Tuesday, June 30, 2020

I didn't know, but I did, then didn't

First, we hear that HIS staff was afraid to bring Trump the news that Trump’s adolescent crush, Putin has paid bounty’s on the lives of the American Troops in Afghanistan. Then we hear that NO, in fact, there was no collaborative, concise and collective consensus by HIS staff, to alert Trump, about Taliban Bounty Hunters acting as mercenaries, BUT, there was ENOUGH information to give Great Britain the heads up that maybe some of their Coalition Forces were also on Putin’s hit list. Then we heard that this is just a ruse used by the DNC. Then we heard that even if it was a fact, NO SIR, NO WAY, Trump knew anything about it until June 26, 2020, as he headed to his Trump National Golf Club located in Potomac Falls, Virginia. But then with enough “off the record,” anonymous reporting, Trump in fact knew about the BOUNTY way back in 2019. But then again, HIS staff now its third or fourth iteration, (this cade of clowns even more enlightened and energized to eat from Trump’s entrails) insisted that no if Trump knew anything at all it would have been January of 2020. BUT the few brave enough to submit a teeny tiny tinge of truth were then reprimanded and changed their tune, saying if Trump has been told about Putin offering to murder American Troops it may have happened in March of 2020…BUT THEN how could it have even happened then IF IN FACT TRUMP NEVER HESRD ABOUT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Now, the Heads of America intelligence agencies, the Pod People, are not agreeing or denying that the facts are real, but now more concerned that they got leaked. Uh-Huh, here we go with the idea that the leaks are the issue, not the premeditated murder of our Troops. (Imagine the Hoover Dam infrastructure in dire straits, and leaks begin to let water drip and drain, and the only concern is why are their leaks, rather then what then fuck is going on with the entire DAM itself) Of course we hear from the Media, the Democrats, but silence remains from the Republicans, and cover-up, which is another form of silence, from the White House HIRED LIARS who lie so often and at such a rate of speed, that their tongues cannot keep up with brains, and each new lie contradicts the lie told five minutes ago, or by another LIAR sent out to LIE as LOUD as they can.

And now, two Republican Senators have begun to complain about all this Putin/Trump Murder Pack; Corey Gardner of Colorado, and Thom Tillis of North Carolina because they both face tough re-election and think acting tough this time might make their voters believe neither man had been a Trump Flying Monkey in the past. We have been in GRAVE Danger ever since the hacking into office of Trump, we have endured three and one-half years of a demented Russian asset as President…but if you think that was rough, the announcement of a BOUNTY ON AMERICAN TROOPS BY PUTIN, with full knowledge by Trump, is like the one bandage remaining which had been ripped, permitting this nation to witness what gore and guts, blood and oozing horror lie ahead between now and November 2020!

Monday, June 29, 2020

Eve of Destruction

The eastern world, it is explodin',
Violence flarin', bullets loadin',
You're old enough to kill but not for votin',
You don't believe in war, but what's that gun you're totin',
And even the Jordan River has bodies floatin',
But you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction. (Eve of Destruction/Barry McGuire)

You did or didn’t take the time to stop Tweeting/watching FOX News/perseverating on Morning Joe/asking the mirror or the wall who is the fairest of them all/to actually take on the responsibility the job of President of the United States requires, to read the latest updates regarding the safety and welfare of this nation. You are either too mentally challenged/too lazy/too inept/too ignorant/or just unable to comprehend the most basic of communication or not. You and Pence, Donnie Boy were not duped into disregarding the INTELLIGENCE MATERIAL, the ITEMS from which our TEAM of US Espionage Agencies INFORMED you regarding a BOUNTY on the men and women serving in Afghanistan, YOU AND PENCE decided NOT to indulge!

BOUNTY HUNTERS paid assigns procured by PUTIN, your DADDY-figure, your DICTATOR de’ jour, your DUDE who has owned and operated you, blackmailed and bribed you, and you lie your fucking ass off as is the usual case when, caught being nothing but a selfish prick, whose only delight is the collection of laundered money and highjacked power. You call yourself the Law and Order President, whose law and whose order, the Russians, the Turkish, the Chinese, certainly not the Americans. And for every single fucker, who calls themselves Republican politicians who are NOT DISGUSTED ENOUGH, to finally speak up or speak out about this latest atrocity born and bred from your insane mind and lack of will, they too are culpable and should be held accountable whether it be just one Troop slaughtered or hundreds. The phony bull shit of TRUMP AND McCONNELL AND ESPER, AND BARR AND POMPEO pretending that making America great means making Putin killing our troops and our constitution and the soul of this nation. Oh yeah and for the spineless GOP who will pretend none of this is a THING, please slowly rot in Hell on a rotisserie for eternity!


Well, maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah (Hallelujah/Leonard Cohen)

100-person Choir in a 10,000 seat Mega Church in Dallas, spittle ringing from the mouths of the soprano’s with phlegm and streams of slurpy droll dripping as the bass and baritone belted out their Christian melodies, all without a mask and all for the folks snuggled neatly in a jammed packed Petri Dish called First Baptist Dallas. Joining the high and mighty voices proclaiming their love of God, was an invisible other choir, a virus named COVID-19. Together the melodies and harmonies created a sympathy for future doom, destruction, and possible death…But Damn to God, no one AIN’T gonna take away my freedom to Praise the Lord, and silence my freedom to spread both my religious freedom and the freedom of nature to infect the mere mortals calling themselves humans.

And then with the audacity of an empty hypocrite hyped on hoping to please a monster, who feeds on fiction and falsehoods, who believes in one God, himself, and one power mightier than any LORD or SAVIOR, himself, thinking his sorcery is more of a superpower than nature, TRUMP…Mike Pence, pretends that suddenly, after remaining silent about masks and social distancing, testing, and tracing…just to get that really swell PR production piece, he found his HALLELUJAH, and admits “hey neighbor, there is a Pandemic!’ And hey neighbor, now that this is no longer just a liberal, minority-based, Liberal hoax, BUT affecting his and TRUMPS precious Bible Belt Bigots, WE AUTTA DO MORE TO CONTAIN IT! Praise the Lord and pass the COVID-19!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

another day more crap

With his mask nowhere to be found, Pence, has decided that maybe there is a Pandemic, and perhaps he should pretend to act the concerned ingenue, and demure to the necessities of responsibility and will not hold rally’s in some very HOT SPOT CORONAVIRUS  states. The sadness, expressed by the White House Officials, is not so much that Texas, Florida or Arizona’s citizens are now kinda, sorta, like those “Commie,” New Yorkers, but in fact, these precious God Bless the Confederacy and the Armed Militia States were the true base for the American Evangelical Christian Taliban, and a few rebel-rousing rallies would make Trump’s temper tantrums cease, and bring some health to his horrible mood. Don’t cry for me Covid-19, cry for me, because my ego is shattered and bruised.

