Whether Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine or NOT is truly not the priority regarding the lack of our government’s response to the Pandemic, which is The coronavirus! Nope, the question should become what has been the exact priority, toward the response of COVID-19 of the Executive branch of this nation? We, then, should be asking, the question of WHY Trump may or may not be taking hydroxychloroquine, and WHY is he so concerned that we all know about it. (Remember, there have never been any other medical records released explaining his physical (let alone mental) conditions, nor his pharmaceuticals prescribed (either by a snake oil salesman or some guy who received a Medical degree from Trump University,) prior to this.
For me, cynical as always, and always looking for the CON, which constitutes anything Trump says, does, or will do, I believe Trump is pouty and moody and angry that the science behind finding a way forward is usurping, the usual “I have hunches, and my hunches are pretty good,” OR “All I need to do is just talk to myself and I am smart enough to figure things out,” OR his entire demeanor that Dr. Fauci, or the quasi, kiss ass/or tell the truth Dr. Birx, are receiving too much attention, and seem smarter than Trump on national television. So in his usual petty performance of the OPERA, titled ‘ME, ME, ME,’ Trump’s sad-sack group of sycophants, plus one of the personalities floating around Trump’s empty brain, Trump decided to sing the song of, SCIENCE SUCKS…those who practice SCIENCE SUCK…and for good riddance sake, any Department of the United States supporting SCIENCE, also sucks. Thus, the FDA/CDC/NIH/and WHO are the bad guys, the kind of evil non-patriots who lurk in the shadows to deny freedom and liberation.
Trump, craves the attention, loves to insinuate that facts are fiction, and followers of facts Fascists! So, now we move away from saving lives, dive deep into the DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY THEORIES, which not only rile up is base, but provide Trump with a renewed spirit, to Make Trump Great Again!