Saturday, May 30, 2020


It is 11:27 on the East Coast, in my little town of North Truro. The quiet of the night is only interrupted by the sound of some birds in the distance, and perhaps the yelp of a coyote! And as I am safe in my little space on the Cape, all around me, in my country is chaos boiling over that has and had been brewing for decades, and especially over these past few years. I am not certain, in no uncertain terms, what this nation will actually look, or feel, or be like when dawn arises on Sunday.

The evil of Mother nature, the evil of Mankind, two virus’s grabbing hold on our nation, two diseases, able to destroy destiny, and set the demise of democracy. For Mother Nature over 100,000 deaths and for Mankind, one recent death, both with devastating dilemmas. I have been frightened and scared, now as I get ready for bed, I am also fearful as to what tomorrow will bring. All of this doom, and to top it off Trump sits as President. To whom can we turn!

Goodnight America, I do not have any idea what the next morning may bring!