And now we are to be shocked and with awe (If I may George W) that Trump’s BFF, Putin has stabbed the USA in the back and has actually been paying a bounty to have the other Taliban, (you know the same kind of folks who believe their God is a killer kind of God, but of brown skin), all the while chumming up to Trump, and seducing him with the fine art of being a full-blown DICTATOR AND DESPOT. And we are to also believe that Trump, who has had more secretive and solo meetings with Putin, than any American sans, interpreter or staff, knew nothing about the MURDER of AMERICAN TROOPS. Intel is too boring for Trump (remember he IS the President of the United States) and if it has more than three paragraph’s and is not triple spaced on the paper, Trump gets lost and loses his attention, so if in fact any of this SUDDEN shocking news of Trump permitting his Troops to be killed by Bounty HUNTERS, paid by Putin, never was communicated. And yep of course the main Flying Monkey, closer to God than thou, Mikey Pence, Mother Pence’s little boy also was out of the loop. 

And even as we speak, with all the torment and arrogant resistance which was had months in advance preparation to fight the Pandemic…with Trump’s refusal to admit police violence and brutality against Black Lives is a real thing…with Trump’s love affair with Xi of China, his Bromance with Putin of Russia, his still fling with Jung-Un of North Korea…his desire to remove Affordable Health Care and leave even his most ardent base broke, and sick…even with all of that…there are pockets of Republicans dressed in Militia garb, Nazi uniforms, Draped in anything Confederacy, ready to go to war against this nation, pretending that Trump IS the PATRIOT, and anyone believing in SCIENCE/MEDICINE/LAW/EQUALITY/or even THE PRINICPLE’S OF THE CONSTITUTION, the real enemy of the state!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Mega size me

It might sound like the set-up of a joke: THREE MEN walk into a MEGA CHURCH (what the fuck are these Mega-Churches anyway, (a sanctuary to fit Godzilla,) “To Mark Freedom Sunday” at a Dallas Church, all of this when a PANDEMIC, has grown completely out of control due to a sheer motivation with the indulgence by these EXACT THREE MEN! The men, VP Mikey PENCE, (who loves to brag about being Pro-Life, when it pertains to a zygote or fetus,) Texas Gov Greg ABBOTT (following in the hallowed or should I say hollow footsteps of ex-douchebag Texas Governors of Texas, like George W, and Rick Perry) and, US Housing Secretary Ben CARSON, (who by all estimates had been neurosurgeon, someone in the medical profession, who supposedly had enough mental stability to understand science and facts) will attend “celebrate Freedom Sunday a MEGA-LARGE (maybe enough room for MOTHRA to find seating) in-person event at the First Baptist MEGA-CHURCH, 3 days, count ‘em 3 days after Governor ABBOTT placed the state’s reopening plan on hold (as of Friday Texas ranks as fifth among us states with highest COVID cases.)
The pretense is that PENCE, (the once and then suddenly disappeared head of the CORONAVIRUS Task Force, who had been missing in action, but who now because the Trump/Pence polling numbers are down due both Trump and Pence’s refusal to admit we have a PANDEMIC,) IS…here the punch line suddenly concerned, and he wants to hit the ground and see for himself what a victim of COVID-19 looks like…UH-HUH! Of course, never missing a beat, the Sunday church event will include fireworks patriotic music special message from Pence. (It is a MAGA with a little more of Jesus and Robert E. Lee) (Of course, the MEGA-CHURCH states it will require temperature tests, and deny entry of those with 100.4 and higher, and of course, because Jesus would prefer it, face masks and social distancing encouraged but not required, because if Jesus or Robert E Lee cannot see your mouth moving, how do they know you are either praying to God or praying for the resurgence of the Confederacy.

And to top it off of course this MEGA-CHURCH’ pastor IS ROBERT JEFFRESS (TRUMPS EVANGELICAL ADVISORY BOARD AND WHITE HOUSE FAITH INITIATIVE ambassador for Jesus himself! Jeffress by the by, another punchline for this heinous joke, has publicly opposed same-sex marriage believes followers of Judaism/Islam and Mormonism all go to hell. So inclusion, in a state whose spike in COVID cases has spiked, in a city ranked number two in increased cases, in a MEGA-CHURCH where thousands can be seated along with Godzilla, PENCE/ABBOTT/CARSON will hold a no masks or social distancing required MAGA RALLY pretending to actually deal with the PANDEMIC in this nation. Why one could laugh until they choke on their mucus and die!

Friday, June 26, 2020


Ricky Ricardo would oftentimes return home from work, and if the ‘I Love Lucy’ Show’s theme was about one more concocted unconceivable catastrophic convergence of crazy and chaos, often times the first words out of Ricky’s lips was “You’ve Got Some ‘Splaining to Do LUCY! And as usual, the camera would pan in for a great close up of a very distraught LUCY, and either she would be heard saying “AHHHH,” or just a bunch of tears would fall, and we heard a giant “WAH!”

One more day in our lives, and more batch of headlines from which the common question should be Trump/Republicans/Police/and Good Nazi’s, “You’ve Got Some ‘Splaining to Do”:

The Supreme Court is about to decide the fate of the remaining portions of the Affordable Health Care Act (let’s be fair, OBAMA-CARE and let's be more precise, anything with the hint of OBAMA turns the already Orange Man into a resemblance of a sun ready to reach the level of a Super Nova.) So here we are in the midst of a Pandemic, an already decimating health crisis, and Trump with his emasculated, frail, pitiful shattered narcissistic ego, just can’t let go of his JEALOUSY regarding Obama. And in the midst of a Pandemic, Trump decides to stop the funding of over a half dozen testing sights. No masks, no tracing, no testing, and no one brave enough in the Republican-led Senate to say enough of this you pre-meditated murderer!

Now a bunch of sheriff’s, another group of little boys who wanted to grow up and pretend they were the boss, playing with their guns and wielding power, (power they never ever earned as children,) have decided to ignore the Governor of North Carolina’s mandate and refuse to wear masks. Playing the Trump game of Masks is for Sissy’s or the MAGA madness trope, It’s MY Freedom, these public servants, paid by our tax dollars are breaking the law, and yet they are supposed to enforce it.

And one more Police incident in Colorado well-hidden for over a month, regarding three white policemen a young black man and the young black man’s death. And the GOP is all pissy because their pretend law regarding policing, which still empowers the police and not the citizen, has seen little support from the Dems. Why the GOP even had their one and only African American Senator sponsor the bill, so you know, that if they went to that much trouble to be PATRONIZING, then by all means this trick should have worked. And then John Bolton, who knew all would not tell all until he was paid, but still insists he would have cooperated if the Dems tried a more bi-partisan approach to impeach Trump. As I said, “LUCY, YOU’VE GOT A LOT OF’SPLAING TO DO! 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

we pay dead people

“I See Dead People,” This line is spoken by Cole Sear, played by Haley Joel Osment, in the film The Sixth Sense, directed by M. Night Shyamalan (1999). ...  And so it seems Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin /The Internal Revenue Service/and the Mnuch-kins who, work for an arrogant, incompetent, and ass liking Secretary of the Treasury who in turn obeys the orders and is the official court jester when it comes to hiding the identities of recipients from taxpayer-funded programs, except if they are DEAD!

