Saturday, May 30, 2020


Verge noun an edge or border. verb approach (something) closely; be close or similar to (something). noun. the edge, rim, or margin of something: the verge of a desert; to operate on the verge of fraud. the limit or point beyond which something begins or occurs; brink: on the verge of a nervous breakdown. How much more is the American public able to handle, especially when those in power to create a change, encourage the coexistence of consensus, and end the corrupt chasm between right and wrong…REFUSE to…OR worse ENCOURAGE, the chaos…happen to love in the White House, or work in the halls of State and Federal Legislatures.  White Nationalists, chomping at the bit to create disruption toward an already frayed community by People of Color, insecure Police Officers, using their uniforms, badges, guns, and ASSUMPTION that they are above the law, even though they are to protect and serve, and political leadership, loving the idea of divide and conquer…all placing an anxious and overwrought nation on THE VERGE! America and the World are falling to pieces, hard-edged pieces of glass or splinters of wood, but as a collective, we are cracking. A nine-minute knee on the neck of a black man, and the perpetrator is lost in nothing but his own play of power, because most likely HE lives in a world of insecurity, and somehow had to demonstrate to no one but himself, that he had power. And, PLEASE, explain why his BROTHERHOOD of BLUE, did not intervene?