“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”/Albert Einstein.--- “In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.”/Albert Einstein
The shame of the matter is that we shamefully understand what is at the matter, but refuse to deal with it until it is boiling over from within the cauldron by which it had been simmering for decades. We can pretend to be intelligent and have insight, and all of us acting as ‘Talking Heads,’ can pontificate, as if word salad alone, was the entire feast necessary to rid the appetite for hate. Approach-avoidance, which is a term used in Social Psychology defines as conflicts that occur when there is one goal or event that has both positive and negative effects or characteristics that make the goal appealing and unappealing simultaneously. Our immediate history as a nation from the past 100 years, till to today, is filled with approach-avoidance showcasing, a lack of grit and gift at truly understanding Racism, bigotry based on separate interpretations of various Biblical books and superstitions, Patriotism as a divisive American concept rather than one implying consensus, and a false intention that we are a democracy thus all is fair, and that we are a Capitalistic society, so those who truly work hard shall rightfully get rewarded, and only the lazy suffer from their own inadequate enterprise.
We ask the same questions over and over, which range from how many more deaths by use of the 2nd Amendment as a guiding principle, how many more corrupt laws against people of color, and how many more deaths of yet one more person of color, how many more politicians placing self-advancement over service to the country, why do religious beliefs often triumph over the ideals established as there is a divide between church and state, and for whom and to whom does the term “We The People,” refer! In the midst of virulent strain of nature attacking the human race, the human race continues to attack itself; begging the question who will win when all of this ends, and two more frightening questions at least for me how and when will this end!