First, we hear that HIS staff was afraid to bring Trump the news that Trump’s adolescent crush, Putin has paid bounty’s on the lives of the American Troops in Afghanistan. Then we hear that NO, in fact, there was no collaborative, concise and collective consensus by HIS staff, to alert Trump, about Taliban Bounty Hunters acting as mercenaries, BUT, there was ENOUGH information to give Great Britain the heads up that maybe some of their Coalition Forces were also on Putin’s hit list. Then we heard that this is just a ruse used by the DNC. Then we heard that even if it was a fact, NO SIR, NO WAY, Trump knew anything about it until June 26, 2020, as he headed to his Trump National Golf Club located in Potomac Falls, Virginia. But then with enough “off the record,” anonymous reporting, Trump in fact knew about the BOUNTY way back in 2019. But then again, HIS staff now its third or fourth iteration, (this cade of clowns even more enlightened and energized to eat from Trump’s entrails) insisted that no if Trump knew anything at all it would have been January of 2020. BUT the few brave enough to submit a teeny tiny tinge of truth were then reprimanded and changed their tune, saying if Trump has been told about Putin offering to murder American Troops it may have happened in March of 2020…BUT THEN how could it have even happened then IF IN FACT TRUMP NEVER HESRD ABOUT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Now, the Heads of America intelligence agencies, the Pod People, are not agreeing or denying that the facts are real, but now more concerned that they got leaked. Uh-Huh, here we go with the idea that the leaks are the issue, not the premeditated murder of our Troops. (Imagine the Hoover Dam infrastructure in dire straits, and leaks begin to let water drip and drain, and the only concern is why are their leaks, rather then what then fuck is going on with the entire DAM itself) Of course we hear from the Media, the Democrats, but silence remains from the Republicans, and cover-up, which is another form of silence, from the White House HIRED LIARS who lie so often and at such a rate of speed, that their tongues cannot keep up with brains, and each new lie contradicts the lie told five minutes ago, or by another LIAR sent out to LIE as LOUD as they can.
And now, two Republican Senators have begun to complain about all this Putin/Trump Murder Pack; Corey Gardner of Colorado, and Thom Tillis of North Carolina because they both face tough re-election and think acting tough this time might make their voters believe neither man had been a Trump Flying Monkey in the past. We have been in GRAVE Danger ever since the hacking into office of Trump, we have endured three and one-half years of a demented Russian asset as President…but if you think that was rough, the announcement of a BOUNTY ON AMERICAN TROOPS BY PUTIN, with full knowledge by Trump, is like the one bandage remaining which had been ripped, permitting this nation to witness what gore and guts, blood and oozing horror lie ahead between now and November 2020!