I woke up extra early today, it was just as the sun was rising. I had been jolted from a dream, one of those mystery moments when, a person questions which reality in which they find themselves, dreamland, or here and now land. I had to open my eyes but was hesitant to do so, wondering, what might I be staring at, or exactly who would be watching me. The details of the dream faded fast, but the drama of the dream lingered; not really wanting to vacate my conscience, but to lazily lounge a bit more, as might an animal pressing its body on furniture and flooring to make certain its scent, remained, and this territory was claimed as its own! As I sat up, touching Joe’s still slumbering body, using that sense of his being, as a sort of anchor, I immediately knew all was well, and albeit, my mind was still racing to dust the cobwebs, rearrange the filing cabinets, and sanitizing the germs of a sick intruder into my psyche, my gut took over, and all intelligence began communication from the pit of my stomach. My brain was now taking a breather, and the knots and gnarled of the unknown, settled elsewhere, permitting clearer vision, but just as murky an insight! And has been the case, ever since Trump was hacked into office, my ADD kicked in and in one deep, guttural moan, said, “I don’t think I can do it.” IT being discovering any overnight news, lies, deflection, fecklessness, and just purposeful insidious behavior from Trump and hi Handlers!
I know I have become OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead to compulsive behaviors,) more so now with the politics of this nation than ever before in my life, because IN MY LIFE, (all 70 years of it,) I cannot recall just how afraid and fearful I have become, due to the madness, sheer narcissist and sociopathic behavior or a President and those who delightfully enable him. And just how dangerous each delay in stopping this Enemy of the State from continuing to devour anything related to decency and democracy. We watch our freedoms ripped apart, we witness transparency torn to shreds and wonder what could possibly happen next to make all of the nastiness before, seem like child’s play.
I tried, honestly, I tried, to NOT look at my News Icon on my phone, I tried to prepare my protein shake for breakfast and not turn on the Cable News, but my gut, doing the management of my daily routine now, insisted I perform both tasks, reminding me with pangs that felt like electrical shock waves, to follow the instructions or double over in angst! So I obeyed, knowing that my motto of SILENCE EQUALS DEATH, resonated with truth and meaning and this is the JUMBLE MUMBLE MADNESS I heard. Trump believes it is a Badge of Honor for our country to have more cases of COVID-19, then anyone in the world. Trump wants to pull out completely from the WHO. Trump is still blaming China entirely for his own inadequate and pure lack of concern to handle the Pandemic. MODERNA has run some trials on a vaccine but hadn’t followed a true protocol, leaving lots of questions for the public, but its shareholders more money. The CDC, Guide to opening was released, without any fanfare from the government. Some states, two in particular, that we are even aware of, Florida and Georgia, have either started lying about their COVID-19 statistics or hiding the facts. Trump’s Re-election team I trying to strong-arm doctors and people in the medical field to shun the CDC guidelines and comply with the unscientific method of states opening up. We now have made the COVID-19, a case of the health of the economy versus the health of the people, the word of scientists and medical experts versus the hunches and ego of Trump. I lasted 15 minutes staring at the TV, felt as if I had just done ACID (never had but many friends described some of their bad trips,) and fighting what I considered a soon to be complete comatose state, flicked the remote, and inhaled the silence, just to be able to take a deep enough breath, for my gut to let go and permit my brain to function once again!