So the bully was shuffled into the bunker, in the White House, during the riots outside of his taxpayer-owned property, as the protestors demanded justice. So brave on the TWEET, so timid and tiny in real life. Hiding in plain sight, Trump then boasted that Secret Service agents had told him they were clamoring for engagement with the protesters. “We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it, and good practice,” he said he had been told. (squarespace) (It almost sounded like a summation of a sad man having a wet sexual dream) Confrontation, ah, his elixir of evil, his cocktail of chaos, his poison of passion of profanity used to piss off, and portray only one of two choices, HIS way or you HATE America!
He also appeared to invite his own supporters to amass outside the White House on Saturday to counter the protesters, despite a ban on gatherings of more than 10 people in effect in Washington amid the coronavirus pandemic. Because, nothing speaks of Trump's ineffective leadership than being THAT PORVACATUR of Fascist, arrogance, mingled with a mental disability soaked in a sociopathic soup, served by a psychopath! And of course, the blame game persists, as Trump challenged Democrat Mayors and Governors to get a backbone and call in the National Guard. Nothing bad, according to the Twilight Zone dimension, from which Trump cohabitates along with the Devil, and the GOP, EVER takes place with Republican leaders, because they could give a shit about free speech, institutionalized Racism, compromise, and consensus.
So now, America, we receive new totals from which to worry, and perseverate, the over 100 thousand deaths from the inadequate and frankly disconcert from Trump early on, are on page two, only to be replaced with how many protests, how many protests morphed into riots, and how much looting in how many cities. Death becomes her, Lady Justice, so it seems…she has already been raped and pillaged by Trump and his GOOD NAZI’s and scheming McConnell Republican Thugs, and now her death seems more and more imminent, and painful. I STILL BELIEVE, it is not too late for real patriots in our Senate to FINALLY say enough has been and is ENOUGH and use the 25th Amendment to remove a sick sad sack of shit from killing our nation! Honestly, only the very worse can happen between now and November with Trump as president!