Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Her God's Grace

“Ex-lesbian” Rosaria Butterfield is calling on Christians to thank God for coronavirus.  Giving thanks to God including COVID-19 humble us-deeply, she wrote it reminds us that God’s providence is perfect and our point of view flawed because God is good, just and wise all the time and in every circumstance, then, COVID-19, must be for our good and God’s glory. ”Have you considered the ramifications that this June will be the first in decades without a public gay pride march? Why is this big news? First, sexual identity depends on an affirming audience who can sway others to its side, using an ideology of personal freedom and victimhood. A virtual platform draws only the faithful, denying them the oxygen that this particular fire needs.” “Second, without an audience, sexual identity cannot be normalized. (LGBTQ Nation/Alex Bollinger/5/23/20) 

TODAY MAY 23, 2020, the DEATH TOLL FROM COVID-19 IN THE UNITED STATES has climbed above the 100,000 count. I am not certain which Christian God, this Ex-Lesbian (nature honey, it’s about nature and not your own self-loathing, so you ain’t fooling anyone but yourself and perhaps you Pastor Husband so he too can sell some more snake oil, so call it EX, but the ABC’s of it is as Lady Gaga sang, you were born this way) WORSHIPS, damned if I would trust this kind of Demon to be called God! 100,000 people have died, and your GOD is wise and just and good, and the rest of human flesh flawed. And you have children, (please, someone nearby call Child Protective Services.) I knew the eventuality would appear that the QUEER was the cause for COVID-19…I mean the morons have run out of every scapegoat from the Chinese to George Soros 5G and Bill Gates, the Progressive Liberals, Nancy Pelosi…but of course when there is desperation in an already desperate and distraught life, BRING ON THE GAYS!

So here is the DEAL to all my Christian friends, who the fuck is this EX-LESBIAN referring to as a Christian God who has the hots to kill a few million…Gay Pride Parades now cause you to TURN into a homosexual, our oxygen breathes LGBTQ air into the lungs of anyone participating (By The Way, if you have ever been to a Gay Pride Parade, you will notice a GAGGLE of PROTESTORS, (usually the same in each city who carry signs against Gays, Ya’ gotta wonder, are they wearing Gay Proof masks) I am not surprised, that this woman, who is in denial might write this junk, and with all that is happening I might have ignored her. BUT WHAT THE FUCK…one more self-appointed Christian Crusader speaking as if Jesus was nothing but a murderer, OR the DEVIL INCARNATE!