I, for one never had an iota of respect for Nancy Reagan, who in turn, had no idea I existed, but having been a homosexual, she had no iota of respect, for my freedom to express my natural preferences for whom and how I loved. Nancy and her Co-President, Ronnie (I sometimes think, Mother Pence is also like Nancy in the fact that she too is C0-VP, with her Boy Toy Mikey,) Nancy and Ronnie, hated the Gay and were certain that HIV/AIDS was a Gay Cancer, and a punishment for those nasty boys who liked other nasty boys. Nancy was a villainous vile woman. But even though she and Ronnie, never wanted to have the CDC or NIH deal with any drug trials regarding HIV/AIDS…the hypocrite in Nancy begged her to pretend to take the moral ground on another issue, that being the War on Drugs. Nancy needed a cause to calm the Moral Majority, and since, Nancy was certain that only the Negro population were drug dealers and drug addicts, this was a GOOD WAR, because it kept America safe and kept America White. I only lament about this because, I finally discovered something Nancy (The Cruella de Vil of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, insisted upon, which actually is RELEVANT TODAY! It was her patronizing flim-flam slogan of “JUST SAY NO,” it seems finally America has awoken from its Trump stupor, or is it the Trump stupid, and have decided he and Pence are a dangerous cocktail of virus’s walking freely, and if approached by them could cost you your life. It was kind of like Nancy’s attempt at her drug war. So here is to you Nancy Reagan in all your false glory but real gore…your words fit in so snuggly as they relate to Trump and Pence.