Monday, May 25, 2020


Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. I have to wonder, given the current positivity and respect to the GOOD NAZI’s. the ones wearing as much of a variety of Nazi paraphernalia as possible as they parade in support of Trump. I have to wonder, exactly who will they be honoring, on this Memorial Day, the American Troops who the European enemies, or for the German soldiers who fought and killed Americans? And then there are the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy, ablaze with emblems of the Confederate Flag, some with white hoods, will they be celebrating the soldier who died fighting for the UNION, retain our nation as a whole or the enemy who decided that slavery was a God-given state right? And then I have to wonder who will the GOOD Warriors fight for, the usually men but too often times women, who parade around State Capitols, Michigan and Kentucky, or circle the peaceful protests of people of Color, will they be memorializing the Troops who have fought in wars way too many to mention, who lost their lives in an attempt to keep democracy alive. And finally, I wonder, how the GOOD EVANGELICALS honor the Troops, the men and women who died in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, fighting against terrorists who demand, allegiance to one God and only one BOOK of Laws (SHARIA) misinterpreting the Quran as nothing but a political piece of propaganda! Only to wage a Christian version of SHARIA Law in this nation, ignoring both the divide between church and state and our own Constitution!

Memorial Day 2020, I have to wonder, how the GOP, how the Pay to Pray Religious Snake Oil Salesmen, the purveyors of the Life of the Economy is Greater than the Lives of American People, the grifters, like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Graham, Senators Ron Johnson, Lindsey Graham, Governors like Kim Reynolds, Gregg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and of course Donald Trump, will honor the dead who have lost their innocence in a war against a Pandemic, claiming more lives than any other WAR! I have to wonder, how those who decide science and medicine are fake, run by a foreign legion of marauders who ONLY want to diminish the Highjacked Trump win, the, selfishness that Freedom for One usurps the health and welfare for all. Most wars are created by the insecurities, greed, and self-promotion of power, humans have a history of both being victor and victim. Now Nature has declared war, and THIS has lost almost 100,000, and on this MEMORIAL DAY, it seems there is little honor for those dead, other than, remaining selfish, pretending your bill of rights have been broken, or just playing golf, and turning your back on a grieving nation!