Ricky Ricardo would oftentimes return home from work, and if the ‘I Love Lucy’ Show’s theme was about one more concocted unconceivable catastrophic convergence of crazy and chaos, often times the first words out of Ricky’s lips was “You’ve Got Some ‘Splaining to Do LUCY! And as usual, the camera would pan in for a great close up of a very distraught LUCY, and either she would be heard saying “AHHHH,” or just a bunch of tears would fall, and we heard a giant “WAH!”
One more day in our lives, and more batch of headlines from which the common question should be Trump/Republicans/Police/and Good Nazi’s, “You’ve Got Some ‘Splaining to Do”:
The Supreme Court is about to decide the fate of the remaining portions of the Affordable Health Care Act (let’s be fair, OBAMA-CARE and let's be more precise, anything with the hint of OBAMA turns the already Orange Man into a resemblance of a sun ready to reach the level of a Super Nova.) So here we are in the midst of a Pandemic, an already decimating health crisis, and Trump with his emasculated, frail, pitiful shattered narcissistic ego, just can’t let go of his JEALOUSY regarding Obama. And in the midst of a Pandemic, Trump decides to stop the funding of over a half dozen testing sights. No masks, no tracing, no testing, and no one brave enough in the Republican-led Senate to say enough of this you pre-meditated murderer!
Now a bunch of sheriff’s, another group of little boys who wanted to grow up and pretend they were the boss, playing with their guns and wielding power, (power they never ever earned as children,) have decided to ignore the Governor of North Carolina’s mandate and refuse to wear masks. Playing the Trump game of Masks is for Sissy’s or the MAGA madness trope, It’s MY Freedom, these public servants, paid by our tax dollars are breaking the law, and yet they are supposed to enforce it.
And one more Police incident in Colorado well-hidden for over a month, regarding three white policemen a young black man and the young black man’s death. And the GOP is all pissy because their pretend law regarding policing, which still empowers the police and not the citizen, has seen little support from the Dems. Why the GOP even had their one and only African American Senator sponsor the bill, so you know, that if they went to that much trouble to be PATRONIZING, then by all means this trick should have worked. And then John Bolton, who knew all would not tell all until he was paid, but still insists he would have cooperated if the Dems tried a more bi-partisan approach to impeach Trump. As I said, “LUCY, YOU’VE GOT A LOT OF’SPLAING TO DO!