People still living, and this age of Trump and his continuous folly and foibles fucked up attention to any detail but saving his own ass, it is a HARD LIFE, are in desperate need of government assistance. But with the sheer “I could give a shit,” attitude of Stevie (I take my wife on honeymoon trips at taxpayer expenses, and transparency is for fools) Mnuchin; there seems to be no priority or professionalism in JUST sending money to DEAD PEOPLE. Over $4 million in stimulus checks have been sent to the deceased. How is that even a thing? But, we all know, if you are alive and miss paying the IRS (unless you are Trump or one of his QUID PRO QUO BFFs) the IRS knows EVERYTHING about you. Dear GOD…H-E-L-P! 

lets call them out

I will make this BLOG a rather short one, at least in regard to my lengthy dissertations I have sadly grown accustomed to writing. (With Trump and his Flying Monkey’s/his Good Nazi’s/ his Evangelical American Taliban/his sanctimonious and selfish lackey's such as McConnell/Barr/ Mnuchin, and his Nepotism Den in Evil the Prince and Princess Kushner, as well as Dumb Jr, and his slap-stick comedian second banana brother Dumber, there is so much to write about; brevity is never my “GO TO!”

I believe that SILENCE DOES EQUAL DEATH, and if you have ever read any of my blogs YOU will know I repeat that phrase over and over and OVER again. The mere fact that the GOP Senate Majority has said nothing in defiance of Trump’s selfish desire to stop testing or underfund testing or just ignore testing and tracing, ONLY because by doing so we as a nation may actually come to discover what we already know, (at least those of us who wear masks and social distance, and know the Earth is Round) that the Pandemic is real and is not (as Trump’s racist referral, just The Kung Flu), and BY knowing the real numbers his chances for re-election diminish as the deaths arise! I also believe and YOU can choose one of the intentions or all, that by purposefully permitting COVID-19 to spread, Trump is A) a pre-meditated murderer B)is guilty of manslaughter C ) a sadistic pervert  D ) a danger to the health and welfare of our American Society or as I said E) ALL OF THE ABOVE.

AND, I believe that it is NOW the time to refer to the GOP Senators who either laugh this off, or say Trump is such a jokester, or fly through the Senate Halls ignoring any response, or who just hide under some immoral rock to begin to be called out as A) co-conspirators for murder, B) pre-meditated murderers, C ) Enemies of the State. And I believe any interviewer should first ask why is there no more testing or tracing and once they demure to Trump out of their own self-serving survival they too should be called out for MURDER and assisted SUICIDE!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

KUNG FLU, get it!

I was unaware that the Stand-Up Comedian-In-Chief, TRUMP while playing to an audience at Dream City Church (formerly Phoenix First Assembly of God) an Assemblies of God megachurch in Phoenix Arizona, HE (Trump) while inhaling the pleasurable appeal of a throng of suicidal and homicidal cultists, (along with the teeny tiny particles of the CORONAVIRUS, gathering for their own mealtime pleasures, as might ants, convene on the blankets of picnicker’s), had some new comedy material to amaze and daze, and dangle, hoping to exclude the horrors of COVID-19, and include, a “look over there”, lighter moment…to, of course, take the blame for his inadequate handling of a pandemic. While the mostly young privileged adults (Americans accustomed to wishing away what they don’t want, and woefully wanting what they think they deserve), snarky and sarcastic and stupid as smelly shit, sat shoulder to shoulder, most wearing no face coverings, BUT drooling, snorting, sneezing and sucking face with one another, giggled with delight, making light of some kind of Liberal Hoax, (which ONLY affected that NEW YORK kind of people), leaned in to hear every lie trump could tell; Trump had a one-liner ready to knock ‘em dead with laughter…(KNOCK ‘EM DEAD”, I will just repeat that part)

The Stand-Up-Comedian-In-Chief, Trump, so terrified of testing because real numbers of sick people might be discovered, lessening his bravado claims that he has CONQUERED CORONAVIRUS, gave us a new one-liner and called COVID-19, (get ready folks) “THE KUNG FLU!” Well damned be it, the audience howled, hooted, saliva and all those watery parts living at the tips of our mouths and noses flew like the wind, scattered out of one mouth and landed in another opened mouth full of its own thunderous HEE-HAW! What a guy, that TRUMP IS, “THE KUNG FLU!” where the fuck does he come up with such HILLARIOUS material. Well from the reports, this MAGA/YOUNG REPUBLICAN batch of either wanna be suicide or pre-meditated murders laughed until they cried or is does the phrase go, laughed until they died…not certain. Making America Great Again, one death at a time!


ZOMBIES…I love anything ZOMBIE, and my daughter, Dani, has inherited my fascination with them, even though my son, Adam is still a bit skeptical but turning the corner on the appreciation of anything ZOMBIE. Dani’s fiancé Sarah has also become a fan of ZOMBIE’s and even my husband Joe is becoming quite a critic of a B ZOMBIE movie or one of greater stature. My love for ZOMBIE’s started when I watched the second movie shown on Chiller Theater while I lived in Pittsburgh, (in the early ’60s) when “Chilly Billy Cardille, would play a double bill of horror, with the second movie always about the walking dead in Haiti (this before I realized that BLACK LIVES MATTERED) because these ZOMBIES were victims of a voodoo curse, and of course the white plantation owners who could give a shit about their slaves! (Why I even lined up at the Monroeville Mall to try and become an extra in the first George Romero’s “Hight of the Living Dead,” my older sister actually placed rouge and red lipstick all over my body so I would look like a ZOMBIE, but I got on line too late and all the extra ZOMBIE’s had been cast.)

But here I am in 2020, and ZOMBIES are walking among us, in the form of MAGA supporters. The dead who prey upon the living during COVID-19, almost as if they were sucking the lives out of their friends and family for being as deadheaded as ZOMBIES, and as lifeless and caring! I watched the early episodes of ‘Walking Dead,’ and like most fans were astonished to discover that the ZOMBIE disease, was not shared by being bitten, but that in actuality the virus was a part of our DNA. Whatever the malaise, it was suddenly a realization that IT was becoming a part of us. And as I witness the Republicans and their enablers, who could give a shit about masks, or testing or tracing, it seems the ZOMBIE VIRUS like the arrogance regarding the CORONAVIRUS is now becoming something natural, inbred!

