When the white Good Nazi’s, oops, I mean the Good Warriors, ensconced with their sexual objects of AK’s and AR’s assault weapons, and I think one or two grenade launchers surrounded the Capitol steps in Minnesota and Kentucky, and when the MAGA Minions fans of both FOX News and Breibart Radio carried their Nazi paraphernalia, KKK attire, with ropes and pictures of lynching, a bit of tar and feathers adorned in their Red Caps and Confederate Bull Shit, demanded LIBERATION from the CDC, and threats to murder Dr. Anthony Fauci, because, somehow their FREEDOM to contaminate others with a Pandemic became so bothersome….when and while all of this was happening…HOW did Trump respond…why he was about to call in the troops not to arrest or stop, or lecture these potential Trump voters…nope, we were gonna call in his secret police (he thinks that any branch of the Military only works for him,) to place either the Mayors or Governors in JAIL…Yeppers, Donnie the Douche, loved the potential of a riot a Civil War by his DEPLORABLES against anyone trying to keep the entire nation from dying of COVID-19!
But then some People of Color, begin to organize and threaten a system that IS TRUE INJUSTICE, and NOW, suddenly this is anarchy, a punch in the eye of America. So THIS time, Trump says you loot I will shoot…Trump now, thinking each state's National Guard, are similar to his own Attorney, you know Willie Barr, a d Trump is gonna arrest a few people, and demonstrate to this group, who he now defines as THUGS, a thing or two… Even as I write this I get heartburn, and my skin feels like it itches, and I have palpitations…What a fucking asshole, what a dismal distraught, demented derelict, a peddler of CON, so steeped in toxic waste, even before he speaks, you can witness a green glow surrounding him, a radioactive aura of nefarious, insidious, hypocrisy and sheer HATE!