I was never a fan of Michael Steele, ex-RNC Chairman, but I suppose, all of us can take a second look, and make decisions differently even when confronted with the facts that monsters were created from past mistakes. The GOP, for me since the time of Reagan (both presidents/Nancy and Ronnie) had made certain the priority for America was the wealthy/the Corporation/ the Theocrats/and the Plutocrats…”Trickle Down”, always defied gravity, and the GOP leadership’s gerrymandering, and voter disenfranchisement and ‘Southern Strategy all the way back to Nixon, was just one more way to let the South and the Confederacy believe the Civil War was never really lost. So for me, in addition to all of that history, when the Republicans, did a lousy job or no job at all in vetting Sarah Palin, and Michael Steele was a part of that fiasco, I had never felt anything but anger and sadness, that the GOP acquiesced to the demands of the Tea Party, which in the days of trump morphed into something even worse…MAGA!
But recently, some ex-Republican leadership packed their bigoted and racist bags and rediscovered their luggage still filled with some morals and values. OR, they too came to their senses and realized their own Whack on the Side of the Head and saw the baby monsters they were creating turn into uncontrollable behemoths, similar to a GODZILLA OR MOTHRA, and got SCARED. Any kind of control was no longer available or applicable. A new form of EVIL emerged, and just as in the movie The EXORCISE, the demon was able to become the ENTITY in charge… The Republican Party died when the Tea Party tried to take control, and now the GOP is no longer alive, but a ghostly devil MONSTER identifying as MAGA.
But back to Michael Steele. On Friday, May 15, 2020, as I watched, MSNBC, Mr. Steele was interviewed by Andrea Mitchel, and he made a statement, I found quite profound and prolific… Michael Steele, said, in regards to Trump's desire to let profits live and people die…”The economy may die for now, but it can and will be revived, when PEOPLE DIE, there is NO SECOND CHANCE, for them to make a comeback…” I was taken aback, a lump arrived in my throat…WOW, how precise, and how UNTRUMP LIKE, or UN-CURRENTLY REPUBLICAN LIKE! On Friday, Mr. Steele, my hat off to you for your insight, and care about human life!