And then there was a scene in World War Z, when the population living in Jerusalem, felt safe and secure from the ZOMBIE VIRUS because that city had taken precautions and reinforced the walls which had already protected the city for the ages. But the amount of ZOMBIES on the outside, and the DOGWHSITLING in the form of ignorance that just thinking you are safe makes you safe, and the carefree, and when the privileged existence stopped working, and a breach in the walls caused a horrific infection, which created unexpected havoc, eating and contaminating of the healthy population; happened, I immediately felt scared! It seems with the Trump Supporters who believe a mask makes you a sissy, or non-macho, or a Communist, or anarchist and at least UNPATRIOTIC, all I can think of is how the residents of the city of Jerusalem became ZOMBIES themselves, almost instantly! We have a Virus, and those who ignore its medical and scientific facts have become brain dead, and indeed ZOMBIES!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Good God

The megachurch hosting President Donald Trump’s rally in Phoenix Arizona, have released a video claiming it had installed technology that killed “99.9 percent of COVID within 10 minutes”.
Dream City Church in Phoenix – where Mr. Trump will hold his rally 23 June – posted a video to its Facebook page on Monday in which pastor Luke Barnett and chief operations officer Brendon Zastrow claimed they have installed technology that kills the coronavirus in under ten minutes and that prospective attendees will be safe. “Yeah, we’ve installed clean air EXP. We have a local Arizona company – it was technology developed by some members of our church, and we’ve installed these units, and it kills 99.9 percent of COVID within 10 minutes,” Mr. Zastrow said in the video.

The church leaders claimed that the technology works through ionization. “So when you come into our auditorium, 99 percent of COVID is gone – killed,” Mr. Barnett claimed. “If it was there in the first place. So you can know when you come here you’ll be safe and protected.” The church did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Even if the purification system can deliver on the hefty claims, it would only be clearing the church auditorium of the virus prior to the event. It would not stop inter-person transmission of the virus should someone carrying the coronavirus attend. (Graig Graziosi/Independent) 

Cases of COVID-19 have been on the increase in Arizona. The Governor and Mayor have mandated masks to be worn in public spaces. This is a Young Republican Rally, and watching all the YOUNG REPUBLICANS, the majority without face masks, hugging, clustering, and in a party mood, sans a mask, has to make any normal person wonder the following: are YOUNG REPUBLICANS as repugnant and repulsive as say OLDER REPUBLICANS? One White girl all dressed in her Red MAGA T-Shirt when approached by a reporter as to why no mask, responded, with that “fuck you asshole grin, of a privileged ignorant, uninformed lack of nurturing brat, “I am holding my breath!” Cool, huh, miracle upon miracle one can hold her breath while talking, and one can hold her breath as Trump speaks however long, depending on the rousing chorus of we love you from this suicidal crowd! And oh yeah, out of curiosity, to my Christian friends, what exactly is about Mega Church Pastors and their staff, that make them think Jesus, has no worries as to the health and welfare of their congregants. I mean a church is to be a house for God, and if it is a Christian church that God IS Jesus…so are we to assume COVID is cool with Christ?

Monday, June 22, 2020

Stand Up Comic

So now, Trump is doing stand-up comedy, except for the times when he looks like he is about to fall down. At the once, PRONOUNCED TREMENDOUS/SPECTACULAR/AMERICA Had Never Seen Nor Will Ever See Such A PERFECT/WONDERFUL Tulsa Rally, expecting at least I million attendees…so LARGE that outdoor staging and event were to be planned, from which the total was a MEH, 6,702 death seekers and wanna be homicidal MAGA’s (suicidal too, because if you went without a mask and sat next to the other 6000 folks, you were and still are at risk of catching a bad case of COVID, and yes homicidal, because being there, you, YES YOU MAGA, have the power to kill another individual by sharing your symptoms or asymptomatic contagion and kill a few family and friends, whose immune system, just ain’t a part of that making America Great Hooey, from which you love to lather and bathe!

But, again I got carried away ranting on another whole Trump bit of bull shit. Back to the Stand-Up Trump Routine. First, he makes his appearance, a black glob standing in front of the Flag. Is it the BLOB from the 1960’s horror flick ‘THE BLOB’, is it ELVIS (the fat days of ELVIS making an appearance from the grave) NOPE its HEEEEEER’s DONNIE! So of course, as Trump’s mental illness progresses at amazing rates of infection, Trump MUST explain the truth and make it sound like a lie, but still admit the truth about it (it is that sociopath, narcissist derangement syndrome thing!) First it’s the stumbling and feeble walk down the ramp, the joke is the FAKE PRESS, invented the story, but the punch line provided by the now and new Stand Up Comic Commander and Chief was that he turned to HIS (he seems to think the Military are like the toy soldiers he played with as a kid,, and still owns them) General, and said who would have thought THESE LEATHER SOULS, would be good for ramps, everyone knows expensive leather souls are just for walking on flat surfaces (That was the joke, sorry!) So Trump can only walk on smooth flat surfaces, or on golf courses with the cleats on his golf shoes because they will anchor him.

But the bigger joke, the one that comedians usually end with, was Trump’s joke about his inability to hold a glass of water, the set up was, that he really didn’t want to drink the water, but his lips were dry, and it was hot, so he grabbed the glass, and the glass, was a bit slippery. But here is where the joke became off track, and his truth which he makes into a lie which ends up being THE TRUTH is what he said next, “…and now the Fake Media say I have Parkinson’s…” When Trump speaks about others and calls them names, or says others call him names, he cannot help but let us know, that he knows that in fact any name he calls another, or any deficit he claims in another’s personality is really HIS OWN…one has to wonder if Trump truly is suffering from Parkinson’s. No joke about that disease, sad and scary.

And then finally as the Stand Up Comic Commander In Chief bragged about he told (once again his people) NO MORE TESTING BECAUSE TESTING IS THE ONLY REASON WHY COVID IS ON THE INCREASE, and the MAGA’s pre-meditated murders in the empty Tulsa BOK center cheered, spit, kissed high fived, hugged one another, gave their babies an extra hug or two, even passing that same baby to Gramps, after the laughter died, and a few more people most likely from within that enclosed auditorium might be dead…as usual, the Trump Enablers/Flying Monkey’s/Ass Licking/ team of assassins, did their usual walk back and told us IT WAS JUST A JOKE DUDE, LIGHTEN UP… 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Dad's Day 2020

Dear Dad,
I can remember how proud you were when I ran my first track race, and won, it was the 50-yard dash at Linden School. You came dressed in your police uniform, left work a bit early, and sat in the bleachers, shouting for me to run, as hard as I could. I can remember when you sat in the first row and beamed as I not only wrote but produced/directed and choreographed my original musical comedy “Hey Kidd,” at the JCC, and afterward, told me I knew you were talented, but THIS kind of talent, now that is a whole LOT of TALENT. I remember, you being my Best Man, deciding that no matter the pain in your lower body, you would walk me down the aisle. And I remember your tears, as you held your grandson Adam at his Bris. And I know, somewhere in Heaven you smiled as we named our daughter Dani Hava, after you…you physically never met her, but she has so much of you in her!

