It might sound like the set-up of a joke: THREE MEN walk into a MEGA CHURCH (what the fuck are these Mega-Churches anyway, (a sanctuary to fit Godzilla,) “To Mark Freedom Sunday” at a Dallas Church, all of this when a PANDEMIC, has grown completely out of control due to a sheer motivation with the indulgence by these EXACT THREE MEN! The men, VP Mikey PENCE, (who loves to brag about being Pro-Life, when it pertains to a zygote or fetus,) Texas Gov Greg ABBOTT (following in the hallowed or should I say hollow footsteps of ex-douchebag Texas Governors of Texas, like George W, and Rick Perry) and, US Housing Secretary Ben CARSON, (who by all estimates had been neurosurgeon, someone in the medical profession, who supposedly had enough mental stability to understand science and facts) will attend “celebrate Freedom Sunday a MEGA-LARGE (maybe enough room for MOTHRA to find seating) in-person event at the First Baptist MEGA-CHURCH, 3 days, count ‘em 3 days after Governor ABBOTT placed the state’s reopening plan on hold (as of Friday Texas ranks as fifth among us states with highest COVID cases.)
The pretense is that PENCE, (the once and then suddenly disappeared head of the CORONAVIRUS Task Force, who had been missing in action, but who now because the Trump/Pence polling numbers are down due both Trump and Pence’s refusal to admit we have a PANDEMIC,) IS…here the punch line suddenly concerned, and he wants to hit the ground and see for himself what a victim of COVID-19 looks like…UH-HUH! Of course, never missing a beat, the Sunday church event will include fireworks patriotic music special message from Pence. (It is a MAGA with a little more of Jesus and Robert E. Lee) (Of course, the MEGA-CHURCH states it will require temperature tests, and deny entry of those with 100.4 and higher, and of course, because Jesus would prefer it, face masks and social distancing encouraged but not required, because if Jesus or Robert E Lee cannot see your mouth moving, how do they know you are either praying to God or praying for the resurgence of the Confederacy.
And to top it off of course this MEGA-CHURCH’ pastor IS ROBERT JEFFRESS (TRUMPS EVANGELICAL ADVISORY BOARD AND WHITE HOUSE FAITH INITIATIVE ambassador for Jesus himself! Jeffress by the by, another punchline for this heinous joke, has publicly opposed same-sex marriage believes followers of Judaism/Islam and Mormonism all go to hell. So inclusion, in a state whose spike in COVID cases has spiked, in a city ranked number two in increased cases, in a MEGA-CHURCH where thousands can be seated along with Godzilla, PENCE/ABBOTT/CARSON will hold a no masks or social distancing required MAGA RALLY pretending to actually deal with the PANDEMIC in this nation. Why one could laugh until they choke on their mucus and die!