“We have put in place the guidelines that our experts have put forward to keep this building safe, which means contact tracing," McEnany told reporters during Friday’s news briefing. "All of the recommended guidelines we have for businesses that have essential workers, we are now putting them in place here in the White House. So as America reopens safely, the White House is continuing to operate safely.”(Kayleigh McEnany/White House Press Secretary)
The careful reader will note a jarring juxtaposition here. McEnany claims both that the United States is reopening safely and that the White House is operating safely. But only one of these two — the White House — actually has the sort of testing regime the White House itself is now implicitly acknowledging is a prerequisite to safety. The rest of the country largely lacks this level of testing — because Trump doesn’t want to take the steps necessary to stand up a robust federal testing regime. (Greg Sargent/Washington Post)
“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.” – Alfred Adler. “You can only understand people if you feel them in yourself.” – John Steinbeck. The word hypocrite is rooted in the Greek word hypokrites, which means “stage actor, pretender, dissembler.” So think of a hypocrite as a person who pretends to be a certain way, but really acts and believes the total opposite. On display, as has been the case since he ran for the office of President, and via his Cult-like Anarchists, ONCE again is a bucket of shit, aimed at America and Americans, as the power of a hurricane is about to blast the contents of that bucket of shit onto each and every human living in this nation. When I read about this sudden “drama,” it reminds me of the question what came first, the chicken or the egg…sans masks, arrogance, and sheer fear that real men do not wear MASKS…was it Trump and Pence as Patient Zero within the White House, and the infection began there…Multiple tests, for the unbelievers, the deniers, the science is a hoax, because of the importance of the Titles of President and Vice President, but NOT the value they provide to those offices. One more slap in the face in a world so beyond any NORMS…