Dear Adam and Dani,
I amaze at your strength, your insight, your vulnerabilities, your talents, your ability to face adversity, and come through all of that as strong and valuable, and empathetic and loving children…my kids…I was so afraid to tell you I was Gay, and you both said, so what…I thought I let you down, and you both said, huh, you are our dad, and we love you…and what you provided me, was unconditional love, and in return, you proved I could do the same. I am nothing more than the sum of the experiences of our life together…and I am eternally grateful.

Dear Dad, and Adam and Dani, on this Father’s Day, 2020, with so much amiss, and so much chaos and confusion, I am whole and confident. You, Dad helped me become the man I am, and both you, Adam and Dani continued to let me grow into a man who understands, the simplicity of LOVE IS LOVE…I am and will be eternally grateful. “For I am no one of importance, without the  influence and love from three of you!” Gerry/Dad

Friday, June 19, 2020

Trump speak

Just a brief blog…because I would rather take the time to better comprehend JUNETEENTH! (By the way, this blog  is about some things Trump has said, as if whatever Trump says, is even formulated in a sentence structure, has ANY reality to it,  or it is mumbled when he is between some kind of overprescribed medication coma, or had too much Orange Glow radiate throughout your dermis, or just repeated the phrase, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all…”

Trump has said the following, it because of TRUMP, that JUNETEENTH, (the official end of slavery,) is so popular, He bases his proud proclamation because had he not wanted to hold a MAGA Rally in Tulsa, no one would have known it was JUNETEENTH! Trump knows states, that the only people who DO NOT wear mask coverings to help abate some of the COVID-19, DO not wear the masks because they DON’T LIKE HIM! Trump has now added John Bolton, to his long list of Mattis, Tillerson, Sessions, Cohen, as LOSERS/The Worst/Terrible/Stupid/Over-rated, he has SAID all of this, after he either fired them or they resigned. What he hasn’t said, however, is why the fuck, if they were so AWFUL in the first place, why he even hired them! And remember, among the many things he said, while running for office, that when elected, ONLY THE BEST, HE WOULD HIRE ONLY THE BEST, and he added that ONLY THE BEST WANT TO WORK FOR HIM!

And just one more thing to remember, TRUMP said, that if Hillary won, perhaps some of us must use our 2nd, Amendment Rights. Well, today, TRUMP, Tweeted, that due to the recent Supreme Court Decision regarding LGBTQ Rights/ and maintaining DACA (at the moment), Trump said the “Supreme Court sent shotgun blasts to the faces of Republicans and Conservatives.” (A Dictator/an AUTHORITARIAN/ a Despot’s first lashing out is usually to the courts…just a little worried, America?) And finally as is usual Trump said,  “You think the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?’ How sick and narcissistic, nihilist and sociopathic IS this man, and how is he not placed in a straitjacket and taken to a mental institution.

Thursday, June 18, 2020


Whip.lash: injury caused by a severe jerk to the head, typically in a motor vehicle accident. jerk or jolt (someone or something) suddenly, typically so as to cause injury. Thursday, June 18, 2020, and as if the world had not already been spinning out of control, and the boundaries of reality had not already included the Twilight Zone, or The Outer Limits, news, spread as quickly as the COVID-19 Virus (you know the no longer need to discuss thingy, because Trump says so,) and from surprise to uh-huh both hit me on my head, and I swear I felt the effects of whiplash! 

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration cannot carry out its plan to shut down the Deferred Action for Children program, which has allowed nearly 800,000 young people, known as "Dreamers," to avoid deportation and remain in the U.S. The concurring opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts. Albeit it was a 5 for agreement (Gorsuch, the ever-fluid Justice not a part of this act of freedom,) it passed. I cheered!

The MAGA’s are waiting in line in Tulsa, mask free, folding chair to folding chair, all delighted that Trump is coming to town. Many you MAGA’s of white privilege, announced to the camera, they are healthy and even if they have the virus, they are too healthy to pass it on. One young cocky white dude explained that there were some 300 to 365 reasons why not to be afraid written in the Bible, and who better than God to trust, a middle-aged woman, was not quite certain if statistics really meant anything but just a list of numbers, and a couple of Baby Boomers said it is all a HOAX. The Republican Mayor of Tulsa said those going were doing so at GREAT risk. I jeered!

Then we discovered that Trump does have emotion, enough so that he cried and pleaded to Xi of China, to kiss his boo-boo and buy agricultural goods, from the Red States so Trump could win an election and swore that any Concentration Camps built by China were PERFECT (kind of like the ones still in operation in America.) We did not discover but were reassured of the lack of education and intellect regarding Trump, as he was dumbfounded to discover Finland was not a part of Russia (which the way Trump is pulling away from Europe, it might well become a satellite soon,) and that Great Britain of all countries had nuclear weapons. Oh yeah and we ONCE again were reminded that murdering his enemies is always on Trump’s insidious mind, as he oftentimes wondered why he could not just shoot journalists critical of his inabilities as both a President and human. I jeered.

And oh yeah the two Atlanta cops who murdered Rayshard Brooks are due to be booked and turn themselves in by 6:00pm Atlanta time. I cheered. But more than two dozen Atlanta COPS did not show up to their jobs today out of protest (fire their asses, and let them work somewhere else, but first take away their ability to use a weapon) I jeered! WHIPLASH I say, WHIPLASH!



Louse: either of two small wingless parasitic insects that live on the skin of mammals and birds. a contemptible or unpleasant person. I was about 7, my little sister and I were sitting in the living room of my Grandpa Buncher’s living room, on the uncomfortable plastic that hermetically sealed the living room sofa as well as every piece of furniture in the house (My Grandma Buncher told us that furniture should last forever, and tushie’s no matter how big or small might ruin it, thus sitting on plastic was a good thing.)

