, by the life form having hidden in the shadows of hate in bigotry. Heralded by 15 minutes of Fame Whores/Conservative Christians who need a scapegoat to place at the altar of their Christ, and for the minions less likely to believe the Earth is round, but certain to understand it is flat, and of course, the BILLIONAIRES, who DO BELIEVE when you die, your wealth and riches follow you to HELL…there is an idea that the life of the Economy is a priority, (who benefits, of course, are the already 1% of wealthy Domestic Terrorist Donor Class) and to become a MARTYR, if you are JUST an hourly worker, making minimum wage, or living paycheck to paycheck, will indeed Make America Greater Again. So the idea which has blossomed a pure as the leaves on a Poison Ivy weed, is that the older generation should expose themselves first to COVID-19, give life to the Economy, and Trump’s chances for Re-Election, and become a real Patriot! The Older Generation is using up way too much Giga space on this planet, and we must eradicate them.
National Socialist German Workers' Party, for easier description NAZI’s began their rise to power in 1933, and in the clamor to eradicate Europe from the vermin which were the Jews, Gypsy’s, Homosexuals, Catholics, they collected these demographics, as the French would describe it, it was a Vel' d'Hiv' Roundup. But as the wartime economy began to lay heavy on the Third Reich, and as the NAZI’s played the propaganda game of National Conservatism (same thing as National Fascism), it became economically convenient and a better sale to the population to not invest the time or money in transferring the OLDER DEMOGRAPHICS but shoot them on the spot, or spend a little money place them on the Cattle Cars to a Concentration Camp, and if they had survived that horrendous experience, shoot them as they exited. The reason was easy, it is a wartime era, and we must save the economy, and who the fuck has time for a bunch of human lives who are too old, to do anything but live a life! And, now, In AMERICA, the mere idea that this thought process is NOW in the open and being rumored and discussed, should send a chill to all of us with any morals, values, love of God, and a true understanding of democracy!