Thursday, May 28, 2020


Perestroika was the name given to the movement calling for reform of the communist party in the Soviet Union during the 1980s. The ultimate goal was to restructure the political and economic system within the Soviet Union so that it could be more effective and provide for the needs of the Soviet's citizens. Literal Meaning Restructuring
Russian Перестройка This became in hopes of reforming the Soviet Union, both socially and economically. During the 1970s, the Soviet Union...Glasnost is a policy of making a government more open and democratic. The word glasnost was originally used to describe the policies of President Gorbachev in the former Soviet Union in the 1980s.

No truth is good enough for Trump. No accusation he is liar sticks to Trump. His delusional world IS his reality, but to even find a map to even enter that apocalyptic place, is most frustrating, and perhaps a useless attempt because there is no center to his universe, it only spins and spins as his mental dysfunction, churns and churns. No science, no medicine, no education, no empathy, no civility, no evidence, that behind his orange make-up or a spray tan, an actual conscience living being exists.  There is a disaster, there is doom, there is destruction, there is deflection, there is death, all of this because THERE IS TRUMP!

History, which is a thing, and much to the chagrin of anyone Republican currently in office, or anyone wearing a white robe with red caps, caressing a weapon of war as if it was his or her lover, Good Nazi’s as well as any Nazi, the KKK, FOX Treason Entertainers, and Breitbart Radio seekers of tyranny, and those who are certain the South did not lose the war, cannot be changed (perhaps attempts at redaction, or photoshopping it, or just deleting the parts you don’t like)…it may be rearranged to fit YOUR own bias or bigotry, BUT the facts are the facts, even in a fact-less and feckless environment, provided by Trump and his enablers.  

Witnessing, all that has made America a Mad Hatter’s Delight, my mind wandered to a brilliant and poignant production of Angels in America: Perestroika (written by Tony Kushner) Perestroika is mentioned again, within the play, there is the tumult chaos and actions of Mother Nature, and HER collision with humankind, however, the play ends on a note of hope. Not in a super-cheesy everything-is-awesome-and-perfect-now kind of way, but in a yeah-things-are-tough-but-life-is-still-beautiful kind of way. As Harper (a character) says at the end of Act 5, "In this world, there is a kind of painful progress" In a final epilogue, in front of the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park, the characters talk about how humanity can only progress. I am afraid, scared, but mostly appalled that intelligent life on THIS planet, permits Trump to remain in power…we must RESTRUCTURE and BECOME a DEMOCRACY AGAIN!