My Grandpa Buncher was a gentleman, a kind considerate individual, and never, ever, had my little sister or I heard any anger or loud voice coming from his lips. BUT, BECAUSE, of a sudden outburst, and the most visual demonstration of emotion I had ever noticed from my grandfather, I recall with vivid detail, the day I heard him call his brother a LOUSE.  My Grandpa was of Ukrainian origin, so when he said LOUSE, I first thought it was a BAD UKRAINIAN word, then I looked at my little sister and whispered in the quietest of voices, did Grandpa Buncher use a “curse word” in front of us! The name Buncher in Pittsburgh has great authority to it, not directly my part of the family, but my Grandfathers’s brother's side of the family. We were the poor the Buncher’s and they the wealthy ones. And whatever the case, that day when I was 7, something happened and my Grandpa Buncher was VERY UPSET with his brother! On our way home from this visit, my father looked in the rear-view mirror at my sister and me and said, “LOUSE is not a ‘curse word,’ but just an expression of someone who has let you down. Your Grandfather was upset and wanted me to apologize to you, for his anger. He would never swear in front of you, but his brother did a deed, that could have been avoided, but his brother was way too late in recognizing what he had done! Okay, my father added, let’s go get some ice-cream at Islay’s 

Fucking, John Bolton is a LOUSE, a LOSER, a self-serving, sad-sack shyster, and an enemy of the state, who placed monetary gain over the functionality of a democracy and permitted a President to remain in power, knowing full well, that his (BOLTON’s) words under oath could have helped remove Trump from office, while the Impeachment Hearing were in session. Fucking, John Bolton’s testimony could have and would have made it almost impossible for a majority of GOP Senators to ignore the treason and fraud, and criminal activity by which and with which Trump had and still conducts his business as Commander-In-Chief. A, LOUSE, among other adjectives or nouns, and now all of us who knew the truth and demanded it is told, as well as the GOP Senators who knew the truth but let it hide in plain sight, now have little place to hide…except they are Republicans, and the truth is not an attribute from which they shine.

So now what America? Now what! 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A stand

The Stand. The Stand is a post-apocalyptic dark fantasy novel written by American author Stephen King and first published in 1978 by Doubleday. The plot centers on a pandemic of a weaponized strain of influenza that kills almost the entire world population. The Stand tells the tale of a post-apocalyptic world in which the survivors must rebuild society from the ground up. One group coalesces around an elderly female prophet, while another rallies to the cause of a totalitarian leader named Randall Flagg.

So, we are told a double coincidence, a rare moment in time, reminiscent of the dirty days of our racist past; two BLACK MEN found hanging from trees. Immediately, we are told to assume nothing but suicide, but that is the fairy tale told, once upon a time, when the white princess was rescued by the white prince, and they all lived happily ever after. BLACK LIVES MATTER, now, Jim Crow Laws were to have been erased, (which insisted BLACK LIVES could matter as long as they were segregated and separate) but somehow, in the midst of the chaos which had been boiling over the cauldron of “ignorance is bliss,” NOW flowing like lava from a mighty eruption,  under the current stewardship of a Fascist Regime, for me COINCIDENCES are irrelevant excuses for truth and dereliction of duty by society! Two men of color BLACK hanging from the limbs of a tree, with the rope wrapped around their neck, is not a coincidence for me but a LYNCHING!

Protests, some containing the burning anger, the tortured strains of having been victim to police, whose force’s, have become militarized and worshipped (as their duty and the justification for all good people to identify the bad people, and permit these POLICE DEPARTMENTS to use their discretion, not law or order, or rule or regulation,) and single-handedly discriminate and decimate any bit of humanity as the only means to an end. And now, given permission by Trump, since the moment he announced at Charlottesville that there are Good People, who carry weapons of war, or signs of the Nazi Empire, or paraphernalia draped in the glory of the Confederacy (an enemy nation);  self-described Sovereign Citizens, or White Nationalists or KKK, or Armed Militias have joined, not to protest, but to first intimidate the protestor, and if necessary just kill them!

We have already watched Steven Carrillo who had an armored vest and slogans written in his own blood that linked him to the "boogaloo" extremist movement, gun down an officer, at a federal Courthouse, Vigilantes have started the violence that led to a shooting in New Mexico during a demonstration on Monday, authorities said, and the governor is vowing to hold the "instigators" fully accountable. Vigilantes — some carrying baseball bats and metal poles — surrounded the Christopher Columbus statue in South Philadelphia over the weekend and again on Monday, saying they were guarding it. Nevertheless, groups of right-wing gun-lovers have been standing on guard against a made-up invasion in recent weeks, amid unproven claims from the White House that protest-related looting is the work of Antifa, rather than opportunistic protesters. U.S. President Donald Trump has even attempted to label Antifa as a terrorist organization — although it’s much closer to an unorganized movement of far-left individuals.

Good OR Bad/Right OR Wrong/ Lawful OR Disregard the Law/My Way OR No Way. How many cracks can a nation endure before it no longer remains intact?

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Save the Gay

With all the disease that had been culled and accumulated, simmered and sautéed, hidden in plain sight, yet shadowy and insidious…with nature’s wrath, and the wretched nature of humankind…with all of that, plus the privileged and pompous self- anointed permission by people, who pretend that laws are for only the weak…an apocalypse of sorts HAS finally approached more like apprehended all of us, and we lament the fact that somehow we never saw this coming! In the midst of a Pandemic, Pathetic Politics and Politicians, Paranoid Pariah’s as False Prophets, it is still a month in which the LGBTQ demographic wishes to celebrate a PRIDE…we are Queer, and we are here, and for me, I own the word Queer, and I will always make certain you know I am Here and notice me.  On Monday/June 15, 2020, with a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court of the United States declared that employers can't fire workers for being gay or transgender.  One might wonder, so why was this an issue…but the fact that it had to travel as far as the Supreme Court, proved the fact, for some insecure, bigots and homophobes IT WAS A HUGE ISSUE!

Chief Justice John Roberts assigned Gorsuch the task of writing the opinion, perhaps to underscore that it's meant to be based on a strict reading of the law — the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans job discrimination because of, among other factors, race, religion, and sex. Undoubtedly, Gorsuch said, Congress wasn't thinking about sexual orientation or gender identity when it wrote that law 56 years ago. But it's the words of the law that matter, not what Congress had in mind. "It is impossible to discriminate against a person for being homosexual or transgender without discriminating against that person based on sex," he wrote. If the boss fires a man for being attracted to other men, Gorsuch continued, then "the employer discriminates against him for traits or actions it tolerates in his female colleague." (Pete Williams/NBC News)

I am, what I am, a cliché perhaps a line from a musical…But now what I am, means in spite of how you want to portray your God in all HIS evilness, don’t fuck with me when it comes to employment, and your own inadequacies.  Bayard Rustin, a civil rights leader said, “To be afraid is to behave as if the truth were not true!”/ Harvey Fierstein a writer, entertainer, and leader for civil rights said, “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself!” We have battles to fight, most originate from humankind, which never includes the kindness part of being human…BUT all battles are figments of the imagination of those who prefer to play God than pray to God!

Monday, June 15, 2020

ya can talk

“Ya can talk, ya can talk, ya can bicker, ya can talk
Ya can bicker, bicker, bicker, ya can talk, ya can talk
Ya can talk, talk, talk, talk, bicker, bicker, bicker.” (Rock Island/ Music Man/Meredith Wilson)

Three, pick ’em three separate talking points from Trump. None do any justice for ALL Americans, none provide any freedom or equality for ALL Americans, and ALL originate for the sole purpose of Trump wanting to remain in the Oval Office instead of a Square Cell. 

“More persons, on the whole, are humbugged by believing in nothing than by believing in too much.” P.T. Barnum

Three sources familiar with White House conversations told NBC that Trump has privately said, "these aren't my voters" on more than one occasion when discussing protesters and how to respond. (The Hill)

“A fool is made more of a fool, when their mouth is more open than their mind.”- Anthony Liccione

The Trump administration has finalized a regulation rolling back Obama-era protections for transgender Americans against sex discrimination in health care. According to the new version of the policy, the Department of Health and Human Services will be “returning to the government’s interpretation of sex discrimination according to the plain meaning of the word ‘sex’ as male or female and as determined by biology”. (The Guardian)

“Some people believe that being the loudest in the room makes them look strong. It may appear that way to a few uninformed individuals. What they don’t know is the more they talk, the more information they reveal about themselves (directly and indirectly). They become an easy target, and it makes them very vulnerable to attacks. Do not underestimate the power of silence.” Izey Victoria Odiase

Trump supporters who plan on attending the president’s controversial rally in Tulsa next week have to sign a waiver promising not to sue his reelection campaign if they catch coronavirus during the raucous event. A disclaimer at the bottom of the webpage where people can sign up to attend the June 19 rally states that attendants “are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place.” “By attending,” the disclaimer continues, “you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President ... liable for any illness or injury.” (New York Daily News)

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Flag Day

“There are many flags in many lands
There are flags of every hue
But there is no flag
However grand like our own red, white, and blue
Then hurrah for the flag
Our country's flag
Its stripes and white stars too
There is no flag in any land
Like our own red, white and blue” (There Are Many Flags In Many Lands)

Each Flag Day, on the front lawn of Linden Elementary School, Grades Kindergarten to Eight would parade from our front doors to form a circle around the flag pole. Our Music Teacher Miss Marie Cyphers, having taught all grades the lyrics to this song, would find stand by her piano watching as these future American Patriots lined up and celebrated Flag Day. We began with, of course, the American National Anthem, followed by Many Flags, finished our half an hour-long ceremony with God Bless America.  A passage from the New Testament and a quote from one of our Founding Father’s would be recited by our Principle, and one of the eighth-graders from the A section of that grade (in the 1950’s God was a part of our curriculum in Public Schools, and in Pittsburgh, it was also prevalent to keep the smart kids together Group A, the less smart in their own section, Group B and the rest of the kids ( the future blue-collar workers I suppose) in the C Group! We then placed our hands on our chest Pledged Allegiance to OUR Flag. Then 99.5% of the white kids along with the point 5 % of the two Negro Kids returned to our classrooms. 

We were taught to live in straight lines, follow orders, believe that America’s freedom was based on Judeo-Christian values (primarily the Christian part of that phrase,) that obeying authority meant being a good American, and above all else, God did Bless America, we were one nation under God. I lived in a very Jewish neighborhood, so the majority of my classmates were Jewish, but we also were taught that diversity was not the true purpose of this country, and to understand the true path forward not to sway from a very common ground of Patriotism, which was and would always be White, Christian and male-dominated! Happy Flag Day!

Saturday, June 13, 2020


REMEMBER those days when one day after the next a virus called the 2nd Amendment Rights, ran rampant throughout the United States. One breaking news story after another, regarding how that disease caused the MASS MURDER of innocents from Toddlers to people in their 90’s. Remember when that virus was sweeping the nation, and we thought, how, why, and surely we are smart enough to find a cure.

If you don’t REMEMBER, you most likely are not alone, because, once the government and its leadership offered THOUGHTS and PRAYERS, the disease was to have magically disappeared. Oh, the victims tried to beg for a better vaccine, but to no avail.

Well, folks the same people who provided you with the “LOOK OVER THERE,” mentality, a really smart action used by those in charge to divert the attention of most Americans from something of importance to something not that important, are at it again with the COVID-19. The poor pampered privileged American public, so TIRED of THIS SOCIAL DISTANCING, MASKS… Trump Administration stopped reacting, the Republican’s stopped caring, and now the, I AM HEALTHIER THAN YOU AND I AM NOT A SOCIALIST, NOR BE TREATED AS A SOCIALIST AMERICAN is tired of it…and even the Medical Community, who IS NOT TIRED of it, but hasn’t come up QUICKLY ENOUGH, with an instant cure, have not continued to keep the motivation swelling to keep us fixated on a fucking PANDEMIC! So here we go, again, as Americans, and want to move on, without really addressing the issue. Yep, there is a lull, we ‘LOOK OVER THERE,” and then when the same virus returns, we are shocked, how could this be!


Sov·er·eign cit·i·zen: a member of a political movement of people who oppose taxation, question the legitimacy of government, and believe that they are not subject to the law. If Ya’ just don’t want to be considerate of your fellow human being, the other villagers living in your village…if Ya’ just think that being selfish is a really cool kind of existence, one in which you could give a fuck about what anyone else thinks, or actually could give a HUGE/TREMENDOUS FUCK, about the health or welfare of anyone but YOU…AND if you want government out of your business, when it is inconvenient for your own demands and drama, but necessary when the time comes to complain you are not getting your way…AND the BEST and BIGGEST of the, AND, IS, if you read the Constitution as you might your Bible, and are selective and ONLY pick and choose the passages that suit your needs, like the 2nd Amendment, or God hates FAGS, or God created the Negro as a subservient race to serve the Caucasian OR the life of a zygote in the womb is more relevant than the education, health, and welfare of that child once it is out of the womb…YOU are one hell of a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN!

Seems in Orange County California, the entire state of Ohio and Oregon, the crazy stupid MAGA (you are also a Sovereign Citizen in good standing if you own a MAGA Red Hat or T-Shirt, or a Trump/Pence 2020 Banner) are going nuts over the mere idea that science and medicine actually are more factual than the conspiracy and paranoid theories which float from Breibart Radio/FOX Propaganda/Q-Anon/ the American Good Nazi’s/the KKK, and the American Taliban Evangelical Christian leaderships. These men and women who in reality don’t mind participating in forms of homicide, suicide, and pre-meditated murder, all want their FREEDOM, to infect the rest of their neighborhood, because, as some have stated, they have lungs that work and keep out the Covid-19, they are ‘Mericans, and thus can do and act as they please, and they have listened to TRUMP who has assured them (and he NEVER LIES) that the Chinese FLU/ the Progressive Hoax/ the Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer Virus, will evaporate in just a few more days because TRUMP talks to himself, and HIMSELF has assured HIM, that the CORONAVIRUS  is just one more anti-American piece of Democrat bull shit to UN MAKE AMERICA GREAT!

State and Local Health Professionals have been threatened, some with their lives, harassed, and have resigned due to the sheer stupidity BY political forces from which TRUMP and PENCE and their REPUBLICAN ENABLERS continue to lie. Forget the fact over 115 Thousand deaths have occurred. It is the life of the CORPORATION via the economy, and of course the selfish hedonistic lives of the SOVERIGN CITIZEN  that truly matter. And oh yeah, at the next Rally Trump holds, all who participate without the “sissy/ emasculating Democrat mask on their faces or spit and spittle on one another because Social Distancing is for Communists, or Fascists ( ain’t that a kick in the balls…a Communist leader, Putin hacked Trump into office, and Trump is dying to become a Dystopian Fascist Dictator), have to sign a waiver, NOT TO SUE TRUMP IF THEY BECOME INFECTED WITH THE NON-EXISTENT COVID-19 VIRUS! SOVEREIGN CITIZENS…the scum of the scum of the scum!

Friday, June 12, 2020


“One cannot avoid a certain feeling of disgust, when one observes the actions of man displayed on the great stage of the world. Wisdom is manifested by individuals here and there; but the web of human history as a whole appears to be woven from folly and childish vanity, often, too, puerile wickedness and love of destruction: with the result that the end one is puzzled to know what idea to form of our species which prides itself so much on its advantages.” (Immanuel Kant/German Philosopher)

TRUMP is at Bedminster (Trump's National PRIVATE Golf Club,) it may be his property and it may be for members only, but WE THE PEOPLE, as in WE THE TAXPAYER, are footing this bill. All of this even as 1.5 million people filed for unemployment insurance last week, adding to a total of 44.1 million Americans either completely broke, or eking out some form of day to day existence. TRUMPS ego, almost exploded realizing that the Governor of North Carolina, is still demanding sane and safe social distancing, including masks as a form of protection, even though 2.06 Million confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 115 Thousand deaths in America alone, BUT insists that the true part of RNC Convention the KLAN/MAGA/GOOD NAZI Part be moved to Jacksonville, Florida, a state whose Governor not only has stopped publicly printing the cases and deaths from the CORONAVIRUS, but who opened up his state for business, stating the economy DUDE is the true lifeblood of a nation, and whose own state in spite of Governor DeSantis’s denial has seen and is seeing a spike in new COVID-19 cases!

And as if the word IRONIC actually matters any longer, TRUMP is identifying himself as THE LAW AND ORDER PRESIDENT, which spins the heads of any decent human being with morals and values, having witnessed the almost three of four dozen of Federal, Criminal, Tax, Constitutional Laws Trump and his Family and his Cabinet and his breed of Flying Monkeys have either broken, ignored or just took ONE HUGE DUMP UPON! I apologize, Immanuel Kant, but one change to your quote instead of the word ONE, let me state I cannot avoid, and I will insert my opinion again, too many deep-rooted angry emotions filled with disgust, when it comes to TRUMP and his cadre of criminals!

Thursday, June 11, 2020


I took my love; I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
‘til the landslide brought me down
Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life? (Landslide/Stevie Nicks)

The confusion, the chaos, the contempt, the criminal continuation of careless, and direct consciousness to manipulate and insight fear, and hate, via the nature of a Pandemic, or the lack of nurturing of a Maniac, has been a burden more than my 70 years of life has ever experienced. The deception, almost as if it was intentional defecation upon our sovereignty as citizens, the endless deliberate division, and the lies have grown so out of proportion, I actually feel the need to run and hide, and SCREAM! I know SILENCE EQUALS DEATH, and yet the more I SHOUT, the more my throat aches, my heart hurts, and my soul begs to just implode and give in. I can no longer with any amount of positive energy, read the headlines, watch the newscasts, or hear one more word from men and women, who, has become a dangerous CULT, and have begun worshipping a FALSE IDOL! It is no longer, a question of how much lower or deeper or uglier or more rotten can Trump go, but a simple reality that HE will, like acid and the toxins from a nuclear power plant, destroy all that ever was, and will never be the same. It is, as Stevie Nicks so eloquently wrote a LANDSLIDE…

The streets of Provincetown are semi-awake, the visitors and townsfolk walking with masks, trying their best to make the best of the next day, which seems like the day before, or someday that was or might be or never be again, greet one another and as full as their hearts want to become, there is still an emptiness.  I passed the wharf and noticed a sign regarding PARASAILING, flying from the earth the sky and back again, something all of us no matter how old or young can and could do…and I grew melancholy, and then mad. And my mind raced and tried to reason with my gut…but both were relentless and resistant. All I could think of was that NOW with trump and his Enablers his Treasonous Thugs if we even tried to fly, we only would fall to earth because HE is such a force of evil that anything free, will only drop dead and die. I am in mourning for America, and I, and those I love, and those I wish I could know…THIS HAS TO END, HE HAS TO END!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

once again the nature of nurturing

I happened to turn on MSNBC, bad habit to watch the news in the morning, because the rest of the I end up mourning the lack of humanity demonstrated by Trump, his Flying Monkeys and the Domestic Terrorists who support him, out of fear that a MAGA Minion will get all hissy and Fascist and either rescind their vote for a GOP politician or demonstrate their sexual perversion towards their AK’s or AR’s and threaten to use the 2nd Amendment Right and shoot up a few things!

Today Representative Jerry Nadler (D) Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing regarding ‘Defunding the Police’ (I will take a privilege here as the writer of this blog, and say I am VERY concerned with the wording used ‘Defunding the Police,’ because for me, what is missing in the title is the truth. If an average person reads the two words Defunding and Police, it comes across that we no longer will provide any allotment for a group who ALL of us require to act as Peace Officers. I become afraid that this newly minted verbiage, does not tell the true story, and for me, that is one about eliminating the violence, systematic prejudice, racism, lack of responsibility, and sheer insatiable appetite of power, provided with very too little consequence, for illegal actions.  I also am of the age when Richard Nixon a Criminal himself, as id Trump, used the misinformation and mis-formation of wording to convince the US, that you could have one or the other, LAW and ORDER, or CHAOS. Nixon frightened enough people, and the mafia Boss remained in power. I fear Trump and the GOP are smart enough to misuse the term DEFUNDING THE POLICE, as a battle cry for the stupid folks who can only see the world in black or white, right or wrong, us or them.)

But, I digress, because this blog was originally intended to showcase a simple point of why the COVID-19 shall remain a murderer, and a hunter for victims due to the arrogance, ignorance, and spitefulness of Republican Politicians. As I watched the first few minutes of preparation for this Judicial hearing, the cameras panned the House Chamber, and low and behold, three men, in particular, wore no masks, were at the most one foot away from each other and closer to those they bumped onto along the way and acted as if any CDC precaution to help stop the contamination of COVID-19 was BULL SHIT and not a priority. The three men were Kevin McCarthy (R ) (The House Minority Leader), Jimmy (I know nothing about the harassment of wrestlers at Ohio State) Jordon,( R ) and of course the ever spoiled and pampered, brat Matt (my Dad will fire you for giving me a DUI Ticket) Gaetz (R ). Two major events happening in this nation today, one caused by NATURE/CORONAVIRUS, and the other caused by NURTURE, the racist, violent use of force against African Americans and People of Color in America!